Chapter 21

In the middle of the night, I jumped out of bed and grabbed my mouth in order not to scream. My nightmare had been so terrifying that I wanted to run just to get away from it. I focused on slowing my breathing and trying to reduce my heart rate. Suddenly, a feeling came over me and I ran to the bathroom. As quietly as I could, I shut the door before immediately getting sick and lunging towards the toilet. I was horrified to see the remnants of the

hunt escape me.

I collapse to the ground of the bathroom as I began to cry. There was only one thing that would cause this. My mind raced as I felt I was getting sicker and sicker.

This can't be happening! Of all things, why this?!

I wanted it to jump up and run to the arms of one of my comrades, but knew I couldn't. I couldn't

burden them with this news.

I quietly crept out of the bathroom and grabbed the cell phone off of the table. I made sure it had Ivan's contact on it. I brought the phone back to the bathroom and quietly shut the door.

I texted Ivan requesting that he meet me where we first met. I left the bathroom again and quietly changed into clothing more suited for the chilly air outside. I did my best to be silent so I wouldn't wake up the men when it was barely morning. I quietly made my way out of the room, down the staircase, and out of the hotel. I walked down the silent streets in the darkness as my mind raced and I felt ill.

I wondered if Ivan had seen my message with

how early it was. I continued walking until I reached the harbor, and sat down. I leaned against the railing as I tried to cool myself off in order to become less nauseous.

I looked up as I heard fast footsteps and I was disappointed to see it was just a jogger. He nodded towards me as I quietly nodded back. As I heard another set of fast footsteps, I looked up to see which jogger it was now, but was surprised to see it

was Ivan.

As he stopped in front of me, he was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. I looked at him in surprise, "you didn't have to run here."

He crouched down towards me as he continued to try to catch his breath. "I was worried that if I ran too late, you would leave."

I shook my head, "I'm willing to wait a little while."

He sat down beside me and tried to lower his breathing while looking at me with concern. "After our last conversation, I was sure you hated me, or at the very least would not contact me for a while."

"I didn't plan to contact you." I whispered but did not look up to him.

"You don't look well," he whispered and I felt his hand gently touch my cheek. "You seem to be running a fever."

I looked over to him and lost my composure as I began crying and squeezed my shirt in my hands. He looked at me in surprise and sorrow as he quickly embraced me.

I choked up slightly as I continue to cry, "I don't know what to do," I whispered.

"What are you talking about? I cannot help you if I'm not sure."

I looked up and met his eyes, "he was successful."

I felt Ivan take a deep breath as he stared at me in horror. "My God," he whispered and seem to be unable to find any more words.

"I must kill this child," I whispered. It broke my heart to say such things, but it also broke my heart that a child would be put into this situation.

"I don't know how," he whispered. "I have never heard of someone being successful outside of the full moon."

I look to him as my crying stopped, but my shaking

increased. "Then you have to protect them for me. I leave them all in your care."

"What are you saying?"

"I have to go back," I replied as he grabbed me on the shoulders.

"I will not let you go back to the pack!" he insisted as I gave him a sad smile.

"I have no choice, I cannot survive without going back."

"There must be some way to keep you alive

without going back."

I look to him in anger, "my instincts will take over! I cannot be satisfied by a normal hunt! I will

become a beast, and I will kill for no reason! The only way to curb my appetite and keep me alive is to be with him!" I felt myself shake even more, "and I know I will never be able to get away again. I am out of options, this is all that is left."

You need his blood and essence," Ivan stated as I look to him and annoyance.

"I am aware," I grumbled.

"He and I are brothers," he replied and I was startled when I realized what he meant. "I can help you he insisted. We have the same blood and genetics."

"I can't do that. There's no guarantee it will work and, if it does not, I might kill you."

He smiled towards me, "I am much stronger than you would expect." He embraced me as I felt unsure. "This is the only shot we have left, otherwise this is all for nothing. Do you want to go back to him?"

I pushed him away and shot a deadly glare. "That's the last thing I want in this world!"

"Then we have to try, otherwise there is no hope. If you don't go to him or try this option, you will kill those around you before dying yourself."