Chapter 23

A smile came across his face, "I can last all day," he joked. I got up off him and he looked to me in curiosity as I walked over to my clothes on the floor.

I pulled out my phone, dialed, and put it to my ear as it rang. A very tired Collin answered the phone.


"Collin, it's me."

"Where the h**l are you?!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you but I didn't want to miss the opportunity." I sighed as Collin stayed silent on the line. "I woke up feeling weak and sick this morning," I stated as I looked over to Ivan, who looked to me with surprise. "I didn't want to wake any of you, so I called Angie. She luckily was able to find me a meal and so I am now with her. She also invited me around town to show me some important areas that may be beneficial to us."

Collin sighed deeply, "one of these days you will give me a heart attack," he grumbled. "Next time, warn me before you leave."

I chuckled slightly, "yes, dear," I replied as I heard him laugh. "I'll be back in a while. I'll text you when I'm on my way back. Later," I said before hanging up the phone. I then dialed another number and put it to my ear.


"Angie, it's Ava."

"Is everything okay?"

I smiled slightly, "yeah I'm fine. But I need your help with something."

"Anything!" she cheered, "just name it."

"I want you to be an alibi for me. I

have something I need to do that I don't want my comrades to know about. I will tell them in due time, but I can't have them with me right now. I told them that you had aided me this morning with finding a meal and we're going to show me around town. If they call or message you, I would appreciate it

if you could lie for me."

I heard her chuckle slightly, "that's not a problem. I will send you some links and pictures to things that are important in the area, just in case they ask."

"Thanks, talk to you later."I hung up the phone before shutting it off and turning back to Ivan. "So, you have the day off?"

He laughed slightly as he looked to me. He then gave me a wicked smile, "let's see what we can do about your suffering."

I laughed as I came over towards him, "let's make some of your human fantasies come true."

I felt a shiver go through my body as I saw his golden eyes intensify. He was losing all control, he was doing so to help me. I sat on his lap once again, and saw that he was completely hard.

I returned his wicked smile, "it looks as though I am not the only one in pain."

His instincts came out slightly as I heard him growl under his breath. He quickly pulled me on to him and connected us with intensity. He began moving as I matched his movements with mine and I felt myself fall deeply in to my instincts. I felt similarly to

when my mate had captured me, but knew I was free to go as I pleased. He kissed me passionately before turning me around so that I was on my hands and knees on the bed.

He kneeled behind me as he pulled me back-and-forth intensely. I could feel my pain being satisfied as my body shook. I jump slightly as his hand came off of my waist and came towards the front between my legs.

"What are you doing?!" I demanded.

I heard him chuckle slightly, "you're tightening up. I thought I would help you cum."

I could not hold back any longer and shook violently as I released with a loud moan. Ivan turned me over as I looked at him with surprise. He suddenly touched my lips with his

fingers . I open my mouth as he push against my lips. I felt arousal as he pushed them into my mouth and moved them in-and-out. I'm mediately began licking and sucking them as I looked into his eyes. I saw a wicked smile come across his face as he finally removed his fingers.

"Show me a face my brother has never seen," he whispered before suddenly thrusting into me and using his fingers to pleasure me.

"Stop it!" I insisted as I fought back moaning.

"Show me the face that monster has never seen," he whispered again as his movements became more aggressive and I couldn't hold back.

I released again as I shook and yelled out in pleasure. He suddenly removed himself from me as I looked at

him with concern. I was further startled when I saw him move back slightly before pulling my body up towards has face.

"No!" I gasped and he paused.

He smiled at me again, "do you really not want it or you just scared?"

"Of course I'm scared! No one has done that before with their instincts triggered."

"Then allow me to show you a new form of pleasure," he whispered before beginning beginning to ravage me with his lips and tongue. I felt an overwhelming pleasure I had never experienced with another full blood. I could not hold back my voice as I felt

pleasure unlike any other as I tried to fight back from

releasing again. It finally came as I yelled out and pulled me as close as possible. "Stop," I begged as I continue to shake violently. He finally released me and laid me back onto the bed. He laid on top of me but did not entertained our bodies. I look to him and confusion as he began playing with my hair.

"We need to take a break or you will pass out."

"Why does that matter?"

Ivan looked to me in surprise, "I guess my brother does not insist on mutual pleasure"

I looked a him in annoyance, "full blood don't care when their instincts are triggered."

He smiled at me sweetly, "then I guess I'm not like the rest."

After three more intense rounds, I finally admitted defeat. Ivan laid on the bed as he held me while my head laid on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat as I felt him watching me.

"Six months will go by quickly," I whispered. "Soon enough, it will be impossible to hide this from the others. Maybe I should say it is the half blood's child."

Ivan began stroking my hair, "they will notice your symptoms and, when the child is born, it will be

obvious it is a full blood."

I sighed, "I am at a loss on what to do. Collin will hate himself if he finds out."

"Claim it is mine."

I sat up beside Ivan with confusion, "I don't understand."

He took my hand in his, "we can say that we created a child on the day we met. Then your symptoms, changes, and the child will be explained without hurting the others." He smiled slightly, "also, if my brother ever finds you, we can claim it is mine as he can never prove otherwise. The timelines between your experiences with both of us are too close to be disputed. It may also cause enough reason

for the king to change you to my eternal mate."

I sighed, "he will never give me up and the king will not do it if his first born refuses."

"But it could cause question, which is all we need to try to get away. Of course I never want us to

get caught, but we need to make a plan if it happens."

I looked into his eyes, "to avoid suspicion in the humans and to further difficulty to the pack, we should marry."