Chapter 25

The car fell silent as I could no longer speak without crying. Soon after, Ivan stopped and parked in a small lot somewhat near the harbor. As we got out of the car, I texted Collin, letting him know that I would be home within the hour. I followed Ivan inside and did not fight him when he held my hand. It is time for me to play the part of my new life, it is time for me to play the part of a bride.

I sat at a table that we were escorted towards. I stayed quiet as Ivan ordered a few small things off the menu. We sat quietly as we both picked through the food and ate what we could. Our diet was very limited when it came to human food.

I looked up as I felt him watching me. "You can speak your mind," I stated with a slight smile.

"I'm in somewhat of a daze as I never in my life thought I would get to see you again. For me to be able to just sit here with you and enjoy your company, it is like a dream."

I sighed as I looked to him, "you may be able to flatter the other women with such sweet words, but you don't need to give me them."

He gently took my hand that sat on the table and held it in his own. "These are feelings for my heart," he whispered. "My brother may have never treasured you, but I am his opposit. I plan to make you as

happy as possible even if we are only in each other's presence for a short time." He squeezed my hand

slightly as my glance went away from him and to the people moving around the restaurant. "Are you nervous?"

I smirked, "I am certainly not afraid of you," I stated as he chuckled.

"No, I mean are you worried about telling them?"

I nodded, "they will be devastated."

"You are worried about telling that half breed, aren't you?"

I look to the table as I nodded, "he is the first person to ever satisfy me so easily. I would have never dreamed that a half blood could entrance me like he does."

"Have you told him your feelings?"

I looked up to him sadly, "I would only hurt him more. If he found out that I could return even just some portion of his feelings, he would get hope that we could be together some day."

"How do you think the other full blood will take it? He seems to be infatuated with you."

I smiled as I moved things around my plate. "Certainly not, we are like family. Besides, the human that follows us is his partner. Ty has never shown true interest in anyone whether it be full blood, half blood, or human. We met that human by chance and, within days, the human was all he could talk about and all he could think of. It was quite sweet to see someone of our kind actually feel love towards a human."

"So I never got to ask, what happened to your

wrist and hand?"

I held up my hand in order to examine it. "It's my trophy," I replied with a smile, "it's how I got away." He looked me with shock, "he shackled my wrist to a bed. He clearly has not learned my true intentions and skill as he left me that way while he slept. He truly never felt fear and desperation if he thought that could keep me there. Although I broke my wrist in multiple places, it was worth every painstaking moment. I am just thankful that he did not wake up, or it may have been the end of me." I look down to my phone I notice the time before looking backup to Ivan. "Are we far from the hotel?"

He shook his head, "only about a five minute walk." "Then I should get going," I replied as I stood up. I was surprised as I saw Ivan pull money out of his wallet and put it on the table.

"I will go with you," he stated before following behind me. He grabbed my hand before coming and walking at my side. "You don't need to rush back, don't stress your body more than you have to."

I smiled up towards him, "I am not known for sitting and keeping still."

He chuckled, "I figured as much but I thought I should at least request it. I hope that you may move in tomorrow or the day after. I worry about your safety in such a public environment. Although my home maybe small, it is in a gated area with limited access and an incredible amounts of security."

"I will have to see what I can do," I replied. "It depends on how the discussions goes with each of my pack."

"I have an events going on tomorrow night. It is always best to bring a companion, but I have not done so in a long time other than my assistant. I hope that you would be able to go with me."

"What kind of event is it?"

"It is a party being thrown for the birthday of one of my dear friends and fellow lawyer."

"I am presuming that this would be a very high end event."

Ivan nodded, "I would have nothing to wear. I barely have any clothes now."

He smiled, "don't worry about such things, I will take care of that."

We both stopped walking as we got to the hotel. He held tightly on to my hand until I looked towards him.

"Call me and let me know how things go. I will be worried all night."

I chuckled as I looked at him, "don't worry yourself so much."

He caressed my cheek as he gave me a love sick look. "I have been infatuated with you for centuries, so there is no way I can not worry about you."

I nodded, "I will be sure to keep you informed. If I am not be able to call you, I will at least message you with information."