chapter two

Calum's point of view

I looked around the store with Luke, feeling pretty awkward as he grabbed several shirts and forcing me into a dressing room to try them on. "Whichever you like best is the one you're gonna wear to the party." Luke said as I sighed and pulled off my supposedly ripped shirt

I'm glad it looked like it was supposed to be ripped. It embarrasses me that I have a few shirt that are ripped, but I'm not as embarrassed since it seems its supposed to be ripped.

I tried on the various shirt that Luke threw at me. I really only liked the long sleeved shirts the most. But there was something about the baseball tee shirt made me feel somewhat confident. Especially if I wore it with a my black skinny jeans and a snapback.

I changed out of the clothes and handed it to Luke where he put it into the pile that was to be put back. "Okay, now you have a shirt we need to find you some jeans." He said and I followed be hind him

Luke walked into the women section of the store. "Aren't we in the girls side?" I asked Luke "yea, they have the best skinny jeans. Besides the fake pockets these are the best kind of skinny jeans, women just have the better side of clothes." He said

I mean Luke isn't wrong they have softer fabrics and softer colors like pinks and purples. They have cute mini skater skirts and really soft sweaters in the cutest colors. I've actually kinda wanted to try them but I think it would be weird, but maybe kinda cute.

"Hey cal what about these?" Luke said holding up a pair of jeans pulling me out of my thoughts "I'm pretty sure those aren't my size" I said questioning the size of the jeans compared to my own

"I'm gonna head over to somewhere else, alright?" I said and he mumbled saying it was alright

I walked around for a bit and then bumped into someone "oh I'm sorry miss" I said and saw the woman from yesterday

"Oh what a surprise to see you again Calum" she said and dusted off her white pencil skirt. I chewed the inside of my cheek attempting to comprehend how she could make maroon, gold, and white look so elegant.

"H-hello" I stammered out and giving a small wave, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes with her perfectly curled eyelashes, and taking in her cute freckles I just noticed. "We have to stop meeting eachother like this especially when I'm wearing white." She said with a chuckle

"So what are you doing here Calum" she said snapping me out of thought "oh um, me and my friend are shopping but he's looking for a pair of skinny jeans for me in the women section because he says they are the best kind." I said slightly quieter to hide my embarrassment

"Silly, just cause it's in different sections doesn't mean that one specific type of person has to use it. Other people can use it too. It's just clothes sweetheart." She said and smiled at me

Her calling me sweetheart made my little heart flutter. "What's the occasion?" She asked "oh Luke wants me to go to a party he got invited to." I said unsure why I was telling all this

"Calum I found these and I think it'll go great with your shirt. Where are you cal?" I heard Luke call for me and then saw him appear out of nowhere. He looked between the woman and I.

"Here" she said and handed me a card "I'll be in Sydney for the next few months, if you ever want to give me call Calum." She said with a smile and a wink before walking away.

I looked at the card and then something fell, I picked it up and found out it was a hundred dollar bill. My eyes widen and I walked around to find her, Ms. Evans, but I couldn't find her.

I stuffed the card and money into my pocket and returned to Luke. "Here try this on Hood" he said and threw multiple pairs of jeans at me and shoved me into a dressing room.

"I don't feel comfortable" I mumbled, as I saw all of the people here. I fixed my snapback as Luke continued to drag me alongside him.

"Micheal's here" he looking for our colorful friend "want a beer?" He offered me one "n-no I don't drink, um remember I have to do home sober for my mum remember." I said he nodded and grabbed himself a beer.

I sat down in a chair with Luke awkwardly. I ignored the girls who kept eyeing us up and down, the girls who winked at us way too many times, and the girls who kept trying to get me to dance with them.

I really didn't want any of this.

"I'm gonna go off for a bit, I'll be back." Luke nudged me and I nodded. He got up and already had a few girls holding onto his arms and pulling him into a large group of sweaty people dancing.

I pulled out my phone and reached into my pocket grabbing the card Ms. Evans has given me. I looked the area that surrounded me.

I looked at the crowd, too many people a lot of anxiety. I looked around for some familiar faces, nope just a bunch of people making out in the darker spots of the house. I looked at the card and decided to give it a call.

Once I had gotten out of the house I called the number on the card. It rang a bit before someone answered


"Um h-hi it's Calum" I said not sure how to start this conversation

"Oh Calum" she said and I heard her type on a keyboard "how's that party of yours?" She asked and continued the typing

"My friends ditches me for drinks and a bunch of girls.. one of them was my ride too" I said and sighed, she hummed

"What if I pick you up?" She asked and I felt myself get red "I'm not busy right now I could go over and pick you up."

"I....I don't-" I couldn't find the words to tell her that I just didn't know her well enough for her just to come in her car and just pick me up. So I decided to mumble some more, which wasn't the best idea.

"I'm sorry I'm going to have to stop you right there. When you speak to me you use proper words. I won't tolerate mumbling. Speak up when you talk to me." She said in a very stern voice which made me fix my posture and clear my throat.

"Calum, use your proper words." She said in her dominant tone and I bit my bottom lip

"S-sorry miss. Yes please can you pick me up." I said trying not to stutter or mumble. She hummed telling me I did better "do you need the address?"

"It would be helpful" she said and laughed telling me she'd be her in half an hour "would you like to stay on the line?" She asked

"you use your phone and drive?" I asked seeming very confused

She laughed "Oh no I don't drive. I have a chauffeur baby." She told me and my eyes widened

"Really?!" I asked excited "Yes I do." She said

"I also have a few maids, a chef, someone to clean my pool and people to buy me clothes when needed." She told me

"That's... nice" I said I wondered how it would be like to have the kind of luxury. I sure as hell wouldn't be here sitting at the edge of the curb waiting to be picked up because my friends ditched me.