Ch. 1 The Apocalypse

Wang Xing Cun was fighting the Zombie Lord to the death when the Zombie Lord was about to die it suddenly made a forbidden curse that summoned milllions of zombies then its eyes suddenly turned lifeless while he kept fighting the zombies till he killed them all while I, the one who killed them died from the wounds that he got while battling the Zombie Lord.

"God I hate this kind of ending."

------Boy's dormitory-------

Wang Xing Cun suddenly rose up from his bed shouting "Holy mother of mercy!" then went to the washroom saying "Didn't I die when I fought the Zombie Lord and his million of minions?"

His roommate and best friend Ming Zhanshi ran toward the washroom and while saying

"Are you okay bro? did you get stupid after what happened yesterday?"

"I'm fine don't worry about it."

"You drank 4 bottles of supa hot fire yesterday are you sure that you are okay.?

"I did?" he suddenly inquired.

"So you did not remember what happened yesterday huh."

"I don't thi-." said as he suddenly crouched down and screamed like he was going to be ripped apart as memories from his previous life was going inside his head like he experienced hell once more.

"Bro? bro? BRO?!?!?!" Ming Zhanshi was shocked and scared because Wang Xing Cun suddenly collapsed into the ground while sweating bullets.

------4 hours later-------

"Ugh, where am I? what happened." Wang Xing Cun said as he touched his head and he noticed that he had a hot towel placed in his forehead.

"Xing Cun? you are here in the dormitory clinic and thank God you woke up after you collapsed earlier." Ming Zhanshi said as he hurried to get the nurse to examine Wang Xing Cun.

Moments after Wang Xing Cun got examined.

"So mind telling me what happened to you since you look like you saw a demon." Zhanshi asked.

"I don't know how to explain it." Wang Xing Cun said.

"Don't say it if you don't to, don't force your self." Ming Zhanshi said.

"Can you leave me alone for a bit?" Xing Cun suddenly said.

"Sure thing." Ming Zhanshi said as he went out.

"I reincarnated back in time?" Wang Xing Cun thought. He look at the clock and found that it was November 17, 2077 2 months before the super volcano erupted and caused the cataclysm.

"It seems that God gave me a chance to change the fate of me and my loved ones" Wang Xing Cun said while a tear dropped from his eyes.

"One year left till the apocalypse began huh. I've got plenty of time to prepare for the apocalypse"

He called back Ming Zhanshi and told him "Prepare for the apocalypse 2 months later."

"If you are telling me a lie I will directly sever our ties as best friends and walk away." Ming Zhanshi said before he went outside to buy the things he needed.

"Don't worry as I would never lie to a dear friend of mine" Wang Xing Cun said.

"But before I go and prepare for the apocalypse I better temper my body through exercise and get strong enough to resist the [Virus] when it will go out of the mantle." said Wang Xing Cun as he used a breathing method called [Simple Breathing Exercise] though its name sounds simple. The technique makes you have calm mind while making your muscles relax thus giving you more physical strength and more endurance than World-Class athletes. As he had tried the training regimen of a certain bald super hero.

2 hours later after Wang Xing Cun used the breathing technique. He felt that his body had relaxed giving it a cool feeling. He did the training regimen and felt that his body became much more refined. He did the breathing method once more for 1 hour. After he woke up from meditation he went outside the clinic while bidding good bye to the dormitory nurse.

An hour has past as he went outside the clinic. He arrived at his apartment that he rented to serve as a base for a while so he can prepare for the coming of the end days. Then he went to the supermarket to buy Meal, Ready-to-Eat(M.R.E) and water that can last up to 2 years. After that he went to a construction shop to purchase materials to make weapons for the apocalypse.

After doing everything else that is needed he called Ming Zhanshi to teach him a breathing method named [Air of the Sky] which gives him a great physical boost in agility and a small boost in strength.

Although having a breathing technique is good for the body but the boost is limited to being stronger than a World-Class athlete depending on the breathing method used.

2 hours after Wang Xing Cun taught Ming Zhanshi the breathing method. Ming Zhanshi was shocked at the breathing method's effects. He felt that he could run a thousand kilometers though it was just a feeling that all will experience.

"How did you discover such a heaven defying breathing method?" Ming Zhanshi asked while having a face of disbelief. "A middle-aged man in my dreams when I collapsed took me as a disciple and taught me everything he knew in his life" Wang Xing Cun replied with a smile.

4 Days after they kept "cultivating" they set out to find an area that can be used as a permanent base that can be hidden, have the ability to expand and has a lot of natural resources near while there are only small animals and no large predators. After searching for a while they found that place that they are looking for. They also found a river near it, they also found a place that can be used as a field for plants. After searching the area twice to confirm the findings they had found.

Hours went past as they arrived at the city. The two of them told their parents and some friends to prepare food 3 days before the apocalypse, some friends believed them and both their parents were shocked that they had become powerful thus they had to believed the two of them before going away to buy materials to build the base Wang Xing Cun told them where is the place they were gonna build a base.

Wang Xing Cun gave a breathing method to the 2 friends who believed them thus giving them a heightened physical ability. He spent 5 days training the 2 with basic Close Quarter Combat(C.Q.C) while training Xiao He Qi with the bow and Liu Kuai Su with the sword.

After Wang Xing Cun helped 2 friends. Ming Zhanshi met up with him and both of them had a very vicious plan. They borrowed money from many banks and bought every materials available in every shop of the city then they sent the materials near to the base that they found. After the materials were delivered Wang Xing Cun called upon the 2 subordinates to guard the materials till the other materials were delivered.

Wang Xing Cun and the others carried the materials to the place that will be the base. 2 days after they finally carried all the materials with the tools. They started to make a base large enough to house a population of 500 people while having the room for miscellaneous building and other comfort buildings. They finished the job fast as they are stronger than a world-class athlete. They continued to "cultivate" till 3 days before the apocalypse starts.

The 4 of them took their families in the base. Their family had a shocked expression. The father of Ming Zhanshi, Ming Hao Dang asked in a surprised voice "Did you discover this place." Zhanshi replied with a grin "We certainly discovered the place but not the buildings." Ming Hao Dang asked again "What do you mean not the buildings" Zhanshi replied with a larger grin "We brothers made the whole base with just the 4 of us." The parents and siblings wore a total shocked expression.

Wang Xing Cun suddenly said "Alright, alright let us go inside the cottage to put their bags and stuff inside the cottage. Then Wang Xing Cun told Ming Zhanshi, Xiao He Qi and Liu Kuai Su to teach their parents and siblings their breathing method while training them with the same training they receive with Xing Cun.

2 days and 20 hours had past, Wang Xing Cun standing above the walls while facing the city from far away. Wang Xing Cun cultivated for a bit when the Earth shook as a thick black smoke was found covering the sky and a lightning fast aura hit every organism in the globe causing them to be unconscious and planted a [Virus] with in their body.

10 minutes after the apocalypse. Xing Cun woke up from his unconscious state while he first inspected his body to find 2 [Viruses] having different colors, one is black and the other is red. he went to the parents and his subordinates while taking a look at what is the [Virus] planted inside of them after that he climbed up the wall and looked at the city while saying.

"The apocalypse has begun"