Ch. 14 Return of the Shadow King

Suddenly a very cold and dark voice was heard in his mind.

"Mortal, You dare hold the weapon of mass slaughter yet you hesitate to kill."

"If those old fogeys knew that the current Successor of the Shadow King is a coward."

"They would immediately send down their descendants even if it breaks the heaven's barrier to hunt you down and retrieve his only remaining artifact."

"Heh, They would turn the entire mortal plane upside down if it were to be needed to find the dagger, you do know what will happen if someone turns the mortal plane upside down."

"Currently my spiritual strength is not strong enough to contact those fogeys nevertheless It is still strong enough to cause you to suffer unimaginable pain for a long period of time, that is if you continue pissing me off with your p**sy attitude.

The cold and dark voice laughed. I sweated bullets and asked him "W-Who are y-you."

"Knowing who I am now is not important."

"Finish the trials first then we can talk about matters like that."

I was feeling uneasy knowing that someone is corrupting my mind. I was trying my best to end this trial, I unknowingly I had already fallen asleep.

Time passed and it was already dawn. There was a silhouette of a man standing on a 12-meter tree looking at the gate. Of course, this man was Me who was currently doing a question and answer test with the cold and creepy voice and although the most important person had yet to arrive, it was better for me if the Village Leader would come late because more of my questions would be answered by the voice.

Soon enough the Village Leader arrive but they had not started their journey. The Village Leader was discussing somethings with the Captain and the Military instructor.

Around 4 minutes and a half later, a squad composed of 4 soldiers who were riding horses started to run and the carriage manned by a driver followed the soldiers in front as well as a 4 man squad following behind the carriage.

"Boy, you know what to do." A creepy voice sounded in the man's head.

"Right," I replied as I followed them until they were around 400 meters away from the village before I made my first move.

I fired a small bag full of [Beast Attracting Powder] toward the carriage, because of the weight of the bag the guards inside the carriage did not notice thud sound as they had thought that it was just a pebble hitting the roof.


Howls of wolves were heard and a single grey wolf followed by a pack of its brethren were running toward the carriage while growling and making biting noises.

"Grey wolves! Stop the horses and go into formation!"

The scouts in front shouted when they saw the wolves running toward them. "Protect Lord Berkens!" shouted the guards stationed inside the carriage as they went outside and stood by the door.

The battle raged on and the wolves were slowly getting overpowered by the soldiers as they killed one wolf after another, however the soldiers side did not remain unharmed, one of the scouts had their arm ripped off because of carelessness and some of which had light wounds while others were lucky only to have their armor scratched.

Soon enough the wolves retreated with their tails between their legs and the soldiers rejoiced.


"Nice work!"

What they did not notice was the shadow above them had a crossbow that had its bolt tips dipped in paralysis poison concoction.


9 bolts rained down from the sky and hit all the soldiers making them fall without hesitation.


Soon enough, the shadow above them jumped down from the tree as it unsheathed a black dagger and entered the carriage as an unwilling and full of despair scream was heard before the black-cloaked man exited the carriage with blood dripping on the edge of the dagger.

"Time to go back to the village and finish the task."

The black-cloaked man ran toward a horse before jumping on to it as the horse galloped toward the village.

Soon enough, I had reached the village and drop off my horse in a horse pasture before rushing toward the compound and entered the house with people spasming outside the house.

Moments later, I had heard a notification sound and a panel arrived in front of me that said.

"Congratulations to Player Michael Bianchi on finishing the First Trial."

"Do you wish to continue to the second trial?"

[Yes]. [No]

The creepy voice was heard once again.

"Boy, Continue and finish all the trials to receive the Profession and the Legacy he left for his successor."

I clicked yes and my body turned white particles as I disappeared from where I stand leaving a bloody floor with a single pair of footprints.


Meanwhile in the Mortal Plane moments after Michael had started his trial.

David was worriedly looking at Michael as the latter suddenly dropped down onto the ground like a lifeless corpse.


David immediately appeared at Michael's side as he held his body and ran toward his parent's cultivation house and let his body rest on the bed. His parents were very worried because David told Brawn and Michele about Michael's current situation and that he could die at any moment.

David used his Identification skill, instead of getting the information in his mind he was forcefully knocked back by a strong force and he flew to the wall causing it to crack, David spat out blood as his vision suddenly went black and he was unconscious.

"David! What happened?"

People from outside rushed toward the house to find the cause of the ruckus only to find a cracked wall with an unconscious person with blood on the ground.

Brawn immediately ran toward David as he lifted his unconscious body and put him down on the bed next to the one Michael rested on.

Time passed as it was already midnight and David woke up. "What happened?" He asked himself and he suddenly remembered that he suddenly went unconscious because of trying to identify Michael in his current state.

David went outside and he looked at the full moon who endowing the Catastrophic land with an elegant moonlight that made the chaotic land look peaceful and quiet. He sighed and said.

"It is rare to see beautiful moments like this even in the divine realm, tis a shame that such a moment like this won't last forever."

David walked over to his cultivation house and looked at the crystals that were lined up on the table, there were a total of 13 crystals, 10 of which were colored white and the other 3 were blue. He walked over and crushed one of the white crystals.

A Mini Spin-the-wheel appeared in his mind as well as many white figures of items spinning around the roulette as they flew over to their corresponding slots and the moment the items had finished entering the wheel it had started to spin.

The wheel is now slowing down and the arrow is now ready to pick its reward.

Tut turu

The arrow arrived at the question mark reward. David was very excited when the arrow had picked the Question, Mark.

"Congratulations on winning [Bloodstone (Middle Tier)]".

A red-colored stone materialized David sneered and laughed at himself for expecting a good item from the Random Item reward, soon he had crushed another crystal.

"Congratulations on winning [Portable Toilet with unlimited toilet paper].

"Fuck! Since, when did this item, start to exist." David cursed as he crushed the other 8 one after another.

"Congratulations on winning [Free building Permit]"

"Congratulations on winning [M82A1 Barret]"

"Congratulations on winning [Naer Pickaxe]"

"Congratulations on winning [OM-50 Nemesis]"

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"Congratulations on winning [Giant Stone (Deployable)]"


Coins dropping to the ground were also heard.

"Congratulations on winning one of the Ultra-rare prizes, [Blacksmith's Tablet]"

"Congratulations on winning [Re-usable Healing Salve]"

"Congratulations on winning [Ore Locator (One-time use)]"

"Blacksmith's tablet? What is that? As an Ultra-rare prize surely it won't be useless, right?"

Soon after, only the blue crystals were left and David crushed one of them. Four extremely large bookshelves were formed in David's mind.

Each of these bookshelves had 10 levels which determined their quality and the bookshelves also had a specific color, one was colored red which had an aura of battle, one was green which had an aura of sublimity, one was blue which had an aura of protection and the last one was black which had an ominous and frightening feeling.

These Four bookshelves suddenly started spinning from slow to untraceable fast until one of the bookshelves landed on the ground.

The bookshelf that landed was color black, The books on the shelf started rumbling as a book on the Fourth level of the Bookshelf went down and landed on the floor then the system notification started to sound in David's head.

"Congratulations on getting Fourth Tier Skill Book: [Necromastery]"

David crushed another blue crystal but the Bookshelf this time was color blue.

"Congratulations on getting Second Tier Skill Book: [Refraction Shield] "

Another blue crystal got crushed and the color this time was red but the level of the bookshelf was at the top

"Congratulations on getting Special Tier Fist Art [Nail Punch]"

"No fucking way"

I screamed in my heart when I looked at the book that landed in my currently shaking arms.


Inside the Shadow Realm Trials. A Young Man clothed in black was at the shoulder of the ogre, he grinned as he swung the sword at the ogre's neck.


The Man on the ogre's neck only swung the dagger once and a Deep wound was made but there were 2 other scratches at each side of the Deep wound.

"Although I only sent you a mental image of the technique, you can immediately perform them at their lowest proficiency, you are a genius. A-One In A Thousand-year Genius. End the fifth trial fast to proceed to the last trial."

"I have no crucial information about the last trial but I guessing that it is not about killing."

"Old man, the trial ain't over yet so save your yapping later." The young man snickered at the Cold voice.

This man was, of course, Michael the one who took the trial and the Old man in the dagger.

"Boy, I will teach you another technique. It is called [Parieren]"

Once again, the old man sent me another mental image performing the Technique.


Mental Image


2 Large Humanoid Demons were facing a Black Cloaked Man holding 2 daggers. The Humanoids initiated a pincer movement formation.

One of the Humanoids which held a large mace attacked the Man with very strong momentum.


The Mace was met by a dagger. Although the Mace was stopped, the force behind it wasn't.

The sound of the old man was heard again. "The name of this Technique is [Flow]. This Technique contains 2 Styles. First is called [Receive], it utilizes the force behind the attack and redirects it to an object nearby thus negating the impact caused by the attack. This technique is good for foes with incredible strength though it would damage the part where the force is redirected depending on how strong the force and how durable is your body.

"The other is called [Return], it redirects the force to another part of the body and use it as a counter-attack using the redirected force with little to no effort."

After the man blocked the mace, a booming sound was heard on his legs as the man kicked the right flank of the humanoid.


The Demon spat out a mouthful of blood as it fell down, incapable of standing up, even though it looked like the Demon was barely damaged, the damage wasn't external but it was instead internal damage.

The attack contained an extreme shock that ravaged some of the internal organs and cracked most of its right ribs.

The other Demon took this chance and lounged at the man forcing him to leap back and reposition himself.

The Demon did not hesitate before lounging itself again like a tiger at the man before he even positioned himself.

It ran toward the man with inhuman speed before crouching down and delivered a powerful blow to the man's diaphragm.


Bones cracking were heard and the man was sent flying, he did not flinch but instead used the 1st style of the technique which transferred the force of the attack unto his dagger before throwing toward the Demon.


A loud bomb-like sound was heard and Large amounts of dust flew unto the air covering the area when the dagger had hit something hard. When the dust had already flown away, the Demon was nowhere to be found.


The man clicked his tongue as he looked at his surroundings before hearing a falling sound of a heavy object. He looked at the sky and found that the Demon was holding a road roller and it was falling down at almost a blinding speed.

"[Scheiben Windmesser]"

The man held his dagger as he slashed it toward the sky three times. A green blade light materialized and it flew toward the road roller. The blade light collided with the road roller as it was suddenly sliced into 4.

Before the blade light collided with the road roller the Demon jumped off the road roller but what it did not expect was the sudden decapitation of its right leg. Before the demon fell to the ground the man continued his assault with a barrage of slashes.

Ora! Ora! Ora! ORAA!

"You are already dead."

After he said this the demon's body was dissected into many parts then he looked at Michael and said: "Did you understand that my dear successor?"

Michael was shocked because the man looked at him while smiling then he replied: "Yes Master!"

The man smiled once again as the shadow below enlarged itself and the man slowly went down the shadow hole and his voice was heard in the void. "Glad to know that."

After the man disappeared the cold voice of the old man was heard. "That last technique he used was a combination of [Scheiben] and [Windmesser]. I would still have to impart you with more techniques as you grow proficient with those Basic ones.


Michael who was currently in a daze because of the impartation of the technique suddenly woke up and ran toward the nearest ogre.


The ogre roared when it saw Michael running toward it as it lifted its cudgel and swing it toward Michael but the man smirked as he tried to parry the attack.


However, instead of parrying the attack he was instead thrown away like a baseball bat hitting the ball.

"Again!" shouted a bloodied Michael as he ran toward the ogre once again. The Ogre growled as it lifted its cudgel but this time it smashed its cudgel downward.

"If I cannot execute the technique I'd rather be smashed by this Ogre." Michael thought as he prepared to parry the cudgel once more in hopes to execute the technique.


The cudgel falls as it smashed into the daggers of Michael. Michael felt as if a mountain had befallen upon him and his hands started shaking because it had felt the force of the attack.

Michael gritted his teeth as focused on the force and slowly moved it toward his feet, the redirection of the force was slow and painful. When the force arrived in his feet he immediately expelled the force unto the ground as it made a mini crater with a web-like pattern.

Michael retreated away to get some air and relieve his arms from the god-like strength of the ogre.

Moments later, he rushed toward the ogre with unyielding momentum as he executed [Scheiben] when he stabbed the leg of the ogre causing it to open 3 large wounds.

When the old man saw this he exclaimed with shock. "It was only a couple of days ago when I imparted him [Scheiben], His [Scheiben] is almost at the major completion phase. His comprehension of the techniques is almost at an unbelievable level!" Michael continued to execute [Scheiben] until the body of the ogre fully turned crimson red with blood.

A few minutes later, a loud thud was heard when an ogre had fallen. "Two down, Eighteen to go," Michael whispered as he sighed. He climbed up a tree as he took a rest.

A few hours had passed. Near an obsidian colored gate, a man was standing near the body of an ogre albeit 2 times larger than the others.

"You may open the Doors to proceed to the last trial or you may exit the trail and be rewarded with a Grandmaster Shadow assassin profession."

An Ancient and Lonely voice was heard after Michael killed the Big Ogre.

"I wish to proceed to the last trial." Michael said this as he walked toward the doors and when he touched one of the doors, both of the doors immediate opened revealing a portal.

Michael stepped inside the portal and suddenly he was transported to another place with an illusory young man cloaked in black emanating a ferocious vibe.

"Hello my successor, I am Krieg van Weiser, the Shadow King.

"Although it is very obvious, this is not my real body as my real body had already returned to the stars."

"This is my remaining consciousness that I had placed before I had perished.

"Come forward and unsheathe the dagger."

Michael walked over and unsheathed the dagger then suddenly the old man materialized as he went out the dagger and prostrated in front of the young man.


The young man smiled as he replied and pointed his finger toward Michael "You are now a remnant soul Raigan and I am already dead, he is the new Shadow King, Serve him with utmost loyalty.

"That battle almost destroyed [Twilight's Bane]. Michael, Although [Twilight's Bane] isn't in its prime it is still sharp enough to injure every creature in the mortal realm. When you are near Materials that can be used to repair [Twilight's Bane], Raigan will tell you where and what the material.

The young man unclothed the robe he wore as be gave it to Michael and touched the head of Michael as he chanted something before removing his hand.

"As this will be our first and last meeting, let me bestow you my cloak [Eternity's Shadow] and my personal Techniques. Remember to not force your self in learning those techniques that are above your current tier as it would harm you instead of helping you."

"Now Michael, return to your mortal plane and reign as the Shadow King."