Chapter Eight

Dome's POV

He silently laughed seeing how startled Pavel was. He teased him more after seeing how flushed he was while changing his clothes earlier. He wants to know what the tan man was thinking. But his action answered him right away. Pavel was not comfortable doing things like this with a man. And because of his stubbornness, he purposely teased him.

"Fuck! So good." He moaned again, softly. He knows the fact that he might pay for this later on. But seeing Pavel's uncomfortable reaction, he silently laughed and his invisible ears were wagging. 

"Y—You can feed yourself. Just call me if you need something." Pavel stuttered. He put back the soup on the tray and was about to get up when Dome grabbed his wrist tightly.

"I'm still weak. I can't move properly. Mind changing my shirt and trunks again?" He saw how the tan man tensed. He looked back and forth to his arm and to the door.

When he still didn't respond. He tugged the hem of his shirt. "Na? Na? Na? I feel sweaty now. I need to change, P'Pavel."

With that, Pavel looked right away to him with narrowed eyes. "Did you just call me P'?" Dome nod.

"Na?" He asked again with puppy eyes.

"Shia!" Pavel cursed lightly but he still heard it. He smiles a little because he knows he won. Pavel slowly moves up Dome's shirt and successfully removes it without shaking his hands. But when he touched the lace of his trunks, he saw how Pavel tensed. Their eyes met. Him with playfulness and Pavel's as a lost soul.

He smacked his hand lightly. "Phi, remove it quickly. I want to freshen up!"

Pavel with trembling hands, slowly lower down his trunks. His hair down there was almost peeking when a loud knock interrupted them. Pavel lightly jumped off.

"Phi, can you read one story for me before I sleep?" Chen asked outside his room.

Dome clicked his tongue. He almost lost his sense after teasing the tan man. He tugged Pavel's sleeve and gestured to him to go outside. "I think I can change on my own now. Just go to Chen."

Pavel looked at him with a frowned face. "F-Fine. Take your meds first before you sleep." Before fully going outside, Pavel stared at him like he was asking what just happened. But even himself didn't know the answer, he shrugged his shoulders and turned his back on him.

Dome blew a long-deep sigh when he heard the door slammed. He lay on his back and stared at the ceiling, thinking what comes to his mind for teasing Pavel like that. It was out of his style. He may be cocky and playful but not like that. He literally smacked his head.

Being around more with Pavel made himself carried away. His boldness was coming out and acting strangely around his room mate. He was just supposed to study hard and focused on his goal, nothing more. But Pavel happened, his plan changed a little.


Dome woke up feeling heavy. His head was throbbing the hell out of him. He wanted to stop the pain but it didn't. He looked around his room, the aircon was on lower temperature but he still felt cold. He even put the thick blanket all over his body but still no use.

He grunt loudly. "Shia! So cold." 


He looked for a comfortable position. But nothing changed, coldness was still lingering. He got off the bed and found his way outside. He was tripping all over again because of his still weak body.

The pain on his head lingers more so he stopped walking. He realized he was in front of Pavel's room. He lightly tip-toed inside when he saw that it's not locked. He peeked inside, seeing the tan man covered with a blanket. Without hesitation, he slipped slowly on Pavel's bed not trying to wake him up. He almost lost his breath then dipped his cold body under the blanket too. 

Warm feeling hugged him after. He noticed that the heat was coming from the tan man's skin. He feels it more because he's freaking half-naked. But he still chose to feel the warmness. Unconsciously, he wrapped his arm on Pavel's waist and leaned closer to his chest with his head on the crook of the neck of the tan man. Good thing, he didn't wake up. He let himself drowned to a peaceful sleep.

He suddenly woke up when he felt cold again. He moves his hand to find the warmth he had earlier. But he couldn't find it so he opened his eyes. The source of heat was on the edge of bed. He didn't mind pulling him closer and wrapped his hand again to him.

"W-What are you doing here?" He heard him asked.

He just moaned. He badly needs sleep. But the source of heat moved away again.

"If you didn't fucking move here, I will really cut your balls!" Then he tugged his arms and the tan man fell on his side. He hugged him more tightly and shifted his body to a better position. Which is on top of him.


"Phi, he's okay now?"

"He's still hot. Go outside for now, little bun."

He heard voices then they went away. He feel a warm thing on his forehead. He opened his eyes and met a dark-brown eye.

"Good thing you're awake now. Your fever lessened yesterday but now it goes high again."

He looked around, he's still in Pavel's room. "Hm, why am I here?"

Pavel looked at him with wide eyes. "Shia! You didn't remember?"

Dome pretended not to remember what he did last night. Because he doesn't know what to say. "Hm."

"N-Nevermind. I'll just make a call. Suit yourself here. Eat your foods then take the meds." He hurriedly walked outside.

The room was so dark, black things all over. He then saw a blueprint on the table. 'Oh, so he's an engineering student. Wow!'

The smell of the room was just like Pavel's, strong but he liked it. He ate the food and took the meds. He can move properly now but still chose to lay down on the bed—feeling it's softness. Totally manly. He tossed away his shirt and let the warm cover hugged his naked chest.

He barely caught a fever and when he did, it's only either he was stressed or thinking too much. And because of his grandma's loss, he thinks too much to the point that he lost his appetite yesterday.

"Grandma, I miss you." He whispered nowhere. He hugged the pillow tightly. Tears were evident on his face.