Chapter Eleven

Bliss and Coffee | Chapter Six

Pavel's POV

It was almost 8 p.m when he got home. It was so dark inside and almost tripped because of something he stepped on the floor. He searched for the switch and turned on the lights. He wondered where Chen and Dome because the dorm was so quiet. He tossed his bag nowhere in the living room and tucked himself on the sofa. Half of his body was on the sofa and the other on the floor. He kicked his shoes and removed his socks.

"Phi! Are you okay?" Soft voice echoed in the room. He saw Chen running fast towards him. He gasped when she jumped over his lap.

His forehead knitted, shaking it. Not to mention, he's feeling dizzy.

"Little bun will massage P's forehead. Lay down still, Phi," she said. He groaned softly when he felt little hands massaged his forehead. It feels good.

"What did you do to make you this tired?" Another yet familiar voice can be heard. He saw Dome walking towards them. So he was already fine. 

'He looks good on his pajamas.' He thought. He arched his brows seeing him in his PJ's colored with pink and blue.

"Many—" His words were cut off because of Dome. The pale man started to pick up his socks and shoes and put it on the shoe rack. He then picked his bag too and put it properly on the center table. 

'Wow. Did I do something great in the past to have these two people?'

"Eat first before you sleep. Oh wait, I think the food was now cold, I'll just reheat it." Dome didn't give him a chance to talk again.

He followed his gaze to the pale man and was cut off by Chen. She giggled and whispered some shocking words to his ear. "Mommy is so great, right Phi? Mommy even washed our clothes. I helped too."

Pavel was caught off guard. 'Did my sister come home? And why all of the sudden?' No way he will let her take away Chen from him.

"Mommy? Your mommy's here?" He asked curiously.

"Nope…" She emphasized the last two letters. 

"Then who are you calling mommy?"

Chen pointed to the kitchen where they could hear some utensils' sound. "P'Dome, my mommy."

He was stunned. Why was Chen calling Dome her mommy? What happened while he's not at home? "Little bun, he's your P'Dome not your mommy, okay?"

"No! Mommy said I can call him that. He's my mommy. I am so happy because I have a mommy now, Phi." Chen said with a teary-eyes.

'Woah. So something really happened earlier.' He still wanted to talk with Chen when Dome called him already. The two of them headed to the kitchen. The foods were settled now on the table.

"Mommy, can I eat again?" Chen asked while pointing on the fried shrimps.

"Yes, little girl. But not too much, you can have a stomach ache when you sleep." Dome has a sweet tone while talking to Chen.

The two interact again like he's not belong to the group. Both of them act like a real mother and daughter in front of him. He never imagined having someone who will lit up both him and Chen's life. Dome may be cocky and stubborn but it didn't change the fact that he was a good person. Tears were about to fall down on his eyes so before it fell, he hurriedly turned his back and went to the bathroom.

"Shia! When did I become so sensitive over things?" He asked himself.

When he got back to the table, Chen already finished eating some shrimp. "I will brush my teeth again, mommy. P'Pavel, goodnight and same to you mommy."

"Don't forget to pray," Dome added.

Now, it's just the two of them. He cannot find any words to start a conversation because he was still in a awed feeling. 'Fuck this emotional break down!'

"Did I step over something when I agreed to Chen calling me mommy?" Dome's voice broke the silent. Pavel still can't get over on the word mommy—he choked on his food. Dome quickly gave him water.

"Ah—It's—No, you didn't. I am the one who should be worried because I know Chen was so stubborn sometimes. You don't need to agree on her—I mean, I know it's awkward to be called mommy. I will talk to her later," he answered.

"It's fine. She might be missing her mommy's presence. Every child has that feeling, I mean sorry please don't misunderstand me."

"Maybe. She once opened up that to me. And I didn't know what to say and do. Until you came, and let her fill the lack of his mother's comfort. And thank you for that, Dome. I don't know how to thank you enough because you brought happiness to Chen's life..." He said. 'And even to mine.'

"Oh, no worries. I really like your niece afterall."

Silence again.

He decided to finish up his food and do the dishes. He thought Dome already left but to his surprise, he was standing on the door frame with his finger crisscross.

"I thought you already left."

Dome scratched his back head. "I—I just want to say goodnight and thank you too for last night and earlier. Bye!" He hurriedly said. He turned around and ready to go when he stopped. "And don't worry about Chen's action. Somehow, I like her calling me mommy." He ran quickly.


Pavel can't sleep. Still thinking about what Dome had said. He liked being called mommy after all. He was still figuring out his feelings towards Dome, he's a man for Pete's sake! He's not a homophobic because he had gay friends but still—it was his first time having feelings towards his same gender.

He fell asleep with those thoughts.

"Phi! Phi, wake up!" A loud voice filled his room. He grunt and made a sleepy sound. He deepened his head more on the pillow.

"If you didn't wake up right now, mommy will see grandma and grandpa soon!" The voice yelled right through his ears but it wasn't the reason why he quickly jumped on the bed.

"W-What do you mean?" He asked worriedly. He didn't wait for Chen to answer. He just ran fast to Dome. He saw him lying on the kitchen's floor. Red liquid was flowing. And fuck! He's lying there like a lifeless person.

He was stiffened for a moment until Chen poked his arm hard. "Help mommy, Phi!"

He snapped back to reality and hurriedly scooped Dome's body. He was shivering when Dome didn't flinch even a little when he tried to wake him up. 'Jeez! Was he dead?' He imaginary hit his head for that thought.

"Dome, hey! What happened? Shia! Are you dead? Woiii?" He wriggled his body.

"Phi, can't you see that mommy is unconscious? Don't ask him what happened, ask me instead!" Chen slapped his arm lightly.

He looked at her and glared. "What happened to him? Why is there blood? He's dead? You wake me up horrified but now you're just chilling there like nothing happened?" He bombarded her with questions.

Chen tapped his feet back and forth. "I just want to see your reaction, Phi." She said innocently. "We woke up earlier than usual and mommy told me that he didn't sleep even a bit last night. Then mommy said I shouldn't be worried because he already took sleeping pills. Then, that! I think the sleeping pills took over him right there and he suddenly collapsed. Mommy even snored, Phi."

He almost cried out of his mixed emotions. He wants to tackle Chen because of frustration. His heart was panting so hard and loud like it was about to jump on his chest when he saw Dome lying on the floor. Then he remembered the blood. Blood!

"Then what about this red liquid?"

"Oh, I just put it so you will get startled. I saw it on the T.V and the character cried and cried until he realized it was just a prank, Phi." Chen giggled and ran away.

'Arg! What a nice niece he had?'