Chapter Seventeen


Pavel woke up earlier than usual. He felt more energetic along the way to school. He was finding his friends at the cafeteria but while walking, most of the students he passed by were looking at him like he had done something. He ignored them the time he saw Tay and New sitting on their usual spot. With a wide smile and happy face which was not used to be him in school, he greeted the two. But they just opened and closed their mouths. He knitted his eyebrows out of curiosity. They seemed shocked, guilty and happy?

"Eh, what's with you two?" He asked the time he sat in front of them. He put his bag on the table and searched for his notebook.

"Eh, Pavel? Why are you so happy this morning?" Tay asked.

Without looking at him, he shrugged but smiled again after a while. "Because of my moon!"

The two widened their eyes at him. They shook their heads, waving their hands. And nope, they're looking behind his back. He finds it odd, their peculiar actions. He looked behind him and jumped off a little when he saw many students, especially girls, were looking right at him. They will stare then whisper to each other. He turned around to his friend with a confusing look. He hit them with his notebook when they just put an imaginary zipper on their mouth.

"Are they talking to me? Why?" He looked once more to the students behind, still gazing at him.

"You did not open your Instagram, am I right?" New was the one who asked now. He was biting his lips like not wanting to spill the reasons behind.

He nodded. He grabbed his phone and was about to look at his IG but Tay and New stopped him. "Shia! Stop messing with me. Just tell me what's this all about." He barked at them.

"Actually, amh... Look at this," New said.

New and Tay looked at each other first before giving him his cellphone. He almost dropped it when he read an article about him. Scrap! It was all about him, his niece and Dome. They have a picture together and are entitled husbands and their daughter. He thinks that all his blood came up to his cheeks.

"I know you're maintaining you–"

"Did Dome see this? Fuck! I need to find him, for sure he's scared out of hell right now!" He snorted.

He was afraid that Dome see this first. He knew that the pale man would not go and bend his anger with the one who wrote this but it was him who would look after. And he's not afraid about that, but the fact that many students were talking about him right now might start a ruckus. Just like what happened to the girl who was shipped at him, his fans club started to throw bad words and bully her. 'What if they do it again with Dome?' His heart stumbled with great fear.

"Pavel, we're thinking about your reputation because this time, they made rumors about you with a man. A man! And you're just worried about that guy?" Tay snapped at him.

"I need to find him. I won't forgive myself and who started these rumors if something happened to Dome." He put back his notebook on his bag and stood up.

"Do me a favor for now. Help me find him. Call me na?" He pleaded, patting the shoulder of his friends.

"But Pavel, there's more! Didn't you read it?" New shouted at him because he was already running away. He just ignored him.

He ran as fast as he could to Dome's department. He tripped sometimes or stumbled with other students while finding the pale man. All he thinks is to see him and ask if he's okay. He couldn't see Dome cry again. It almost breaks his heart when he sees him crying over his grandma's loss.

"You're Nine right? Where is Dome?" He asked Nine when he saw him walking in the hallway.

Nine nodded with wide eyes and a shocked face. "Umh, D-Dome? He's running to the toilet right after you got here. I was about to go—"

He didn't wait for him to finish. He ran quickly to the toilet. He knocked the cubicles one by one. "Damn. Why are you knocking? There are many vacant cubicles!"

Pavel's eyes twinkled when he heard the pale man's voice. He kept on knocking till Dome opened it. The pale man literally jumped backward when his eyes landed at him. Pavel smirked and moved his eyebrows up and down.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

But that question didn't register in Pavel's mind. He was engrossed again by the view in front of him. Dome's white long sleeve shirt has two buttons unbuttoned. He has messy hair, slightly open lips and his hands were on his unbuckled jeans.

A chuckle slipped on his mouth seeing how flustered and shocked the pale man was. This guy never failed to amazed him in every way. Before, he was just challenged how far this guy can be stubborn but when he started to know everything about him, he became more interested to the point that he wanted to own him. At first, it didn't occur to him that he was falling deeper for the pale man, it was just a plain interest. Never imagine that he will fall for a guy. A guy!

"I'm asking you what you're doing here." It's more a statement than a question. Dome pushed him and gestured to turn his back. He unconsciously obliged, he heard the sound of his zipper. He smirked because after all what happened, the pale man was still shy in front of him even in small things.

"I saw the article. Just want to make sure if you're okay. That was my fault and I am sorry," he said, voice shaking because of nervousness. He was still back facing so he couldn't see his reaction.

He didn't know what's circling in his mind, what he was thinking, or his reaction towards the issue. It was not a big deal for him because being the head hazer, he dealt more than that. But for Dome, maybe it was a big fuss since he was new here. He was never sure what to do anymore if Dome breaks down again like the last time he was dealing with his grandmother's loss.

"Oh, about that...Can you atleast go outside first? It's really suffocating here." He felt a light tap on his shoulder. When he turned around, Dome was not looking at him but instead he was looking at his phone.

"Ah yeah, right."

He opened the door. His hands were shaking. He needs to wash his face first because he looks like he is about to faint. He was facing the mirror when he saw Dome went inside the cubicle and leaned on the wall, looking straight at him. His hands were in his pocket, right legs crossed lightly on his left legs. He gulped on the nice figure behind me, his shirt was still unbuttoned.

He raised his eyebrow when Dome walked towards him, not looking away at his eyes in the mirror. He almost tripped on his ground when Dome didn't care about his personal space. He leaned forward, almost his chest touching his back. But what more surprised him is that Dome cage him through his both hands. His breath faltered when Dome looked at him again at the mirror with a smirk on his face.

"Take your responsibility. I just became a husband and daddy all of a sudden. In that case, what really am I, the daddy or the mommy?"

He was taken aback by his bold action towards the issue. And he didn't look alarmed or bothered, he has that sexy grin and mischievous smile on his lips. 'What's going on?'

He tones down a little before asking the question in his mind. "You're not bothered at all, I can see that. Why?" He was persuasive to have the answer.

Dome shook his head lightly. He can feel now the heat coming from both of them.