
Today I will be introducing my classmates. (Not all)

I've introduced :Classmates

Shang Yu

Kirzell Ren

Zhykiah Jan


Steve Yang

Kitz Zhou

Yu Ji Ghan

Sofia Tang


Jean Ao

Sheila Relifs

I introduced Molly, Zhykiah, Shang and kirzell properly But I haven't introduced others properly so here they are.

Steve Yang

A 13 year old boy and he is my classmate he is a sometimes dumbed-minded but also smart. I can't really describe him but he is indeed a good looking one and also friendly but I guess if you saw him mad , he will be glaring at you as if you were dead. So yah he is very talented too. When he is interested in something he must work for it so many girls want her lol.He is a table tennis player

Kitz Zhou

A 13 year old boy the same as Steve , he is a fat boy. Other fat boys in our class seems dumb but Kitz Zhou is a smart one and sometimes very serious. (Just sometimes tho).He is the most funny classmate In our room. He is chatting girls (Unknown girls ) and flirts them. He is too young lol. He makes them poetries and he lets me read them. I sometimes laugh because the Grammars aren't right lol.He is a Table tennis player

Yu Ji Ghan

He is the first boy I made friends with,he is very clumsy,sometimes smart but hmmm I dummo,I don't actually know how to describe him,but sometimes he understoods our lesson so maybe he is kinda smart. He was the one who took my shoe laces off.He is a Volleyball player

Sofia Tang

She is an independent woman but sometimes she's clumsy.She always gets late.She has a curly hair.She is my classmate In elementary,so we are pretty close.She is a Volleyball player

Alyza Chi

She is my classmate and a pretty girl. She is very sweet and caring and she's so cute because she is chubby(not that chubby).She is the girls that our teacher depends on, she designs our classroom well. She lists our classmate who gets late and doesn't wear shoe coats, she makes them pay one floow wax. She is a good person and she is a Volleyball player.

In our classroom there are so many Volleyball players . We athletics are only five so we are few.There are boxing athletes too ,they are only two so yah they are more fewer than us (athletics player)

Author:Hi guys I hope you like this story, I just wanna introduce Li's classmates to make it clear, there will be a continuation in the next chapter so please be in touch!. I hope you'll comment to this chapter.! Btw there will be surprises so yah I hope you'll be able to read those! I will be making another story after I finish these so please be in touch. 😁