Tohru (Edited)

After a few minutes of driving at breakneck speed, a speed that could easily get you into an accident with just the slightest of mistakes or misplacement of attention…

...Kyle had finally arrived at the mountains that her aunt was currently at, without wasting a single second of his arrival, he went on the search for her aunt and the future dragon maid that she had talked about on the phone.

He knew for certain that the dragon his aunt had mentioned over the phone was Tohru, someone he had been expecting to meet from the moment he had learnt of his origins in this world.

A few moments of frantic searching later, he sighted the purpose of his arrival. 2 figures in a distance in blurry positions.

As he got close he saw clearly. One was the figure of a human; his aunt, another much much bigger figure, presumably of a dragon and one of his lifelong fascination; Tohru.

He thought in glee 'Finally, found them! Took me long enough'

He immediately went towards their direction, and after he had gotten closer, he saw his aunt attempting to get the huge sword that was stuck in the body of the Dragon!

Kyle was just a few meters away from them, he decided to shout. "OBA-SAN!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!"

Kobayashi san heard the shout she recognized to be of her dear nephew, she stopped attempting to get the sword from the body of Tohru's Dragon form.

She shifted her attention towards Kyle, smiling foolishly and shouted back.

"Ah! Kai-chan~! Kai-chan~! You're here! Look! I found a dragon!"

Kyle smiled drily at his aunt's antics, while Tohru was simply surprised to see another human!

She exclaimed with slight anger and annoyance. "Another human?! Don't tell me, you actually called for reinforcement! I knew it! Humans can never be trusted!"

Kobayashi san shouted back at her "What ya even talkin bout, you overgrown lizard?!"

Kyle coughed and decided to speak hastily lest some other misunderstanding may occur. "Ahem- don't worry uhmm.. Dragon-san, oba-san didn't call for any reinforcement or anything, I just wanted to take her back to her apartment, as you can see she's drunk and not in her best state, she was talking nonsensical things like she met a dragon over the phone, I thought she had gone delusional and got worried so I just rushed out here. But it seems that she wasn't talking nonsense at all, either way all you need to know is I'm not here to hurt you, rather I'd be happy to help you instead. So, let's get onto it."

With all honesty, Tohru was about to exterminate both humans, but with Kyle's words she stopped her extermination plan.

What replaced it was endless suspicions, normally once a human being saw a dragon, they would either tremble in fear, running for their lives or immediately plan on eradicating their existence.

But the humans in front of her didn't fear her even a bit! The female she could understand, even she could tell that she wasn't quite right in the brain at the moment, what intrigued her was the male… boy that arrived moments ago. It made her both curious and wary simultaneously. 

Tohru was extremely wary of Kyle, an emotion heightened by the fact that she couldn't see through him at all. He felt like an average human being, nothing wrong, plainly normal. 

However if that was really the case Tohru wouldn't have been wary of him at all. She had the inherent ability to see through a being, to understand it, to completely analyse it with just a glance. Her powers were so vast that she could even feel their emotions, intelligence and inner personality traits which they themselves may not be aware of. 

When she glanced at Kobayashi san she immediately saw that she was a 'good' person. This was one of the reasons she didn't exterminate her and even put up with her shenanigans. But whenever she glanced at Kyle… she saw nothing! Well she could see him, but nothing else, when she concentrated deeply he became completely invisible like she was looking at an empty space.

Literally nothing! No matter how weak or strong someone was, her ability had never failed her, even the Gods were not able to block her ability, albeit weaken it greatly; she would at least be able to deduce or see something; no matter what it was.

But, as it is, it wasn't the case for this human boy in front of her, this was the first time this happened to her! And it would be the last no doubt.

Consequently Tohru couldn't really judge Kyle at the moment, she didn't even know whether he was weak or not.

But she felt yeh possibility of the latter to be the highest, at this moment she remembered something 'Didn't he say that he'll help me, just now? Can he perhaps… no it's Impossible, no one could-'

Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt, as she saw Kyle riding on her back.

Tohru went on a mild panic attack as she shouted, mildly flustered. "Human! What are you doing?! How dare you ride me without my permission!"

"Oh! I'm Sorry Dragon-san, but I assure you that I mean no harm. I'm just trying to remove this sword embedded on your back. It must hurt, right? Don't worry I'll remove it in a jiffy." Kyle smiled as he tried to help her.

Meanwhile Kobayashi san laughed hysterically as she cheered, it can be seen that she was delusionally drunk. "Go! Go! Kai-chan! Oba-san is going to cheer for you!"

Kyle's face twitched erratically at his aunt's words, but it didn't stop him from attempting to remove the sword from Tohru's back.

If this sword didn't get removed in a day's time Tohru would surely die. This was the sword of a God, even the Dragon of Chaos and Destruction was sure to fall if left unattended to.

Hearing Kyle's reply, Tohru shook her giant dragonic head and spoke mockingly. "Impossib-"

Her words got stuck in her throat as she was met with the impossible scene, at least in her mind, of Kyle removing the giant God Sword easily. Her eyes widened like saucers at this sight. 

Tohru exclaimed in disbelief and wonder as she hastily asked. "Impossible! How did you do it, human?!"

Kyle was looking at the giant sword in his hands and thought inwardly 'What the hell? How is this giant thing so light?! It's like I'm holding a foam sword Instead of a real one, a very light foam sword!'

Kobayashi san was clapping and cheering for Kyle; bouncing up and down like a little child. "Kai-chan! You did it AHAHAHA!" 

In her defence, To her this was just some hallucinations due to her drunkenness.

Kyle looked at Tohru weirdly, as he replied with slight hesitation. "Are you sure Dragon san? This sword is very light, it was fairly easy to remove it."

Though he said that, he actually knew the exact reason for this phenomenon, according to Tohru of the original anime in his previous life, if his still remaining memory serves him right...

...Tohru had said in the anime, to those who had little to none faith in those particular 'Gods' the sword would be useless and easily usable, granted they were humans and no other species.

"U-unbelievable… to think you could take that Sword out of me… but I still have to thank you for saving my life, from now on  you're my benefactor." Though she was usually very prideful, given her title and position in the Chaos faction, moreover her overall power which was near the top, she was still a dragon that honored gratitude. Tohru was one of the most benevolent dragons in existence even though her calling was that of Chaos and Destruction.

Kyle simply grinned at her words and replied happily. "No problem!"

Suddenly Kobayashi san shouted. "Alright!! Let's drink together!!"

"No! I'm going to take you home!"

"No way! Yada yo! Please drink with me uwuwuwuuwuwuwuwu." Kobayashi san started crying like a baby.

Kyle was speechless at her aunt's behavior, this was a first even for her, nevertheless he took a deep breath and sighed in defeat. "Fine, but for only this time!"

He shifted his gaze towards Tohru and asked. "Do you want to drink?"

".....Okay." Tohru didn't refuse, and transformed into her human form.

As soon as she did, Kyle froze on the spot mesmerized because of Tohru's otherworldly beauty, her beauty was definitely on par with Esdeath! 

But since Kyle didn't see the mature version of Esdeath yet, he could say that Tohru was many more times beautiful than her because of the sheer womanly vibe she radiated which was impossible for the Loli Esdeath.

He thought in wonder as he saw Tohru transforming into her human form 'The girls of this world are so freaking beautiful! This is very dangerous for my heart! I need to be careful!'

Kyle knew he had to say something about this.

"What's your name by the way, dragon san?"

"It's Tohru."

"I see, Tohru huh… as for me my name is Kobayashi Kyle nice to meet you and…"

Tohru tilted her head and said. "And?"

"Your human form is very beautiful, Tohru..."

"I-i thanks?" Tohru blushed as she heard him calling her beautiful, this was the first time someone had complimented her human form as beautiful.

So her thoughts went blank, she was unable to form something coherent, she didn't know how to reply to something like this except by simple thanks.

"You two! Stop flirting in front of me!! Let's drink!" Kobayashi san interrupted the hot, awkward atmosphere around Kyle and Tohru.

Hearing her, both Kyle and Tohru blushed in shame and embarrassment.

Thus they accompanied Kobayashi san to drink.

( `END` )