Dragon's Meat! (Edited)

After informing each other of their names, Meru suddenly asked for Kyle's Line address so that she could add him for further contact.

Kyle didn't refuse, to him this wasn't a big deal. They were strangers today, maybe they'd be friends later and this was the start, he had no reservations towards someone like Meru. 

After that Meru left, she still had some gaming she wanted to do, she invited Kyle but he had to sadly refuse so she said goodbye and left to do her things.

Kyle in turn went to his scooter and drove toward his aunt's apartment while still trying to remember who Meru was and more importantly which anime/manga/novel she maybe from.

So due to his continuous analysis just after he arrived in front of his aunt's apartment, he finally remembered who she was! And where she was from.

"Hatenko Meru! I see! So it's her from Dragons Rioting Manga from my previous life… no wonder she felt so familiar… damnit 10 years are really enough for you to forget things completely… sigh… but wait didn't she call me onii-san? Aren't we of the same age?"

Realizing till here his face twitched a little, then he sighed helplessly and continued with seriousness filling his tone. "If she exists then 'that' school of fiends also exist along with those 'monsters' the three dragons, and maybe that supreme monster with the bullshit syndrome does too. Man this just got so complicated."

Kyle was slowly realizing that this world was getting more and more dangerous the more he was interacting with the characters and got to know about them. He seriously didn't know just how ridiculous this world was going to get. 

But with that, he was also determined to get stronger, to be safe and keep his friends and family safe, he had to become strong enough, fast! He really hoped that someone strong would order a takeaway from him next. 

Putting a stop to his thoughts, he pressed his aunt's doorbell and loudly exclaimed. "Oba-san, it's me, open the door!"

A moment and the sound of quick footsteps later, the door opened showing a beautiful girl wearing a maid cosplay outfit, with branch-like dragon horns potruding from her tail and a green dragon tail peeking from behind.

She bowed and exclaimed in a subservient tone. "Welcome home, Master!"

Kyle was very surprised to see her act like this! The beautiful girl with the draconic features and a great rack straight out of a teenagers wet dream was none other than Tohru!

Just a few hours ago, she was acting like a shy and coy maiden! But now she was acting with confidence, with a tinge of bright and energetic enthusiasm! She really changed so quickly.

Or not...…

As Kyle kept staring at Tohru, sizing her up for more than a few seconds and that too with silence and those dead like eyes, Tohru's face started to redden and immediately reached deep red, she hid her face between her hands to cover herself from Kyle's gaze, preventing him from seeing her cute embarassed expression.

"D-don't look at me like that!"

Kyle came back to his senses and replied nonchalantly. "Even if you say that... Isn't it your fault in the first place? Moreover, what's up with that cosplay maid getup?"

Before Tohru could answer, Kobayashi San arrived and answered in her stead. "Well, it's kind of my fault."

Kyle looked at his aunt and immediately understood and replied. "Okay, I understand everything, you don't have to explain to me anymore Tohru!"

"Eh? Eh?? Eh?!" ( Confused Dragon Noises )

Kyle was no stranger to his aunt's maid fetish, she loved them dearly, she even wanted to cosplay herself, sadly her body shape didn't allow her to live this fetish of hers so she had to stick to admiring them only. Kyle could swear that if there was a PhD in maid studies then his aunt would probably get one immediately after application.

Back to reality… Kyle stared at Tohru's cosplay maid outfit carefully and was confused, it was the same as he remembered from his previous life, there was no change to it.

Even though the original plot had changed slightly from the moment he got transmigrated in this body, some things really didn't change.

He didn't speak anymore and asked a question instead. "Have you guys eaten dinner yet?"

Kobayashi San shook her head and replied. "Nope! But I was about to cook dinner myself."

"Great! Then let me cook dinner for tonight. I also bought some meat from the market. So, we can have meat for dinner."


"Do you have some ingredients?"

"Yes, it's on the fridge."

"Then, I'll go to the kitchen and start."

While the Kobayashi duo were are talking, Tohru suddenly interrupted them in a meek voice.

"U-uhm! I can cook! So can you let me cook our dinner for today?"

As soon as Tohru said that, two pair of eyes, looking like they belonged to the dead not the living, immediately looked at her with suspicion, it made the dragon uncomfortable, by being looked at like that.

"I-i can really cook! I'll prove it to you guys!" 

Kobayashi San looked at Kyle and asked. "What do you think?"

"I guess, sure...? It's good to taste someone else's cooking that too from a dragon no less."

Kobayashi San looked back at Tohru and added. "So you've heard him, you may cook dinner for tonight."

Tohru smiled brightly, she raised her fist into the air and exclaimed. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity! I'll do my best! I'm super confident in my cooking!"

"Really, now? That's good to hear, then!" Kobayashi San smiled at Tohru's confidence.

Meanwhile Kyle smiled wryly as he had an inkling about what Tohru might cook, he thought 'She's probably gonna add her tail meat into the dish... though I'm quite curious about how it tastes.. there is no way I'm going to eat her tail. It feels too wrong.'

After that Tohru went to the kitchen, Kyle went along with her because he knew that she didn't know how to use the stove.

Kyle taught her how to turn it on, off and some controls, to his surprise Tohru immediately learned it, and it was not limited to the stove as she quickly learned how to use all other cooking appliances found in the kitchen. 

She used them like an old veteran after only a few tries, Kyle was very impressed at Tohru's comprehension abilities and the speed at which she learnt something new.

He wondered if all dragons were like her, he could slightly remember hearing that Tohru was the greatest genius, dragon kind had ever known, maybe that's why she was so quick to learn things! Anyway Tohru staryed her cooking and Kyle left her to it and went towards the couch.




Kobayashi San and Kyle were on the couch, watching the news on TV.

The news wasn't broadcasting something interesting, it was just some business drama about the Shinomiya Group's problems with their rail path and workers. It was a very boring news.

News like these had zero significance in Kyle's life but they at least removed some of the boredom he was feeling which doing nothing would just prolong.

Suddenly, Tohru arrived and exclaimed in glee. "Everyone! The dinner is ready!"

"Finally! Took you long enough! I'm starving!" Kobayashi San spoke.

Tohru replied with a smile. "I'm sorry about that, it took me quite a while to prepare."

Kyle and Kobayashi San went to the table and saw the dishes that Tohru made.

It looks pleasing to the eyes and had an aroma that aroused their taste buds, however Kobayashi San saw a problem in there 'What's up with all these green meats around the dishes?'

Meanwhile Kyle fully knowing about the problem looked wryly at Tohru and spoke helplessly. "Tohru... correct me if I'm wrong but… did you perhaps cut off your tail and add it to the dishes?"

Tohru blushed a little as she heard it from Kyle, nevertheless she answered honestly. "Yes! I did add my tail in the dishes!"

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Kobayashi San stood up from her seat as she heard Tohru's words.


Tohru was looking at Kobayashi San with a confused expression. "Can't I?"

"No! You can't!" Kobayashi slammed the table with both of her hands, creating a loud banging noise.

"EHHHH? B-but back in my world humans saw dragon meat as a legendary gourmet ingredient!"

Before Kobayashi San could say anything, Kyle answered Tohru with a calm tone.

"That's the case in your world, but here it isn't the case or probably it is but one thing is, me and oba-san won't eat your meat."

"B-but it took me a while to take the poison out of it…. my efforts..."

"Wait what?! It had poison in it, too?! Then we're definitely not eating it!" Kobayashi San was shocked to know that Tohru almost made them eat her poisoned tail meat.

Kyle ignored his aunt's shock and replied to Tohru calmly.

"Even so, I won't be eating it, just because I'm not interested in eating a friend's flesh, do you get that?"

"I-i understand!" Tohru felt giddy as she got to know his reason why he didn't want to eat her tail, she also felt relieved as it wasn't because of disgust or anything but because he valued her and didn't want to eat a part of her.

"Hey! I'm also the same!" 

"Yeah, I know a oba-san. I always know..."



The matter concluded and they happily ate the dishes excluding Tohru's tail, they were quite tasty after all.

( `END` )
