Magician Ranks

Some or most may think that he was plainly manipulating Sadao, they were wrong; he wasn't. He truly believed that Emilia was the best choice for Sadao and in extension to, what he thought of as, the cutest thing in existence, their daughter Alas=Ramus. That girl deserved a happy family and Kyle would do everything in his power to give her that. 

Kyle would make Maou realize who the obvious best choice was, but ultimately, the decision lay in Maou's shoulders. If he still chose Chiho at the end, then he wouldn't interfere anymore and let him live his own life peacefully, though he would still feel bad for the bundle of cuteness and adoration that was Sadao's daughter.

Either way, he was just going to help the venom tongued, redheaded hero to find her happiness, a happiness that was denied by the twisted machinations of an author losing his mind at the end of the original series. He was aware that Emi didn't have any feelings for Maou currently, albeit it was a matter of time before she would start developing said feelings, the plot would make sure that it happened.

Kyle was aware that this was just his own self interest talking, he knew that he was being selfish and in his selfishness he was also, certainly, breaking a girl's (Chiho) happy love story. But even as a god, he couldn't remove this selfish side of him, selfishness was a base desire and he had no qualms with possessing it.

Hypocrisy, selfishness, pride, lust, envy and greed all of it molded together to make a human… well, human. It's an ingrained trait that was deeply rooted in all existing life forms with any form of sapience. Casting them aside would be similar to casting off one's own being, albeit moderation of everything was necessary to lead a healthy life.

With the whole drama and the subsequent monotonous work coming to an end, Kyle ended his shift, as soon as he was out of his place of work he hastened for his motorbike. Mounting on it, he dashed towards his mansion with the greatest speed available by his mode of transport. He couldn't believe how agitated he was right now, how restless he was feeling to see the face that constantly appeared in his vision all day, making it hard for him to concentrate on any and all tasks. 

He couldn't believe the longing he was feeling with every fiber of his being, to just see, to touch, to feel, to gaze at Tohru, his lovely dragon maid, and now beloved girlfriend.

He couldn't fathom how much he missed her, how much he coveted for her sight, the sensations of her touch. He knew this was stupid, he had just met her this morning, it hadn't even been half a day since he had met her last. But, the pain he felt from staying away from her, the excitement and anticipation he was feeling to meet up with her again, it was also undeniable. 

He was like a child who wanted nothing but to go back to his house after a long day at school and play his favorite video game, well would be, if you just took that sensation as a base and amplified it a thousand times over.

While driving, he also wondered, was she feeling the same way as him, feeling so restless and expectant of his arrival and their reunion or was it just him, a love struck fool who was feeling the sensation of love for the first time and was swaying too much from it. He wanted to know, so he sped up further, a speed he thought wasn't possible but became possible nonetheless, maybe even this bike of his had noticed his intent and longing, hence silently helping him? Maybe… everything was possible.

By the time he was finished with his train of thoughts, he had noticed that he was already near his mansion, there was another thing he noticed, something totally out of his expectations, Tohru, his beloved was waiting for him outside the gate, her brightened up expression when she saw him was more than enough of an indicator to show that she was there waiting for him. 

Quickly parking his bike on the nearest spot he could identify, he approached his beloved dragon maid in a brisk pace, querying her about the thing that was bothering him from the moment he noticed her presence.

"Tohru? How long have you been waiting here?"

She was taken aback, fidgeting a bit, clearly hesitating to give a follow up, she answered nonetheless. "Umm.. 3 hours?"

"Huh?! Are you serious? You've been waiting here for a whole 3 hours?" Kyle, now visibly shocked, just kept staring at Tohru's shy fidgeting figure, unable to fully comprehend the implication behind her words because of the sheer torrent of emotions running through him.

"S-sorry! I couldn't help myself I was just too excited to see you again so..umm.. you won't hate me for it, right?" Tohru asked unsure, nervousness underlying her querying tone, it seemed that... she was still a bit traumatized about that particular dark episode of her life.

"Of course not! Why would I hate you for it? It's just don't have to wait that long for me, but still I'm very happy to know that you waited that long...did you really miss me that much?" Kyle asked, embarrassment laced in his tone, hidden beneath it was pain. He was embarrassed for comparing his newly acquired love with Tohru's. It was evident, her love for him was not something he could compete with… yet. 

There was no doubt that he missed Tohru dearly, but it fell short, too short in fact, compared to the yearning Tohru had for him. Now, the pain part, it wasn't really difficult to understand why Tohru believed that he would hate her for waiting for him, it was his fault, in his gamble to save his friend he had unknowingly traumatized his beloved. He knew that something like this would happen, but the intensity of the rebound was out of his expectations. All he could do now was to love her with all his heart and slowly abolish all the anxiety and trauma she had received from that event and put an end to her paranoia.

Mhm...I missed you so much." Was her reply, her tone coy, shyness mixed in as she gazed at him with the signature puppy eyes.

Cupid had shot an arrow right in Kyle's kokoro, her expression was so cute! All resistance and inhibitions left Kyle as he jumped at her, his target; her luscious, full pink lips.

"Hngghh?!" Tohru cried out, surprised, which got muffled by Kyle's lips which now rested on her's. No resistance was shown however, only reciprocation.

Lust took control of Kyle's mind as he ravaged Tohru's mouth with his lips and his tongue, it intertwined with hers and started twisting and dancing in a rhythm of their own, sloppy sounds were made, lustful moans and pants echoed. Kyle just couldn't have enough of her. One hand had found its place at her neck, the other on her full and round butt squeezing it tightly, and being mesmerized by the soft squishy sensation. Her breasts squished on his chest was a wonderful feeling. Truly, she was a being that invoked endless lust in him.

Taking reigns of her head with his hand, he pushed her deeper into the feral kiss they were sharing between themselves, bobbing their heads in succession, a plethora of kisses were made, some deep tongue locks, some shallow pecks that again revolved into deep and passionate french kisses. Sucking her tongue for the upteempth time Kyle let go of her tongue.


A popping sound was made, thick strands of saliva still connected the two passionate lovers, their tongues stretched out, as if searching for its rightful partner, not willing to separate from it. Sadly, Kyle already had his fill, he knew that anything more would make him lose even the last inhibitions he had placed on himself and make him a beast of lust set on devouring Tohru whole.

Tohru's flushed cheeks and heart shaped pupils staring at him with love and passion, moaning and panting, didn't help him at all. But he persisted. Laying her head on his chest, he stroked it to calm her down, simultaneously pecking her head in the meantime. Tohru, now visibly calmed, just laid there, a serene, content smile plastered on her face as she closed her eyes and relished this wonderful feeling.

Placing his right hand around her hips, he repositioned her head on his shoulder as he placed his own head on her's, slowly walking towards their home.

Now inside, they talked and mingled with each other, asking each other how their day went, what happened, so on and so forth. And with that the night passed on peacefully, or so it should've. 

There was one thing, one instance that had dampened the happy mood he had been donning. He noticed slight deviations in the way Hina acted around them, it was very minute, too small for anyone to notice, well anyone except him. His natural awareness when it came to his aunt's feelings was an open secret at this point. He couldn't even talk to her as he perceived the same premonition he had felt today at breakfast. This made investigating the cause behind his aunt's sudden shift of behavior come on the top of his priority list.

The next day Quetzalcoatl continued to teach him magic, he continued to master the basics before he could advance to the next rank, according to her there were 8 ranks in Magic. The Basic rank, Beginner rank, Veteran rank, Master rank, Grandmaster rank, Legendary rank, Sage rank and finally the Mythical Rank.

Of course there was magic even lower than the Basic Rank, for instance, the Physical Enhancement Magic that Kyle had gotten from Kuro. These magics were not included in the official ranks for the sole reason of their effects being ridiculously weak.

The above mentioned rankings were all prevalent from ancient times, times when there were magi who were hailed as Gods, they weren't truly gods, but they were still stronger than most of them, bar the ones at the very top of the hierarchy.

The magic of the present times was too weak, so weak that only a few spells were qualified to be called basic rank and only one or two spells could be considered as beginner tier.

According to Quetzalcoatl the present magic system and its magic was truly laughable, the magic nowadays were more adequate to be called as parlor tricks. She also informed Kyle that she was one of the few remaining magi alive who knew and could perform Mythical Tier Magic, which was not at all shocking to Kyle since he had already estimated her power to be right there on the top.

This made him wonder about the limits of her strength, of how powerful Lucoa really was in truth. Apart from these matters, Kyle, of course, didn't forget to ask her about Tohru's proficiency in magic, in short what tier of magic she was capable of casting.

"She's able to cast Sage tier magic with ease, sigh~ speaking of that girl, if she had only taken her magic training seriously, she would've easily become as strong as me, maybe even stronger, if only…. so, anyways, do your best at surpassing your girlfriend, okay Kyle? You don't want to stay weak while having such a powerful girlfriend now do you?"

"That's right, I'll make sure to surpass her sooner or later!"

"That's the spirit! Now let's continue." Lucoa remarked, smiling at the enthusiasm shown by Kyle, she was getting increasingly fond of this Minor God, the more time she spent with him, he was by far the most interesting human she had met in her long lifespan.

Kyle was more determined on learning than before, he had to show Tohru that he was capable of reaching her level, even if she herself didn't wish to, he did. And he knew that he would be able to do that within just a year. He was confident about it, he had his trusty delivery system with him after all. If he could make consistent deliveries like he had done already, he was sure surpassing her was just a matter of time.


Like this, a few days passed, and with it came the arrival of Kyle's first semester exams. Within those days many events transpired. The main being him and Tohru fully accepting and becoming comfortable in this new relationship of theirs, of being lovers. Needless to say they were clingier than they were ever before.

Hina was now keeping a slight distance from him, this both confused and terrified him, although it hadn't gotten to the point that she would ignore him, it became less intimate, like she was creating a barrier between them. Kyle gave her sufficient space, he could see that she was thinking something, something absolutely serious, so he gave her the time and space she needed to do so. He would eventually confront her, now, he was mentally preparing for it.

Quetzalcoatl finally started teaching him beginner magic because he had already mastered the basics yesterday, and from this point ranking up would keep becoming harder and harder.

Meru finally showed her hand, she was now constantly flirting with him whenever she had time, Kyle was used to it, so it didn't bother him much, and learning that most retorts would be ignored by her, he started flirting back, albeit occasionally, and the result was something that delighted him greatly, Meru would blush at his remarks and start acting coy which would shut her up for some time as she would be lost, daydreaming.

Kyōka, after knowing that he already had a girlfriend, became even more aggressive in her approach. Kyle originally thought that she would give up after knowing that he already had someone, predictably he had been wrong, very wrong. Kyōka was now teaming up with Meru in flirting with him openly, he had long ago found out she had a crush on him and this all but confirmed it.

He wanted to ignore them, but the intensity had become so severe that he couldn't ignore it anymore. Sooner or later he would have to make a conclusion to this matter.

Now to his disciple Ayane, she had just started learning the beginner stage of the breathing technique, she had a long way to go but she was progressing fast, Kyle was grateful that at least one girl around him was reasonable and didn't bother him much.


At the classroom :-

Presently, everyone was completely focused on answering the test paper on their desk.

Kyle getting the question sheet, first gave it a thorough read and came to a conclusion. 'It's easier than I imagined it to be..welp let's start.'

( `END` )

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