First Time I Meet You.

After finishing delivering all the vegetables and fruit orders from the grandmother's shop, Marta "Ruby prepares to go to college, at one of the well-known campuses in Naga City.

Ruby majored in Marketing and Finance, the girl worked so hard every day ..., because she realized she was only relying on her own ability to survive with her grandmother who was old.

Before going to the Ruby campus,she stop by one of the Private Banks in Naga city.

Ruby parked very hastily the scooter was parked and ran towards the entrance of the bank.

At that moment ... a black roll Royce came, stopped right at the entrance, the driver opened the car ... came out a man who was very handsome by wearing sunglasses, expensive suits, followed by the old man behind him and a few bodyguards, the man looked elegant ... walking into the bank .

From the Side Ruby running around in a hurry ..., because of the time of entering the campus already very late ,, the girl .., did not realize there was someone who was about to enter..from her side ... and a collision ensued. ,, brugggkk ,,....

All the items in her sling bag fell. as well as the money she was going to deposit. . into his savings.

"Sorry, sir. I'm in a hurry ...". said Ruby ... All his money was scattered in front of the man.

Ruby crouched down to pick up all her belongings scattered on the floor in front of the Big Bank ... ,, "Get out of my way ... out of my way ... !! get rid of it quickly ... pour your change ... off my path ... !!!! While shifting the money with his shoes and some were trampled too.

Ruby, who had been struggling to make money since the sun had not yet appeared, was very offended, and shouted at the man ... " "Hey you bastard man ..., what ... do not have manners ... even though this is just a dime, but I look for it with difficulty, you have no right to insult my dimes .. !!!!

People around a lot of sneering arrogance at the man ... ,, soon his bodyguard should rebuke the girl who was collecting his money ..., but was arrested by the man.

"Hey miss, do you know who I am ?? ?? what are you doing here ?? asked the arrogant man .. "

After finishing picking up money and items the fall of the girl stood up. "I don't care who you are ... I just want to deposit my change ... move aside ..." said Ruby.

Go straight into the bank and wait for the first queue. "Sorry, Miss. Couldn't the officer hurry me?" Ruby begged ...

The teller saw their Managing Director "CEO Martin" and bowed. The CEO gave a hand code to immediately serve the girl.

Shortly the girl came out after depositing her money which was only a few hundred thousand.

CEO ... Martin "checks his bank CCTV ... He saw the appearance of the girl who collided with him ..., and saw yes, he only deposited a few hundred thousand.

"puffft ... ,, Disease of poor people who think their self-esteem is high ..." And seeing that his account only has "Two million."

Of course ... ,, Bank owners can indeed access the accounts of their Savers and Debtors.

Ruby has arrived at her campus ... fortunately it's not too late, for Ruby to miss a very large subject, yes, she must study hard to pursue her scholarship.

So that his grandmother would not have to work hard to earn money and pay for her tuition. Ruby has two best friends namely, "Mike and Melanie ".

they are both rich kids but not arrogant and always help Ruby in every trouble, and often lend their book, when Ruby does not have a course book.

"Am I late ... ?? Ruby asks .." "Not Ruby ... Miss Sonia ... hasn't arrived yet, Melanie"

"Thanks God, said Ruby, who was complaining while fanning herself with a book. Mike fanned from behind.

"What The Hell Ruby ..????Ask Mike .

"Please ..,, fan faster... it's really hot ... it's just a long story ... said Ruby ... while lifting her clothes up ... "

"Ooo Boy.....,, you're a troublemaker... said Melanie ..."she also fanned Ruby With Mike.