
A/N: The readers who are asking for Luci's screen time just remember that Incredible Hulk is just around the corner. And this fanfic is about both Luci and Bella, that is why I have describes both of their powers. Since this chapter was already under works I will be posting this but no more chapter today. I think every reader wants some new things in novels but each time you try to do something different some jealous reader will definitely drop by and start discouraging you. If you don't like the fanfic then give a 1 star review and drop it, stop criticizing on every line that you hate this hate that. If you are like that, write one yourself. I am sorry I need to clear my mind.


Since Loki was the new King he had already noticed the appearance of Mjolnir on Asgard. He immediately dispatches his army towards the Bifrost. He was currently getting treatment for his dislocated left shoulder. He was getting worried by each moment since he already knew how strong Bella was. He had already witnessed it first-hand.


Bella was calmly watching the approaching army towards her. Maria was standing behind because Bella had asked her not to get involved since it was her fight or something like that. There was one small problem Heimdall and Thor were trying to stop Bella which was honestly getting annoying by each moment.

Thor: You cannot kill them.

Bella: Don't stand in my way.

Thor: Ok, if you want to kill them you have to go through me first.

Bella: Ok, fine.

Bella just backslaps Thor and because he was stripped off all of his powers he was sent tumbling away about 20 meters. Heimdall was shocked and went running towards Thor to check his condition.

Maria: Oooooh…. That must have hurt.

Bella didn't reply her and just summons darkness blades in both of her hands and jumps onto the incoming army. She starts to slaughter the Asgardians mercilessly, both Thor and Odin started to tremble because of the cries caused by the dying men and women of their army. It was not even a fight it was just one sided massacre, plain and simple.

Suddenly the Mjolnir lifted itself from the ground and ended up in Thors's hands and he regains all his powers. He gets up with all his power and vigor back and looks at the army which was remaning. Thor starts rotating his hammer and throws it at Bella. Bella sees the hammer coming towards her and just swats it away. Since their prince and best warrior is back the rest of the army just backs off.

The whole rainbow bridge was not littered in severed bodies and blood and Thor and Bella were standing away from each other. Thor calls his hammer back and attacks Bella with his lightning which didn't even faze her but it worked as a nice distraction and attacks Bella with his hammer. Bella tries to parry the blow with her swords but her swords shattered. The hammer was about to hit her but passes right through her. Bella was about to stab Thor where his heart was but her hand was blocked by Odin himself.

All of them jump in different directions to gain some distance.

Thor: Father I thought you were sick.

Odin: I was son but then I sensed the cries of my men and woke up from my state.

Thor: Sorry father I was unable to protect our men.

Odin: Don't worry this happens, I am proud of you son because you became finally worthy of your hammer.

Bella: Is your chat over?? Then can we get back to killing ourselves.

Bella declares that and transforms into her true form. Two horns comes out of her head and her eyes turn completely black and her irises were red because of the Sharingan. Bella then summons her darkness swords and Odin summons his spear and Loki also comes along with it.

Bella: Good job you old fart, now I don't have to search for him.

As soon as she finished saying that Bella kicks the ground and moves closer to Odin. Odin protects himself with his spear but he was shocked by the force behind the slash. Thor didn't stay behind and attacked Bella from behind. Bella dispersed her darkness blade and caught the hammer with one arm. She turns her whole body and kicks Thor away. Odin takes this chance to attack her but his feet was frozen by darkness. Before he could free himself he was punched by Bella and he dropped off the bridge.

Thor was already bleeding from several places. He could not believe his own eyes. A girl was dominating both him and his father without even trying. The rest of the army was just standing by the side and they were completely pale and shaking as they have seen a ghost. Thor looks at them and somehow gathers the remaining strength in his body and attacks Bella. Bella just swats him at the side like a fly and walks towards a scared Loki who was kneeling on the ground.

Bella grabbed him by his collar and dragged him towards the end of the world and held him there. She was grabbing his left arm so that he would not fall off.

Bella: You made me work very hard, I didn't like that.

Loki: What have I done to you??

Bella: You called me Puny Mortal did you forget that?

Loki: Please forgive me, I will never show you my face again.

Bella: Not happening Puny God, now scream for me b*tch.

Bella summoned a darkness blade and slashed at Loki's chest. He screamed on top of his lungs and blood gushed out of his chest. A spear came from behind and was about to impale Bella but the spear passed right through her and cut off Loki's left arm. Odin's face was filled with utter horror along with Thor. Loki just dropped from the edge and disappears from everyone's sight.

Bella: I wasn't expecting that, but it also works for me….