Return of Loki

~WITH MARIA~ (1 hour before she called Luci)

Currently, she was in a chopper flying towards the base where they tested the Tesseract. Soon the chopper landed and she got out and met Phil. Phil started to lead her inside.

Maria: What's the status??

Phil: That thing started to react strangely, almost like responding on its own.

Maria: But I think I have clearly denied any more tests.

Phil: Yes, nobody was even present in the room when the reaction started.

Maria: F*ck it is going to give me another headache.

After that, they reached the basement and Phil gave his biometrics and opened the door. Maria turned towards him while she walked inside.

Maria: Phil, I want this place completely evacuated. I don't want any of my men dying because I was too stubborn.

Phil: But it will take hours.

Maria: Just get the prototypes and leave everything else.

Phil: Ok, then we might have a chance.

Maria: I don't want changes I want my men safe and away from here. And where's Barton??

Phil: As usual up in his nest.

After that Maria entered the room and saw that 4 scientists working to fix the cube. Erik Selvig was also part of that team. Maria soon left them to do their thing and located Barton. She walked up to his position and when he saw her he grabbed the ladder beside him and slid down.

Maria: So how did it activate?

Clint: Nobody from here did it.

Maria: What do you mean exactly??

Clint: This is a door right? Doors can be opened from both sides.

Maria thought for some time and realized what Clint was talking about. Maria started talking through her earpiece.

Maria: Phil, evacuate this base as quickly as possible, if needed leave everything behind.

Phil: Ok, I will do that. (Though her earpiece)

Maria: You two agents stay here along with Barton and the rest escort all the scientists out except Eric Selvig. (She said pointing towards two of the agents in that room)

Agents: Yes ma'am. (In Unison)

After that, all the agents walked out of the room with 3 of the scientists. Two of the agents remained who were pointed by Maria. Eric was still working on the cube.

Maria: Eric talk to me.

Eric: I have never seen anything like it ever, this is truly amazing.

Maria: You know what? I don't give a single f*ck. I just want you to turn this thing down.

Eric: Well, then I can't do that.

Maria: Care to explain why?

Eric: Because this cube is running on its own I have even shut down the power supply but still the cube is releasing energy.

Maria: So why aren't we taking it and closing it in someplace safe??

Eric: We can't do that because the amount of energy the cube is releasing, if it is disturbed now it will cause a huge explosion and it will bury all of us underground.

Maria: Ughhh… another headache. So what can we do?

Eric: There is only one thing we can do now, we wait for the cube to shut itself down.

Maria: I guess there is no other way now. Barton lock the door so that no one can enter this place.

Clint: Yes ma'am.

Maria pulled a chair and sat down and she gestured the others to take a seat too. At first, they were a little hesitant but after some time they relented.


Suddenly the cube started to react and release more energy. The cube released a beam and hit the raised up platform and a portal opened over it. The portal closed and ended up giving a mild backlash which made everyone drop on the ground except Maria. The force only made her clothes flutter. The rest of the residual energy ended up getting collected by the roof of the room.

The smoke cleared and Maria a man in green armor who was incredibly similar looking to Loki. The man was kneeling down while he had a scepter in his hand and his other hand was mechanical. Maria sensed power from the specter and the cube were releasing was kind of similar but entirely different at the same time which confused her more. The man raised his head and stood up and started looking at everyone. His eyes then laid on Maria who had a complete deadpanned look on her face.

Loki: The hell are you doing here??

Maria: I can ask you the same question dumbass.

Now everyone got up and pointed their guns at Loki. Loki was completely enraged when he saw Maria and he launched a beam at her. Maria was not ready and she was hit by the beam and was thrown away until she collided with the wall. Everyone saw this and started to shoot at Loki but he reached up to Clint and touched his chest with his spear. His eyes changed colors momentarily and shot the remaining two guards. Loki then touched Eric's chest with his spear and his eyes did the same before he started looking at Loki like he was his God.

Maria has started getting up but Loki and the rest saw her. From his previous encounter, he had his doubts that Maria was also like Bella. So he pointed his spear towards the roof above Maria and launched a beam from his spear. The roof dropped down on Maria.

Maria: Oh f*ck.

Just as Maria finished saying that she was crushed by the roof that is what Loki and the other's thought. Loki took out the Tesseract from the stand and Eric gave him a case so that he can safely carry it. Loki placed it in the case and Clint opened the door and all of them left locking the room from outside.

By this time Maria to get out of the rubble, they were long gone. She started to dust off her clothes and looked at her clothes. Her blazer has a gaping hole below her chest and it was still smoking and her shirt at that place was also gone.

Maria: Thank god this was an old suit, f*ck I need to catch them now.

Maria moved instantly to the door and saw that it was locked from inside. She kicked the door and it was blasted outside. She immediately ran towards the exit and saw them leaving by a Humvee. She got in a Humvee herself and started chasing them. They started shooting her but nothing affected her. She got shot several times but she continued. Loki pointed his scepter towards her and launched a beam. The car was split open and it became inoperable. She got out of the car and started running behind them but before she could more than 4 steps and a huge explosion occurred which made her stagger and the tunnel collapsed completely burying her.

After the tremor stopped she somehow dragged herself out of the rubble and saw that her entire clothes were rags now making it a new kind of bikini. She checked her ear and her earpiece was still there, she had no idea how it was still there. She just shrugged again and used it to call Luci. After sometime Luci picked up the call.

Luci: What's up sis??

Maria: Bro, I f*cked up….


A/N: Maria was able to call Luci from her earpiece because Nat has asked Jarvis to links their comms before so that they would be able to contact each other in a moment of need. Another thing that Maria isn't weak she is just untrained to use her powers.

I have another question. I personally don't want to add X-Men here but if you guys want I will do that so if you want please vote.