Preparations (I)

After Luci left Nat with Maria he immediately warped back to his café where Bella was eagerly waiting for him in the bedroom. Bella looked at him and got confused since he returned alone, while he had took Nat with him.

Bella: What happened?

Luci: Well, it seems that your old friend Loki is still alive.

When Bella heard that she immediately started to release her power and eyes started glowing red but a thought clicked in her mind and she calmed down. Luci saw her reaction and got confused.

Luci: What happened, babe??

Bella: First I was completely enraged when I you told me that he was alive but now that he is alive I can make him feel pain, again and this time no one will interfere me.

Luci: I see that made your day I guess.

Bella: Of course you see those Asgardians were the last time I had some fun.

Luci: So what? Now you can again have some fun.

Bella: You betcha… but where is Nat and Maria??

Luci: I don't know exactly what happened but Clint Barton is compromised and Loki stole that damn Tesseract.

Bella: Isn't that the same agent who was spying on us and left unscathed??

Luci: Yes that's him.

Bella: Nat had told me that he was the one who saved him.

Luci: Yes, that is why she stayed behind with Maria. So what are you going to do about Loki??

Bella: His has a King or Ruler complex if you say. Sooner or later he will show himself before the world. That is when I will pay him a visit and make an art out of him.

Luci: Quite a plan.

Bella: There are none before this I had killed before with plans.

Luci: There is always a 1st for everything.

Bella: Now enough of that, join me on the bed. It has been long since it has been just the two of us.

Luci: If you say it like that, then who am I to deny.

After that Luci starts to kiss Bella quite passionately and then pushes her on the bed. After that soon moans of love and pleasure filled the room.


Currently both Nat and Maria were back in one place, on a huge heli-carrier. They were currently planning for their next plan of action.

Maria: What is the status of Tony?

Nat: He agreed. He said he had to do some stuff and he is going to drop by tomorrow.

Maria: Can you visit one more??

Nat: Yes sure.

Maria: Ok, you visit him then the quinjet will take you back to Luci's café.

Nat: No, I will be staying here.

Maria: Luci will be mad.

Nat: No, he will understand. I need to do this, at least I owe this much to Clint.

Maria: Suit yourself.

Nat: So where will I be going??

Maria: India.

Nat: So who I am going to meet??

Maria: Hulk.

~TIMESKIP~ (Location: Near Kolkata)

Nat was roaming through the streets making her way towards a housing complex. She was looking on her phone navigate to the address. She soon reached a housing complex and entered the elevator. She reached the 6th floor and knocked on the door. It was early morning in India. She knocked on a door for few minutes before someone answered the door. The door was opened by a woman, according to intel her name was Betty Ross. She saw Nat and talked with her in English.

Betty: How can I help you??

Nat: Can I come inside, I don't want to talk about all that standing outside.

Nat said that and showed her the id S. H. I. E. L. D. gave her. Betty immediately knew that Nat was sent by S. H. I. E. L. D. Betty quickly invited Nat inside and offered her a seat. It was an medium sized apartment with only two rooms but it was quite big for two people. Betty went to the kitchen and prepared some tea for Nat.

Betty: Why are you here?

Nat: We are currently facing a crisis and need your boyfriend's help.

Betty: Please wait here I will call him, he is sleeping in the other room.

After sometime Betty enters the room along with Bruce Banner. Bruce looks at Nat and takes a seat in front of her.

Bruce: Can you tell me what kind of crisis??

Nat takes out her phone and shows a picture of Tesseract to Bruce.

Nat: There are two things we will need from you. First we need your help in tracking of this thing. This cube releases gamma radiation and you are the best in that department. Secondly if a fight breaks out you might have to help us but might not depending on the situation.

Bruce: I understand. Please wait here while we pack our stuff.

Nat: Wait why we??

Bruce: Betty is also coming with me, I won't leave her here alone.

Nat: Ok fine.

After that Nat waits for them to get ready and while she was enjoying the view outside. Though it was near the road but it was still a different experience for her. After sometime both of them came out with two big suitcases. Nat looked at them ans sweat dropped.

Nat: I think you guys packed excessive luggage.

Betty: How long will you be needing us?

Nat: You guys could have returned before unpacking your toothbrushes.

Both of them heard that and they sweat dropped too.

Nat: Let's go we wasted a lot of time here, please don't mind my rudeness but time is the one thing we lack the most now.

After that they quickly left the building and they took a cab to the airport. A quinjet was waiting for them on the airstrip. Nat showed her id to the custom officers and they allowed her and both of the lovers to pass without checking. They got on the quinjet and blasted off towards the heli-carrier. Nat sat on a seat and decided to take a nice nap which she needed badly. After sometime they reached the heli-carrier and they got out. It was still dark there, Maria was waiting for them.

Maria: Glad you could make it such a short notice…