First Skirmish

Nat along with Steve were currently traveling to Stuttgart, Germany. Soon they reached in front of a big building where a crowd was being riled up by multiple Loki's. All the people were kneeling on the ground except one old man and Loki was about to launch a beam at him from the scepter. Steve saw that jumped down from the quinjet in the nick of time. The beam was deflected and Loki was hit by his own beam and dropped on the ground.

This caused an uproar among the crowd and all of them started to run. Steve went straight for Loki and tried to hit him but Loki's strength was superior than Steve so he easily overpowered Steve. Nat jumped down at the moment and before Loki could again attack Steve, Nat punched Loki on the face. Loki was blown backwards and tumbled down of the ground about 15m away. Nat appeared in front of him and was about to stomp on his chest but Loki rolled away. The ground cracked beneath feet of Nat, Loki tried to point his scepter towards Nat but she back handed him away.

Before Nat could attack him again loud rock music blasted from the quinjet. Nat smiled a little knowing who arrived. Iron Man landed in front of Loki and pointed his missiles at him.

Tony: Please pull another of your tricks.

Loki: I think surrendering would be better.

Nat: Good choice.

After that the quinjet landed and Nat cuffed Loki's hand and pushed him on the quinjet. Steve was feeling sour since Loki easily defeated him. Soon the quinjet took off and Tony took off his mask.

Nat: What took you so long?

Tony: I was studying something.

Nat: Still a kid I see.

Tony: Excuse me… big people can also study.

Nat: Yeah whatever let's you sleep at night.

Tony: You would be shocked to see my knowledge.

Nat: I guess so. Books made me scared.

Tony: Everyone has different taste.

Nat: Yes. So Loki where is the cube??

Loki: Oh I see… your quarrel is over. I was having quite fun.

Nat: Let's ask something else How did you lose your arm??

Loki: None of your concerns.

Nat: Oopps did I hit a nerve.

They were about to speak more but suddenly lightning starts to roar around the quinjet. Loki got worried and scared when that happened.

Tony: Scared of little lightning I see.

Nat went near the pilots to check the surroundings and know what was happening.

Loki: I am not quite fond of what's happens after this.

As soon as Loki spoke that a thud sound was heard from above the quinjet. Tony opens the backdoor and Thor comes inside and hits Tony who drops over Steve. Thor grabs Loki and jumps out of the quinjet.

Nat: You must be kidding me…!!!

Steve: We need a plan before we attack him.

Tony: I have got a plan… Attack!!

Nat: Wait for me.

Nat grabbed Tony left arm before Tony jumped out. Steve let out a sigh and grabbed a parachute and jumped behind them. Tony soon reached Thor and Loki who were talking to each other near a cliff. Tony grabbed Thor and tackled him on the ground. Thor immediately jumped and stood on his feet. Tony and Nat were standing side by side.

Thor: Do you even know what this is?

Tony: Shakespeare in park??

Thor: What?

Tony: Does your mother knows you wear her drapes?

Nat was holding her stomach while laughing and Thor became angry but he didn't attack them.

Thor: This is matter of Asgard don't interfere mortal.

Tony: Then don't take my stuff.

Thor lost his fuse and threw his hammer on Tony. Nat saw that and kicked the hammer out of Tony's way. Though Nat immediately grabbed her leg since it was painful. Bella had told her How she had swatted that hammer away but Nat was not strong like Bella. Thor was completely shocked that the girl kicked away his hammer.

Tony: Nat you okay??

Nat: Yes it is fine now, though I am not doing it again.

Thor was still standing dumbfounded, Tony used this chance and attacked Thor. He was late to react and received a right hook from Tony. Nat followed his lead and kicked Thor on his chest and landed a barrage of punches on his face. Thor's face was was bloody and he called back his hammer and hit Nat on her left shoulder and she was blown away. Tony tried to attack Thor but Thor summoned a lightning and hit Tony with it. It was a mistake in return Tony's power increased by 400%. Tony smirked and launched a beam at Thor, he was unable to deflect and was blown away. Thor was badly beaten up, he got up and saw that Nat was now standing beside Tony.

Thor: I am at your side.

Steve came out of the forest and all of them noticed him.

Steve: Prove it, drop down your hammer.

Tony: That was a mistake, he loves his hammer.

Thor: You want me to drop my hammer???!!!

Thor jumped up and was about to hit Steve who crouched down putting up his shields over him. But before Thor could reach Steve, Nat punched him in mid-air. The punch was hard, so hard that Thor was knocked our immediately. Steve was dumbfounded by Nat's strength. Tony already knew about how strong she was.

Nat: I guess that takes care of it.

Tony: Yes, it does. I am calling that jet back.

Steve: What just happened?

Nat: I will tell you later, maybe…

After that nobody said anything and Tony found Loki and dragged him towards them. Loki was now scared of Nat more than Thor. Nat cuffed the unconscious Thor and threw him in the jet like a sack of potatoes. All of them got up on the jet and flew back to the heli-carrier. Maria was waiting for them to arrive. When the jet opened Maria's eyes landed on Thor.

Maria: Wait… where the hell did you found him???