Before Slaughter Fest

A/N: Ok first thing is that I don't want to pair Maria with Thor it was just a one time thing. I thought a lot of readers will think that after reading the previous chapter.


Tony: So what now??

Nat: Bruce is knocked out, Maria is missing. Thor and Loki ran away.

Betty: I never thought someone to be stronger than Hulk. (She said staring at Nat)

Nat: Oh, I like to please.

Tony: So lets discuss what we already know.

Nat: Thor said something about some army. Loki have some alien army under his control.

Phil: So he will have to open the portal, again.

Tony: First thing he will need is a huge power source.

Betty: So that is why he needed Iridium so that the portal doesn't collapse on itself life it did in that base.

While they were discussing all this Bruce groggily wake up and walked towards them.

Bruce: Hey guys what happened?? I feel like a train ran over me.

All of them looked over to Bruce who walked up to them.

Tony: You were beaten into submission by Nat here.

Bruce was completely shocked, he himself thought that Hulk couldn't be defeated and now a girl a beaten him to submission. He decided to think regarding that while Betty started to check his health and all. They found that Loki would be heading to New York to open the new portal. Suddenly Maria contacted with them.

Maria: So where is Loki headed?

Tony: We think that he will use Stark Tower to open another portal to summon his army.

Maria: Ok I will heading there. Ok, dumb f*ck his heading towards his own death we will only kill the army he is going to summon. Nat show them a pic of Bella and Luci. If any of them encounter them then try to be friendly or they will die.

After that Maria disconnects her communication and Nat takes out her phone and shows Bella and Luci pic to all of them.

Nat: Avoid these two any cost or by any chance you encounter them be friendly or you will die. Steve you already know them but that was unfriendly so I would hope that you don't encounter them. Tony you are our friend so you don't have to worry about them.

Phil: So what about Clint?

Nat: Has he woken up?


Currently Tony and Steve were heading back to the others after fixing the motor. Suddenly they were attacked by Clint who was hiding beside the rails. But unfortunately Clint chose the wrong opponents Tony immediately knocked him out by punching him.


Phil: No, he is still down.

Nat: Then we leave him.

After that all of them walked towards a quinjet. Soon they took off towards New York.


Bella: I am getting worried for Nat.

Luci: What is there to worry?? She can't be harmed easily.

Bella: I am not worried for that, I just hope that she was able to save her friend.

Luci: I hope so too…

Suddenly Luci's phone started to ring. He took it out and saw that it was Nat.

Luci: Talk of the devil…

Luci puts the phone on speaker.

Nat: Where are you guys?

Luci: We are in the café as usual.

Bella: Nat were you able to help your friend?

Nat: Yes, I got him but Loki is heading towards New York. He is going to use Stark Tower to open a portal and summon his army.

Bella: I am gonna kill him and pull out his spine and shove it up his ass.

Luci: FATALITY (A/N: I was unable to stop myself.)

Nat: Don't care what you do with him. I just wanted to say that all of us are heading towards New York so if by any chance you guys encounter any of the others then don't kill them.

Luci: Ok, I guess.

Nat: Bella, Steve is also with us so don't pull out his spine.

Bella: Tell him not to get on my nerves.

Nat: Oh and guys another thing if any of you both encounter Hulk please don't kill him.

Luci: Ok.

Bella: So can I kill the army or Loki or are you going to ask me not to???

Nat: No… no… you can kill them any way you want. Nobody will complain no matter how brutal you are.

Bella: Yeah… boy. Luci close the café and put up some shield or whatever. This will be slaughter fest.

Luci: No problem, Bella don't hold back have all the fun you want.

Bella: This will be fun.

Luci: Oh, where is sis??

Nat: Don't know, she contact me and told me she will be also heading towards New York.

Luci: So I will be meeting with you guys before we start any action I guess.

Nat: Yes that will be good.

After that Nat cuts the call and Luci asks Bella to make runes for their café so that it will act as a barrier. After 10 minutes Bella was done with the runes.

Bella: All done.

Luci: Ok then let's go.

After that both of them exited the building and Luci invoked the runes for the barrier. They were about to head towards the Stark Tower when suddenly a beam launched from there towards the sky and a portal opened up. Soon many ships and aliens started to pour down. Bella stared grinning and looked towards Luci, Luci nodded and Bella dived into her own shadow.

Luci: I am just gonna sit back I guess… oh… that must be Ancient One's energy. Lets go and disturb her.

After that Luci also unfurled his wings and disappeared from there. Ancient One was on the room of a building and she was looking towards the portal without any worry.

Luci: Looks beautiful, right?

Ancient One: Yes it does. So where is Bella?

Luci: I allowed her to have some fun.

Ancient One: I guess then this place won't be beautiful anymore with all the bodies and gore.

Luci: I guess so.

Ancient One: So what are you going to do?

Luci: I dunno, maybe sit back and watch Bella.

Ancient One: I guess that also works but I will have to protect this sanctuary.

Luci: Oh no problem, Nat is also here I guess I will join her.

Ancient One: Ok then, I will see you later.

Luci: Yeah… sure.

Luci unfurled his wings and disappeared.