

2 months have already passed since Luci and the girls have came back from their trip. At first when they reopened their café after a month's break, the number of customers decreased exponentially. Since they were absent for a month all of them thought that the trio might have closed their café. They have notified before their trip that they were leaving but since it was a long break many thought that they were not coming back.

But it took only one month for them to get their previous crowd of customers. Luci and Bella have to work very hard. Then didn't get too much time to fool around. Bella was getting frustrated because of this, she wasn't able to make any new arts. They were facing all this load on themselves because Nat was not there to help them. Nat has started her mission and she had safely infiltrated S. H. I. E. L. D. She and Maria have found that HYDRA has been controlling SHIELD since long ago. They have been planning what they have failed to do due to Steve's interference before.

HYDRA was currently working on a plan called PROJECT INSIGHT. They were going to use helli-carriers with automated turrets to aim all the peoples who held even a small amount of threat to their plans. They were using a certain algorithm which would scan everyone's past and their background to determine if they could pose a threat to their plan of world domination or not. Luci when first about this he was completely baffled. SHIELD knew who Luci and Bella were that meant HYDRA also knew about that. So how could they even plan this it was out of his brain's reach. Maria and Nat were also shocked when they heard about this. Bella just shrugged it off saying that humans were always stupid and what not.

Maria and Nat were able to draw only one conclusion, they thought that if they don't interfere with Luci and Bella and they would not interfere in their plans. But if HYDRA has thought that then they were the biggest idiots who could have possibly walked on earth. Scratch that they held the 2nd position. They 1st place will always belong to Dick Fury. Maria and Nat only kept collecting evidence, while doing that Nat had found out that Armin Zola was quite nicely preserved since 1970s because he was dying. Nat discussed this matter with Maria and she asked Nat to kill him after gathering some information. Though Nat was sceptical about that but she decided to follow her order.

Nat found that Armin Zola is in the same base where Steve Rogers was trained during the world War 2. So currently, Nat was flying enroute to Camp Lehigh in a quinjet. She soon reached the Camp and landed near it. She broke in and started looking inside, she soon found a secret storage room full of old computers which were used during the early days of SHIELD. After looking everywhere she found modern looking computer with an USB slot. Nat pulled out an usb from which she got the location of this place. She had got that data from a server inside the Triskelion where they were making the project insight heli-carriers. She entered the usb drive in the port and saw the whole system power up instantly.

The green colored old display powered up and Armin Zola's face could be seen in it moving. Nat was quite intrigued when she saw this.

Zola: Well I wasn't expecting a guest

Nat: And I wasn't trying to find some old computer program.

Zola was visibly angry on Nat's comment but decided not to give a reply to that.

Zola: Well since you are here, that means HYDRA must have took control over SHIELD.

Nat: Not quietly… they still need some time.

Zola: So how did you find me?? (Zola asked Nat with an worried expression)

Nat: Why don't you tell me if Pierce is involved or not?? After you answer my question I will answer yours.

Zola flinched slightly when Nat mentioned the name of Pierce. It was so slight that anyone would almost miss it… keyword almost. In case of Nat she noticed. That is all the answer she needed.

Zola: Do you really think I would tell you anything. (Zola tried to get back on her)

Nat: Nah… no need. I already got my answer. Now of you don't mind I would be leaving.

Zola: What…??!! Don't you want to know about our plans??

Nat: I knew all of that actually, I just came here to kill you and don't bother I have enabled a signal disruptor which will prevent you from alerting anyone.

Zola was completely scared now, he had worked very hard for this plan to work, he gave up his body and became a computer and now all plan they made was going to destroyed like nothing. Nat pulled out a small disk like object and dropped on the ground which started to release a gas. Nat waved her and walked out of the base and a small spark appeared on the disk like object which caused a huge explosion which completely vaporized the base without leaving anything behind.

(A/N: The grenade was the same used in Underworld Evolutions but more powerful version)

She pulled out her phone and called Maria, after sometime Maria picked up the call.

Maria: What did you find?

Nat: SHIELD had been compromised up to its highest command. Alexander Pierce is the one who is controlling HYDRA.

Maria: So what do you think?

Nat: I don't think we should wait, they aren't expecting us and we should strike now.

Maria: I guess you are right, but do we have the all the names?

Nat: Yes, I already made the chart.

Maria: Ok, call Clint, Steve, Jennifer we will strike them tomorrow.

Nat: Yes, I will be ready along with the others. I am going to bring Jennifer.

Maria: Ok, but see that no one should know you were there expect the ones I asked you to call.

Nat: Ok, I guess. Talk to you later I am moving out…