Siblings II

The siblings were completely sacred now. Even though the girl knew that she didn't use her full power to attack him, but she was sure that the newcomer should have sustained a little bit of damage but it was like the attack didn't even faze him. The silver haired boy lost his patience and attacked Luci using his insane speed. But before the boy could have hit him, Luci just raised his left hand at the same blinding speed and grabbed his throat which stopped him in his path. The girl became more terrified and both her hands were covered in red power of some kind.

Girl: Let him go.

Luci: I don't know, if I let him go he can attack me again and maybe that time I won't be able to protect myself.

The boy was struggling hard to free himself from Luci's grip but everything was unfruitful. The girl became even more tensed than before.

Girl: Please let him go… he is important to me. I promise I won't attack you.

Luci: Ok, don't break your promise and don't run away. I just want to talk with you.

Luci then releases the boy from his grip and the boy grabs the girls and runs away without looking back leaving a raging Luci. I one thing he never liked is when someone makes fun of his mercy.

Luci: I fuckin hate this.

Luci said this and disappeared from that place. The boy was still running with the girl when a fist connected with his face which instantly broke his jaw and 3 teeth flew out from his mouth. The boy was driven into the ground and the girl was thrown a few meters away. The boy was bleeding from his mouth. He was still conscious which was quite shocking for Luci.

Luci: I gave you a chance and you blew it. Quite typical of humans.

The girls got up and saw her brother and her face became twisted due to rage.

Girl: You will pay for what you did.

Luci was quite intrigued when the girl started to channel her power through her hands. The crimson power covered Luci but it didn't effect him the way the girl had desired. She was trying her best to hurt Luci with all her power but Luci kept cancelling her power with VM. Her power was quite interesting according to Luci. Luci had always found humans with super powers interesting. The girl's face was now continuously filling up with fear instead of rage. Her power broke off and she dropped on her knees.

Luci: Was that all?? Quite interesting.

Girl: What do you want?? (The girl was now breathing heavily and was trying to catch her breadth.)

Luci: Can I know your name??

Girl: Why would I tell you anything.

Luci: If I heal the boy will you answer my questions then? It is clear that I can kill you both but I just want to talk with both of you.

The girl didn't say anything just nodded her head. The girl crawled towards the boy and pulled his head on her lap. Luci kneeled in front of her and used Naraka path to heal the boy. He was instantly healed and the girl was happy now but she was still worried of Luci. Luci got up and walked away from them.

Girl: Now what do you want?? (She said in disdain)

Luci: Firstly what are your names?

Wand: My name is Wanda Maximoff and this is by brother Pietro we are both twins.

Luci: Interesting… So what are you?? Mutants??

Wanda: No, maybe super humans.

Pietro: Why are you interested in us??

Luci: I find the humans who have super powers quite interesting. They intrigue me.

Pietro: So what are you?? You should answer us too.

Luci: That seems fair. I am half angel and half devil.

Pietro: Are you kidding us?? Or do we seem stupid to you? There isn't anything like angels and devils.

Luci didn't say anything and unfurled his wings. The siblings were quite shaken now. Luci just retracted his wings again.

Wanda: So is there a God too??

Luci: There are Asgardian gods like Thor or Odin.

Wanda: What about God your father?

Luci: Died long ago.

The siblings were down casted but they again looked up with grief was clear in the voice.

Pietro: Kind of expected that.

Luci: Guess you have called him but he didn't come right?

Wanda: Yes, or he won't have left us.

Luci: Well to tell you the truth even if he was alive he won't have come. The created humans and then left them on their own. God never interfered with his creation again.

Wanda: Maybe that is true, but it doesn't matter now.

Luci: Yes it doesn't matter.

Pietro: So what are you going to do to us?

Luci: You have two options, drown with these fools here or come with me. I won't offer the 2nd offer much but since you both have courage I extend this offer.

Pietro: And if we decline both??

Luci: I don't fucking care then. You are free to choose whatever you want. But if you oppose the destruction of HYDRA then I will kill you both.

Pietro: Even we know when to call it quits. We won't be fighting a dying battle.

Luci: Good for you.

Pietro: Then we will be going.

Luci: Yes sure. Here take my card if you need any help.

Wanda: This is a café.

Luci: Yeah I own this café. The help won't be free you will have to help me in the café. Now see ya…

Luci disappeared leaving two dumb struck siblings. Both didn't knew how to react to that.

Luci appeared back over the fortress and he followed the battle happening. The battle was on its last legs. The base have completely fallen now they were only clearing the scattered soldiers. Suddenly Maria spoke through Luci's microphone.

Maria: Luci come inside.

Luci immediately disappeared and appeared beside Maria. She was standing in front of a huge computer screen.

Luci: What can I do for you??

Maria: Can these stones have mind??

Luci: No, I don't think so. But a mind can be made from the mind stone or the mind stone might have a conscience.

Maria showed Luci the scepter.

Maria: Tell me is this the mind stone?

Luci grabbed the scpeter and shattered the the stone on top and took out a yellow stone.

Luci: Yes it seems to have a mind or mind can be made from this. How did you knew this??

Maria: Bruce found that they made an artificial intelligence like JARVIS and before we took down the base it uploaded itself on the internet. Tony checked the construct of the artificial intelligence and found it too complex to be completely human made.

Luci: Wow… I guess there is another psycho free on the internet. I have to ask Bella to stop posting on Instagram.

Maria: The fuck… be serious.

Luci: What… I am completely serious. We have pictures of our trip on Instagram and I don't want them misused.

Maria: Wow… fucking wow.

Luci: Don't worry sis… you will find the virus.

Maria: I hope we do before it can cause any serious damage.

Luci: That's it sis… oh and I found superhuman twins.

Maria: Uhmm… so where are they??

Luci: I let them go.

Maria face faulted on the floor.

Maria: The fuck you mean you let them go??

Luci: I am not keeping anyone against their will. What do you think I am?? A fucking kidnapper??

Maria: Sorry it was my mistake…