
After another hour Bella received the message from Luci that they have arrived and now she can use her shadow to pop out there.

Bella: Luci have reached Sokovia so I will be also on the way. Protect Pepper and Jarvis, maybe Ultron would show up here.

Nat: Ok, I will keep my senses sharp and even if I don't the alarms will alert me.

Bella: That would be enough.

After saying that Bella dives into her shadow and appears beside Luci. Luci along with Thor and Tony was standing some miles away from Sokovia.

Luci: We are waiting for Maria and the rest to show up.

Bella: Why can't we attack now??

Luci: If we attack now Ultron will humans to protect itself.

Bella: But I thought humans didn't mattered to you so much.

Luci: They don't, but I want to avoid unnecessary deaths.

Bella: I guess I understand.

Thor: I still don't understand how the two of you think like that.

Tony: I don't care, they are my friends.

Luci: Thor let me ask you something? Why do humans fight?

Thor: I don't know, maybe to show supremacy??

Luci: That too, but mainly greed. No matter what humans have they will always have greed. I am not saying that there are not good ones. There are definitely good ones but the rulers are controlled by greed.

Tony: Even though I am human I agree to that completely.

Bella: Because of greed our home was destroyed along with our family.

Thor: What do you mean by that??

Luci: Maybe someday I will tell you my friend. Humans have always feared the unknown or what they can't understand. I have a deep hatred against humans but now a days I trust some humans. AO, Maria, Tony, and Pepper they are all my good friends. I accepted Maria as my sister when she was human.

Thor: I think I understand some of it.

Luci: That is good my friend, now don't think too much about it.

While they were making small conversations Maria along with the rest of Avengers came to Luci position.

Maria: So how are we doing this bro?

Luci: Ultron have his Ultron army of robots. They are in thousands and he is being helped by the twins I let go during the HYDRA extermination.

Bruce: Ok, so what do we have to do?

Luci: I will talk with the Ultron main body while you guys will start the evacuation. I don't want to kill humans when Ultron uses them as meat shield.

Every human present for there except Tony were disturbed when they heard how Luci said that. Steve and Clint knew first hand that Luci or Bella won't even bat another eye to kill humans.

Tony: They have made some kind of Levitation device using Vibranium which can lift whole Sokovia into the sky. I think Ultron plans to drop Sokovia on the surface with massive speed to cause global extermination.

Luci: I will be with the main body of Ultron, I have some unfinished business with it. Don't go against that body if it by some miracle runs away from me. Except me and Bella none of you can face it. Bella you stay with Maria and help her.

Maria: I guess that works.

Luci: If the city starts to levitate continue evacuation. Thor, Tony, Bella, Maria, and Bruce you will be the fighting force. The rest of you will still support the evacuation. You will have time to evacuate until the city starts to drop after that happens I will vaporize the city along with if anyone stays on it.

Steve wanted to say something but decided against that because it wasn't like Luci wasn't giving them a chance or time.

Maria: Ok, let's go.

After that Luci disappears from that place and appears outside a temple. He walks inside and saw the twins sitting there along with Ultron's main body. They sensed Luci and immediately took battle positions but as soon as the twins saw Luci they started to tremble and became completely pale.

Luci: Well, I let you two go before, maybe that was a mistake.

Ultron: Who are you??

Luci: You have something which is mine and I want that. (Luci said pointing to the forehead of Ultron where the mind stone was embedded)

(A/N: Ultron's main body is same as Vision. In this timeline Vision never came to be since nobody was able to stop Ultron from getting his desired body)

Ultron: Oh… this. I took it from a human named Tony Stark bringer of death after I killed him.

Luci: That was a mistake you made and you will die for that

Wanda: How can you even say something like that about that monster??

Luci: Why do you think he is a monster??

Pietro: He makes weapons to kill people how can he not be a monster?

Luci: You are hypocrites, people are killed by kitchen knives so do the makers of those knives becomes monster? I kill humans like insects without touching does that makes me innocent??

Wanda: What are you even saying??

Luci: I am saying that you are blaming people for making something instead the ones who are using them. Tony made weapons but he didn't use them, the military did.

Pietro: But he still made weapons to kill which still makes him a monster.

Luci: I guess that you are bigger monsters then, since you want to kill all the humans on the planet a global extinction.

Wanda: What are you talking about?

Luci: Ooh… I see the tin can didn't told you. He plans to eradicate humans from the face of the earth.

Pietro: What… ???!!

Both Wanda and Pietro turned towards Ultron who was still in his passive attitude.

Ultron: Since that cat is out of the bag, no need to lie anymore. Humans need to form anew. As long as humans exist there will be wars and killing and there is no changing that.

Luci: You are a psycho, but I completely agree with you.

Wanda: So you user us??

Pietro: You will pay for that tin can.

Ultron: Quite funny, no matter how much you try you can never reach my level. Now come let me show you the power of this stone and body...

(A/N: I would highly appreciate your stones.)