Meeting with Lucifer Morningstar

Maria: Your ship is really nice… I have never seen such advanced technology.

Rocket: Are you sure that we could fly without getting attacked by someone??

Maria: Aren't you so cute…

She didn't answer Rocket but jumped on him and hugged him. But Rocket was not amused but his reaction said otherwise…. He started purring which Maria found more cute.

Rocket: Let me go woman… I am not amused… purr… god dammit woman.

Maria: I am keeping you and there is no changing that.

Maria was grinning but the grin scared the hell out of Rocket.

Quill: Uhmmm… not to stop your fun but we are in kind of hurry.

Maria: Oh yeah right… Jarvis show them the way. (Maria was now cradling Rocket as a baby)

As soon as she finished Jarvis took over the ship's system and activated the ship. The Guardians of the Galaxy were shocked due to that. They pointed their guns at Maria and Rocket was still trying to escape from Maria's claws according to Rocket otherwise hands.

Maria: Don't be like that… Jarvis is a friend. He will drive the ship without getting detected.

Gamora: Why should we trust you??

Maria: If I wanted I could have easily killed all of you and those toys won't even scratch me.

Quill: Are you kidding me… you look like a normal human.

Maria: I might, but it will be unwise to attack me then I will have to kill you and then Rocket would hate me I don't want that??

Rocket: Woman I am not your pet… unhand me this instant.

Maria: Don't be like that cutie… you fur is so nice, so soft and you talk… what more can I ask.

Rocket: You vile woman… let me go. I won't be your pet.

Maria was not happy, she released her full power in the ship while they were flying. The whole ship started to shake and all the rest of the group dropped to their knees.

Maria: Listen pet… stop struggling and let me pamper you.

Rocket was scared.

Rocket: Yes ma'am.

The whole pressure vanished like it appeared in the ship and it stopped shaking and everyone got up but they were still scared of Maria. It was clear now that Maria was so strong that she could easily kill them without even batting an eye. Obviously Ego was stronger than her but Maria gave another type of feeling to them, the feeling of dread and death.

After some time they reached New York and the ship flew towards café Morningstar. They got out of the ship while Maria was still pampering Rocket within her arms. Maria walked out and they followed behind her. Maria had already asked Jarvis to notify Luci of her arrival. After a few seconds Luci walked out of the café and he became really curious seeing Maria cradling something.

Luci: Sis, what is that??

Maria: This is Rocket… Rocket say hi to my brother.

Luci: That's a raccoon sis… raccoons don't talk.

Rocket: Hell I do… first this vile woman and now another shit.

Luci: Wow… but you fur ball if you insult me again I am skin you and get myself a fur scarf.

Maria: Bro… you aren't going to do anything like that.

Luci: So what should do?? Let this shit insult me??

Maria: Yes… if he wants that.

Gamora: Ahem… !!

Gamora gained their attention.

Maria: Oh… brother they call themselves something like Guardians of the Galaxy or something they came to talk with you??

Luci: Hey you green girl… are you from Mars??

Gamora face palmed again and Quill was irritated and annoyed. They knew Maria was strong so this man should be strong too since the man was Maria's brother.

Gamora: I can assure you I am not from Mars. We came to Earth to look for the infinity stones and my scanner shows that you have all 4 of them currently on you.

Luci: I see… lets change the scenery.

Luci used the Reality Stone and made all of them appear in a huge field of grass where slowly wind was blowing shuffling their hair. The Guardians were very shocked when they saw that because the last person who touched a stone died due to excess power and Quill was only able to because he was son of Ego.

Quill: Wait… how did we come here.

Gamora: You used Reality Stone right?? How can you use an infinity stone like that without hurting yourself??

Luci: Because I want to… honestly I never seeked these stones but somehow they ended up with me one way or other. They intrigue me a little bit…

Gamora: But that doesn't answer how can you use these stones??

Luci: I don't know… I just think of using a stone like I want to, then it works like I want too.

Quill: Wait you're saying that you have all of them touching you??

Luci: Yeah…

Luci opened his hand and showed the four stones but then the next moment the stones disappeared from his hands.

Gamora: You aren't a human.

Luci: Who told you I am human… they are pathetic little weaklings but I respect them if you ask me… they intrigue me. How hard they try, How hard they fight… it is really interesting to me.

Quill: How can you insult humans like that.

Luci: I didn't insult them… what I said is true.

Gamora: Ok, all these matters aside… we want you to hide the stones somewhere.

Luci: Why should I??

Gamora: Someone is coming for them and I have come to warn you. If he gets all the stones then this will be the end of this universe.

Luci: Wow… nice. Finally a decent fight.

All the Guardians of Galaxy were shocked when they heard that.

Gamora: Are you out of your mind??

Luci: Let him come I will show you what is the true meaning of power…