Number 003. Inherited number. Birth: Area 2NA. Agricultural worker. Known age: 250 years. Spouse: none.
This is me. Simply numbers and titles, nothing more.
An average man, an average face, an average life. Relatives? They definitely exist but they live the same average existence. There's no time for each other. To co exist with one another would simply be a dream. This world demands I sleep , eat, work and rinse and repeat until it all ends. This world is boring. That's how'd I'd describe Earth, once a land of revolution and great history but now just a world of science and efficiency.
It's said in the old days there was a mighty country where I was born. A land of freedom that eventually saw its demise at an idiot leader it self appointed. This cycle repeated through out much of it's history. Talk about self destructive tendencies right?
The world carried on though and soon there were no countries, no wars, no religious crusades, no need to make distinctions in the land you were born. There is only efficiency. You do your work and enjoy the ever growing human comforts, those with intelligence and backing would pursue the sciences and become nobles in this world. Those with out great intelligence would find themselves to be nothing more than the worker bees for those that did.
With the world so focused on science and expanding it self beyond this little planet, they broke the old rules of life. Disease was a thing of the past, the confines of this solar system no longer mattered.
This is humanity. Stripped away from all its individualized history and cultures, all it wants is to live as long as possible and enjoy all the pleasures it creates. Currently you can enter virtual worlds, fly into the outer reaches of space, and the average mans lifespan is at least a thousand years.
All this can be enjoyed by even the average workers like myself. Of course within limits, as currency isn't what it was, your amount of work directly correlates to the comforts you can enjoy. Your health and sustenance are guaranteed, you can never go hungry these days as food cost nothing, health is genetically perfect, clothing is lacking originality, but you can always have some on hand along with a roof over your head.
Comforts such as unique clothing and food, or the endless forms of recreation are slightly expensive but affordable. What is truly expensive is education, absurdly so.
Why waste your lifespan on education and striving to become a noble when you can enjoy all the worlds comforts at a lower price though? A clearly open plot for those on top, to stay on top.
This system was created not for good, not of kindness, but to ensure humanity continued to create for the pleasure of nobles. Those nobles are said to live several tens of thousands of years, they fear not and want not. It's said they alone are qualified to know of Earth's true religion, though whatever it maybe its definitely not like the ones in the archives. Those were for everyone, but this one is only for it's chosen, or at least for the people behind the choosing.
This world is boring.
This is the only thing I can think of as I'm being ripped down to the molecular level by fucking lightning of all things, since the creation of the Aegis system that provides full weather control this stopped being a thing millennia ago. Yet here I am, Mr. Average meeting something so unique.
Well at least my death will be interesting, the first death on Earth not of old age in millennia. I wonder if anyone will remember I existed?
In a secret chamber of the Aegis orbital space system a few minutes earlier.
Sir Ark
" Fire the light particles and focus on one point in the agricultural field. Make sure they include substance X. That tree looks strong use it"
"Sir, process completed. Substance X was completely expended. There seemed to be a person under the tree though.. "
Sir Ark
A few minutes later in the control room of the Aegis system.
"Number 27982 what the fuck is happening in area 2NA, who the hell authorized the use of lightning."
"Ma'am according the report there was no authorization, the Aegis had no influence in that weather event"
"Then forget it, the so called scientists won't care and neither should we. Just bury it, it never happened."