Chapter 2 : The Heavenly Wolf King

The lightning not only affected the inhabitants of the cities, but the inhabitants of the forest as well. A great many creatures fled from the epicenter of the lightning, to these animals the territory the lightning fell in was already a dangerous area. Their instincts told them to flee as far as they could. Some of the stronger ones were tempted to venture into the area, but they too felt the danger was too high.

The beasts knew the territory of the Heavenly Wolf King was not a place to enter. The humans swarming to the forest knew as well, but as they didn't see the exact epicenter of the lightning they came to the forest anyway. Had they known where it landed they'd run back home as if their asses were lit on fire.

In the forest, at the epicenter of that lightning, No. 003 was facing the most terrifying danger known to the inhabitants of these cities and the forest.

The Heavenly Wolf King

Or at least that's what the humans called it. Little known to them the terrifying wolf howls heard in this territory came from a mouse, a small yet cute mouse. Of course its true form was hidden by itself at this time through a special technique it knew, and it appeared as a large white wolf with fur that seemed to almost glitter in the sunlight.


Shit if I have to die I can only hope this big dog doesn't like to play with it's food.

The Heavenly Wolf King on the other hand only felt this creature was too small, it had seen humans before, but this one was so tiny it wasn't fit to be it's snack. It was a little larger than its original form but a snack nonetheless regardless of form.

"After stealing the Divine wolf blood I've hidden here for thousands of years and when I think a great treasure appeared to reward me for my troubles all I get is this little human. Heaven really has a sense of humor". Despite its grumbling though if it was being honest, it felt like playing with this little thing.

Much to 003's horror instead of it's fangs, the wolfs vicious claws were heading his way.

Fuck you stupid dog just eat! Why play with me!

In a reactive response, as the wolfs claws were approaching they were suddenly held by a pair of tiny hands. The Heavenly Wolf King disdained the sensation and was ready to crush the tiny being by the river shore in the same manner as a child on Earth would kill ants for sport.

Unfortunately things did not go the way the fake wolf king expected after that minor sensation of those tiny hands, a terrifying burning sensation was starting to crawl up its paws. The little human was nowhere to be seen, and only a crimson black substance could be seen on the paw it used to play with the little ant. The substance was crawling up that front paw and the further it climbed the more powerful the burning sensation got. In fear the Wolf King rushed into the river in an effort to cool off. It thrashed around the river as the sensation spread across its entire body. An hour later as the Wolf King struggled to get rid of the burning sensation, it then began to experience a terrifying itch across it's entire body.

With a crimson black flash its body slammed into the trees around the river in an effort to relieve the terrifying itch. It began to let out terrifying howls that spread through out the entire forest and slam into the trees even more maniacally. At this time in the forest many humans had these howls deeply etched into their minds, each howl was more powerful than the last and each time they heard them more and more sweat would gather on their backs. This was pure fear that assaulted their mind and souls. A primal instinct that death is the only thing to be found chasing those howls. Soon after the destruction of many trees, even those that stood higher than 15m's, could be seen and heard.

Soon regardless of social class those humans that happily rushed into the forest, were instantly rushing out. To them it seemed the Heavenly Wolf King was in fierce battle for the unknown treasure. It was a shame this beast might become even more powerful and pose an overwhelming danger to their cities, but they had no affinity with this treasure and they certainly could not compete for it anymore.

Only the four major ruling powers of their respective cities had this right but even those four households with their mighty guardians would never pick a fight with the Wolf King without an alliance and benefits. The benefit in question this time though was a heavenly lightning treasure, whether they could share this treasure was questionable.

Who would survive the fight with the Wolf King and if anyone would have enough survivors to uphold the alliance for their own interests was even more debatable.

On this continent beasts and humans were not equal, humans held much of the world not with power, but sheer numbers which was only bolstered by the gifts of intelligence and wisdom similar to Earth. The world had a balance though, while humanity was blessed with intelligence and wisdom, beasts had an overwhelming physical prowess.

This planet had a class system for power, in that system a human warrior could never match a beasts in his or hers equivalent class, on the contrary the beasts could easily match ten human warriors of its same class give or take.

So the four kings of the area would not ally, but they would definitely try to fish in troubled waters. With those thoughts in mind the Misty Leaf Kingdom sent the mighty Misty Leaf army to the area, the Emerald kingdom had sent the highly respected Sol clan, the Three Rose Kingdom moved out the fearless Lu clan, and the Dark Night Kingdom sent their barbaric Blood warriors.

All four approached the area devastated by the Heavenly Wolf King. As they all stared each other down, they all noted one giant missing factor. The Heavenly Wolf King.

The four leaders of the group approached each other. The man in the lead was a big burly fellow neither muscular nor fat, with arguably a handsome face that did not belong with the body in question, as he approached he yelled:

" Are all you fellows here to join my Lu clan on its picnic today?"

A masked woman from the Misty leaf army replied " Our army is simply doing their routine patrol today. So we must decline."

A tall lanky man with airs of a scholar simply grunted and said " Our Sol clan is here to search the river for our missing trade ship. You fellows better not be involved."

The last to approach would best be described as a human bear, with a meat of some sort in hand he bit down and icily said " Stop your non sense. We Blood warriors came for the treasure, if you want it let's fight! Otherwise just leave."

At this statement the group of human bears behind him all started to laugh, and the two clans leaders face turned ugly while the masked woman seemed to have her hand drifting towards the hidden weapons in her coat.

As the tense atmosphere was building and more of the warriors present all began reaching to their weapons. A baby's cries broke though the silence stunning everyone in to a stupor.

The Sol clan leader looked around and yelled " Which idiot brought a child with them into the forest!? Come out here!"

The other leaders, while issuing no statement, seemed to agree with the Sol clan leaders reaction. They all patiently waited for the offender to step forward. Unfortunately no one stepped forward and the cries continued.

As this continued, a woman that stood behind the Lu clan leader looked around and reached the river bank. This woman was a beauty, nothing Earth shattering but definitely no average beauty either. She yelled " Husband I found the child!" as she reached down for the child, she sneakily touched the child's forehead and placed the child in her arms and so the baby's cries ended.

The Sol clan leader had an embarrassed expression but still said " The child must be a survivor from the trading ship we are searching for, Lady Lu please return him to the Sol clan."

Some of the warriors from the other forces thought "Is the Sol clan really here for a trading ship?". While the forces leaders collectively thought " This sneaky old fart, how would a child survive in the war zone of the Heavenly Wolf King? Clearly whoever left it here fought the wolf for the treasure. This child is a direct connection to the treasure I must have them."

Lady Lu was no fool though, she and her husband were younger compared to the other leaders but to get to their position at such a young age, they clearly had their own skills. She aggressively unbundled the boy and displayed him to the group.

Her facial expression was enraged and with killing intent flowing around her, she responded to Sol clan leader " Is that so? Then old Sol Rhee care to explain why the child on your trading ship bears the Lu branch family crest on his forehead?"

Old Sol Rhee's face was a sight to behold as the Lu clan warriors all drew their weapons and began to encircle his Sol clan.