The start of it all

I woke up extremely excited!!! it was my 7th birthday party today and my mom was going to cook and my family was coming over. That meant music and fun was on the way. I had on my night gown and I wandered through our 6 bedroom house feeling like I was on top of the world. My mom and aunt took my cousin with them to the store to get food and decorations leaving me with my 18 year old male cousin Timmy at home. I knew that my birthday party meant I was saying goodbye to the 6 year old girl I once was but, I never imagined I would be saying hello to the 7 year old woman I was about to become. As I walked up the stairs into my mom's room I saw Timmy sitting on the floor beside the black canopy bed that my mom had occupying the space that would change my life forever. I sat on the bed in an attempt to join Timmy in watching tv, but he had a different plan. Timmy placed his over grown man hand on my leg and began to find his way up my gown using the remote control that he held in his other hand. By the time I could understand what was happening I felt as though I was doing something wrong and I just knew I would be in trouble if my mom found out . I felt a pain like never before as Timmy put his fingers where I knew they didn't belong. There was a noise from downstairs that startled him and he jumped up and ran into the bathroom to wash the painful experience that he took me through down the drain. I realized that it was my mom returning from the store and I slowly went down the stairs and I turned to the right and I was facing my mom in the kitchen with grocery bags I was terrified but I knew I had to tell my mom what just took place and that's exactly what I did. My mom called Timmy downstairs after she inspected my 7 year old body carefully and he came pretending to be innocent as can be. This was the time in my life where I lost a big piece of my happiness and life as I knew it would never be the same for me...