First Meet

Small festival and competition, South Korea.



A crowded place, beautiful decorations and wonderful people. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining brightly.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, there was an event taking place at an open space. Even though we said that it was an event it looked like a competition. A competition in which people of different clubs were trying to show their talents in martial arts. A pot was hanging with a rope and participants were trying to break it using their strengths.

Two people were sitting on the side looking at the ongoing show. Both of which were handsome beyond recognition. One hand a fair complexion, soft face and playful smile with dark black eyes that looked like a wave of night sky. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with white pants.

The one sitting next to him was a cold, aloof man. He looked like a god walking on earth. The air and aura around him were of a ruler. He was sitting like a king gazing around with his grey colored eyes that looked like galaxy which would pull you in its depth.

He was none other than the mysterious heir of Lu family, Lu Ruo Bei. The one who at the age of 20 took over the business and led it to the point where it is now the largest in the country and even worldwide.

The playful one next to him was his younger brother Lu Young Joon. They were here coz Lu Ruo Bei since small had been training martial arts at his club. And now he was there with his club for the festival.

He never came to places and festivals like this. But this club was very close to him because of someone special. He had established this club for that person. But now that person was not there with him to continue this club.



The ceremony was on going when a cute little boy came in the middle of stage. He was looking at the balloons on the top.

Due to the continuous pressure of the kick on the pot and the rope, the place where the rope had tied was moving nonstop and the place where the biggest balloon was tied was also in the same place.

So, it too was moving. The balloon was not a normal one. It was twice the size of an average human and was quite heavy. It was not made of normal material used to make a balloon.

At some point of time, the balloon fell off from the sky above to the boy. He didn't know what was happening he was just giggling and looking up.

At that moment a lady appeared and picked the little boy up and just as she took a step aside, a man appeared and kicked the balloon aside. The kick was so hard that the balloon burst and from it fell different petals and sparklings. The lady as well as the boy looked up.

The petals were falling on them. She smiled closed her eyes and swung with boy. The boys too giggled and looked happy. The people nearby were stunned. To the others this scene looked like an angle sent from heaven, welcomed to earth with a shower of petals.

Even the person who kicked the balloon was stunned as he looked at the girl. He was none other than Lu Ruo Bei.

He was looking at her as if the whole world doesn't exist and she is the only person that exists.

The girl was beautiful.

She was wearing a yellow knee length summer dress. Small face, long black hair that swung with her movements, thick and long lashes, curvy body. She looked perfect from any angle you look.

After a few seconds the petals were on the ground.

She opened her hazel eyes and with a smile looked at the boy in her arms. He was still smiling.

At that moment a women came to them and took the boy away, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The boy didn't resist and went to her, so everyone assumed that she was his mother. "Are you alright? Why did you run away? I told you to sit still."

After the boy left, the lady looked at the man in front of her. She saw him looking at her. They looked into each other's eyes and forgot the world. They were brought back by the young man's voice.

Looking at the source of voice they saw a man walking towards them. He was his younger brother. The young man one look at his older brother and then at the front. But the moment he looked at front he was stunned, as he didn't see the girl. She just disappeared.

Even the elder brother was surprised when he heard his brother's question who asked where she disappeared to. He looked at the place where she was standing with longing in his eyes.

Looking at his expression Young Joon asked, "What are you looking at brother? Ohh my god dont tell me.. is it love at first sight?"

His brother didn't look at him and just said one word which stunned him.


"What Jaan? You mean Noona? OH, brother please!!! Do you think she's here. When we last saw her, she was 7 and now she must be what... 24. It's been 17 years. We don't even know how she looks. How can you be sure that it was her and if it was, she would have come to meet us. Ahh, I miss her!!"

"Her eyes," said Lu Ruo Bei.

"Her eyes were same as her's. There was no one in the whole world that had like hers except her mother and....." he didn't complete his sentence.

With that they went to mansion where they had to attend their mother's birthday party.

After returning to mansion Ruo Bei went to his room, sat on the sofa and kept thinking about her. Her face, her smile, her eyes.

Who was she??

Was it really her or did I misunderstood??

To distract himself from her he started to busy himself in work.