Who was it?

Ruo Bei looked at them suspiciously and thought that there was more to her expression but couldn't get anything.

"Noona don't worry after you recuperate we will definitely go on a trip."

She ignored him and looked at mother Lu

"Zia how are you feeling?"

"I'm totally fine because of you.. but don't do something this reckless next time. It's too dangerous."

She didn't say yes she just smiled.

"What about the crash?" she asked

Hearing her words everyone's eyes turned cold.

At that moment doctor came in but when he saw the environment he just closed the door and went back with cold sweat and trembling legs.

Seeing the doctor's reaction the guards outside were astonished as to what happened that the doctor was acting this way even before he went in.

"Why dont you rest and let your Zio take care of it?" Mother Lu stated.

"No I want to know too" She said with a child like tone.

"Its okay she'll know it anyway" father Lu looked at her and sighed.

Hearing that Ruo Bei raised his brows.

The guards waiting outside were called. When the guards entered only then did they got to know the reason for the doctor's reaction.

Father Lu looked at them and asked.

"What did you find out?"

"Master the crash was intentional. They had already known that Madam Lu would be going through that route and set up the trap. There were not two but three trucks. If one was not successful the others would surely be."

"We have already caught the three drives but two of them killed themselves, we were on time and were able to get our hands on one."

"We interrogated him...."

"Who was it ?" Ruo Bei asked

The guard hesitated for a few seconds then said.

"We don't know.. They all were hypnotized.. so they don't know anything what they did and happened."

Hearing that the aura around Ruo Bei which he had been trying to control not to scare Natasha burst out. Natasha on the other hand already knew about it and felt warmth seeing this.

The guards flinched.

"What do you mean by they were hypnotized?"Father lu asked in an angry tone.

"Check who they met before and see if there are any suspicions."

After listening to the command they went out.

Ruo Bei looked at Natasha .

Her eyes were cold and it looked like she was thinking something.

He didn't expect to see that look on her face. That sweet smile and innocent look was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing his son looking at Natasha he move his eyes on to her.

Looking at her expression he knew she forgot where she was and with who she was. Fortunately only his elder son saw her look.


She looked at him and her cold gaze turned soft.

"You have just got out of danger and you'll take time to recover." he wanted to tell her that she was hurt and to not act recklessly. "You should rest." Ofcourse she got what he wanted to say.

Ruo Bei thought that even though the sentences were simple it had other meaning. There was definitely something going on between these two.

Father Lu went to mother Lu and escorted her to her room to rest.

When he was about to pull the wheelchair he heard the voice of his princess.

"Zio....Who was it for?" Hearing that his hand on the wheelchair shook and his expression turned sour.

"You should rest." he said with a demanding tone.

He looked at his son "I'll handle the rest you stay with her."

Hearing his father's word his eyebrows furrowed.

'Did he said that just because he wanted me to take care of her or what there anything that he didn't want me to know?'

Natasha looked at his face and knew what he was thinking. To distract him from his thoughts and check her luck she said

"You don't need to stay here I'm fine. I'll just rest."

Looking at her expectant look he knew what she wanted as he got glimpse of his fathers last warning to her. She wouldn't rest if he goes out.

So he just took a chair near her bed and sat there.

Her all hopes crashed. She pursed her lips. Looking at her dejected face he knew that he was right.

After few minutes he heard her voice. She was talking to herself and grumbling. She forgot that he was still in the room. Her voice was low but he still heard it.

"I should have brought him here with me."


She heard a cold voice. She literally forgot that he was still sitting here.

She just looked at him with wide eyes.

Not getting any answer the arch on his eyebrows grew.

"Who?" he asked again. This time his voice was colder than before.

"My car"

" You said HIM"

"Yes because its him"

"You're talking as if IT is a human"

He emphasized on 'IT'

"Even though he is not a human he does everything a human does."

After a while she again said

"Well except eating and shitting and kissing and doing that... cough cough... I mean he doesn't have emotions and stomach to digest the food ..and yaa even his body is of metal so he doesn't have those parts too"

Ruo Bei was looking at her as if asking did you hit your head hard?

"What you don't believe... you will when he comes."

Ruo Bei just thought that she was a patient so he should not act recklessly and have patience.

Then he again heard her talking to herself..... but it looked like she was talking to someone else.

"Kit come here as soon as possible.....I shouldn't have given you to that old man and brought you here.....look now I'm sitting on the hospital bed"