Where did you go?

The doctor greeted him and said what he was supposed to say when he saw her looking at him with a glare.

"Mister Lu, Miss Saxena's wounds are healing very fast she can get a discharge in two days."

Father Lu looked at the doctor and sighed.

The doctor was sweating. He knew at a glance what had happened. She must have threatened the doctor to say so. Even though her wounds healed faster than any other human it was still impossible for her wounds to heal this fast.

He just said okay and asked the doctor to leave. Then he turned to Natasha and glared at her.

She just looked at him and shrugged her shoulders as if saying 'I didn't do anything'

"Are you sure about it?"

"Never than ever"

He just sighed.

He thought of how many times he sighed in these 10 minutes.

"But you are staying at the Lu mansion until you recover"

"I'm leaving on sunday"

"Your not going anywhere until you recover fully."

"No I cant. I...."

He cut her in middle of her sentence.

"Well you have a choice to stay here or at Lu mansion but you don't have any other choice" he said in a domineering tone.

She just pursed her lips.

Ruo Bei just looked at the duo and shook his head after understanding what had happened.

Lu mansion.

After 2 days she was discharged and brought to the Lu mansion.

All the maids and servants were worried about her.

At first they thought that she was just a girl like those other ladies who only know how to look pretty and be arrogant.

But later when they heard about the accident and how she protected madam Lu while she almost lost her life, they felt that she was different.

Well they already felt that she was different when both their young masters talked to her and behaved in a rather different way with her around. Especially their first young master who never talked to nor went near any girl in his whole life was talking and touching her freely.

Their second young master is always flirting with girls but the way he behaved with her was different. He didn't flirt with her, he was just by her side. They have never seen him like that before he even let's her scold him and pull his ears. If it was someone else she would not be on this planet anymore.

They have been working here for many years now and they knew his anger was opposite of his playfulness.

When he was angry he was just like his father and brother.

After Natasha came to the mansion she felt the maids and servants were acting differently than before.

She just shrugged it off and went to her room.

After entering her room she took a shower and went down.

There was no one there.

She asked one of the maids about father Lu.

He was in his study.

She wanted to know about what he found out about the accident

She asked him in hospital but he didn't answer. She too didn't go further as either Ruo Bei or Joon were always there to accompany her.

She went to his study and knocked.

He knew she would come so he took out the file with information of accident.

After she entered he directly passed it to her and started making tea while she read the file.

The accident was for mother Lu. They wanted to kill her because of the Mo family.

Mother Lu was the only daughter of the Mo family.

The Mo family was one of the influential families in the country.

Han group was blacklisted by the Mo family and was on the verge of bankruptcy due to which chairman of Han group got an heart attack and was in hospital.

His son wanted to kill her as the punishment for the Mo's.

After she finished reading she placed the file back on the table and took the cup of tea offered.

"They are all taken care of so you dont have to worry"

She just nodded.

Then she went to the garden to take a walk. She seriously needed a break from rest and wanted to do some work.

Her hands were itching.

The Lu mansion garden was very beautiful.

It was spread to a large distance. It had different types of flowers and a pond with different types of fishes accompanied with a fountain.

After an hour of walk in the garden she felt good as if she got her legs back.

After returning back she saw Ruo Bei sitting in the living room with a dark expression.

"Where did you go?"

"I just went to the garden to get a fresh air"

As if knowing something he looked at the maid near by and asked

"When did she go out?"

The maid looked at her. Natasha shook her head as if telling not to tell him.

"Why are you asking her? I said I just went to get some fresh air."

But looking at his expression she panicked. If he gets to know that she went out for more than an hour he would not let her go out at all.

Then she looked at the head butler for help.

Looking at her pleading eyes his heart melted and he called her out.

"Little princess your back... What would you like to eat for lunch?"

Seeing that all maids rounded their eyes in shock. No was had ever interrupted in between any conversation of first master.

He is the first master of the house yet instead of asking him he asked her about what she would like to eat.

Natasha too looked at him with surprise.

Not hearing any answer from her Ruo Bei asked.

"What would you like to eat?"

Everyone looked at him as if they were seeing a ghost.

He actually didn't say anything to butler but even asked what she wanted to eat.