
"She went out alone... and even took the car... how dare you allow her to go out."

"And you all " he looked at the maids "she wasn't in the house for so long and no one knew about it "

"What are you even doing here.. what do you get paid for..." he was so angry that he started shouting on everyone.

When parents Lu heard the commotion they came down and saw their son reprimanding everyone.

"What happened.. why are you shouting?" father Lu asked

He didn't answer him just glared at everyone.

Not getting any answer from him father Lu looked at the maids and servants they were looking down

Then he heard his sons voice.

"Go and find out where she went"

"John, what happened?" he asked the head butler.

The butler told him everything that happened. He too looked angry but just shook his head. He can't stop her.

At that moment a stilleute entered the house. Everyone looked at the person who entered. When the person entered looked up she was shocked by the crowd gathered.

It was Natasha.

She went to meet someone and discuss some things. But she didn't stay for too long else anyone find out.

When she entered the house she saw a whole lot of crowd.

All the maids and guards were standing with their head low and Ruo Bei with cold and angry expression. Father Lu looking helpless.

When Ruo Bei saw her he looked very angry but also relieved.

Suppressing his anger he looked at her and asked in a rather cold voice.

"Where did you go taking my car?"

Hearing his cold voice her back felt cold.

Shit! He's too damn angry. I shouldn't have gone out with his car.

"I'm sorry my car didn't arrive yet. I shouldn't have taken your car without your permission."

Hearing her words he got more angry.

"I'm not talking about the car I'm talking about you" he said while gritting his teeth.

When it came to her he really talked too many words at a time.

"I ...I went out for..for..."

"You went out for a tour?" she heard father Lu.

"Yes.. I was bor..." but she suddenly realized what she said and put her hand on her mouth and looked at Ruo Bei liked a scared cat.

Hearing that Ruo Bei who had been trying his best could not control anymore and excluded a dangerous aura.

She gulped.

"I'm sorry " she looked like a kid who had been reprimanded.

She was hanging her head down. She looked pitiful and on the verge of crying.

Looking at her expression his aura and anger quickly dissipated.

When father Lu saw this he snicker.

This kid very well knows how to act and look pitiful. Haha even his ice cold son fell for it.

Ruo Bei rubbed his forehead and sighed. He walked to her and said in a cold but soft voice "You haven't recuperated yet fully..why are you always running everywhere...why can't you just keep your ass at one place..."

Everyone was shocked he actually didn't do anything even though he was soo angry excuding that dangerous aura and he even spoke so softly.

This girl was really special.

They all looked at her with admiration.

Even father and mother Lu were shocked to hear their son talking so gently. He never talked like that not even with them. They were jealous.

"Okay now.... go to your room get your dressing changed." Mother lu said trying to smooth the atmosphere.

Natasha went up with the nurse.

After entering the room the nurse asked her to take off her clothes while blushing.

"What..why do I need to take off my clothes? You can just change it by lifting my top a bit."

"Yes ...yes.."

Natasha looked at her and felt something wrong.

Is it just me or did she sound disappointed?

But she just shrugged it off.

After working for some time she went down as it was dinner time.

While having dinner Joon felt that the atmosphere was not right.

I just slept for an hour... did something happen.

He nudged Natasha beside him and asked.

"Why is everyone so quiet...did something happen?"

"Did you go out in the evening?"

"No I was at home the whole time..why?"

What...Is this guy really th vice president of the Lu corporation. He doesn't even know what happened in his own house how will he know if something happen to his company.

She looked at him in disdain and continued eating.

Looking at her reaction he confirmed that something really happened.

After dinner they went to living room.

Not able to control himself anymore Joon finally asked.

"Why does the atmosphere look a bit off. Did something happen?"

"What? You don't know?....your brother almost blew the whole house" mother lu answered and told him the whole story.

"What?? Really!!..why didn't I know ... I just slept for an hour and all this happened."

Hearing that mother Lu looked at him with a face saying 'Is he really my son?' she went to her room after getting a call.

"Noona why did you go out and that too alone?"

"Because I was bored ...I can't keep my ass at one place."

She said the last sentence with deliberation. Hearing that Ruo Bei looked at her but she ignored him.

"But noona you just had an accident which was not an accident."

"So what that was not for me anyway. The people who did this were after Zia and I happened to be in the car at that time thats it....they don't even know I don't think it's a problem"

"But its still good to be careful" This time it was Ruo Bei.

She just looked at him with accusing look. Looking at her reaction he sighed and said

"Just call me if you want to go anywhere...okay?"