Father Lu thought of something and asked the guard.

"What's the colour of the car?"

Both the guard and Ruo bei looked at him as if asking what does that have to do with the colour of the car.. When did father Lu start liking cars with colours.

But he still answered, "Black"

Hearing that father Lu smiled

"Let him in."

"You know who it is?"

"Its him.. he's here...he was 12 hours away but still arrived 2 hours early....he came really fast didn't he." Father Lu stated while looking at his son.

Ruo Bei still didn't get who it was.

Father Lu call a maid, "Go and wake up Princess and tell her he's here."

Ruo Bei finally understood who it was..

So it was him. But why is father so happy hearing that he's here. He never trusts anyone but he not only trust that person but also entrusts his princess to him. Why? Who is he?

He was very eager to meet him now.

The car stopped in front of the house but no one came out neither father Lu went to welcome the person.

Ruo Bei as well as the guards looked at the car with sharp gaze.

Why isn't anyone coming out?

He was about to go and pull that person out of the car when he a saw a little rabbit running from upstairs.

She was still in her PJs her hair were messy but she didn't care and rushed outside.

She didn't even care of her image. This made him happy but sad the next second.

Why doesn't she care for her image there are only two reasons

1 she doesn't care and is happy to meet him

2 that person has already seen her this way

Both the reasons were making him displease.

He too went behind her.

"My baby!!"

She shouted.

Hearing that black lines appeared on his face. But was stunned the next second. She went and hugged the car.

"I missed you sooo sooo much."

"I want a hug" She said while opening her arms wide.

The guards as well as Ruo Bei was shocked by what happened.

"Not here" the voice came from the car.

Does this car have speakers? And why isn't the person inside not coming out? And why does it look like she's talking to the car instead of the person inside? everyone thought.

She just pouted.

"Are you that happy to meet him?"

Father Lu's voice came from behind.

She looked at him and nodded with a smile.

"Hello KIT heard a lot about you."

"Pleasure meeting you too Mr Lu. "

She just giggled

"Stop acting so mature" she slapped the front of the car.

At that moment father Lu nudged her and asked her to look at his son.

At first she was confused but later when she saw his face she laughed out loud.

She went to him and pulled him to the car.

"Ruo Bei meet KIT."

He first looked at the car and then to her with a confused face.

"He is KIT my car the one I talked to you about at the hospital which you didn't believe."

Hearing that he looked the car with disbelief.

He really couldn't believe that the person she was talking about all along was a car and he was actually jealous of a car.

But again he looked at her and then at the car the things she said about her car were not normal.

Was what she said really true?

"Can I have some time with him now?" she asked father Lu

Father Lu knew what she wanted.

"Look in the mirror first" he said.

"KIT mirror" she said

Then suddenly the door of the car turned to a mirror.

Every one was shocked by the scene.

What did just happen?

They rubbed their eyes and blinked multiple times.

When the mirror appeared she looked at it and her face turned red.

Fuck... did I come here like this?

She looked at father Lu then at Ruo Bei and dashed to her room.

Meanwhile Ruo Bei went near the car and observed it.

He walk around it and tried to find something.

The car was different. The model looked like a sports car but also like a normal car. There was no model like this in the whole world it was personalized. It was black in colour and the logo on it was not of any company. It was just a letter J.

"What are you looking at Ruo Bei?" Kit asked in a soft voice that only the two can hear.

Ruo Bei looked at the car. "Nothing...How can you talk?"

"Because I have the software and system in me. I can talk to outsiders and if I don't want to talk to them then I'll change it to private so that only the people inside will hear."

"If you want to know more about me I'll send you the information."

Saying this he directly sent the information about him to Ruo Bei.

When Ruo Bei saw that he had already sent the information he looked at his phone but was stunned as KIT didn't send the information to him via mail or something, he hacked his phone and copied the info.

What stunned him the most was that his phone had the highest security as even the number one hacker could not hack his phone with in seconds then how did he?

"How did you do this?... My phone has the highest security did you hack into my phone?"

"Even though you have high security and no one in the whole world can trace it but not me I can do it easily."

"But how..where did you learn to hack."

"I didn't I just have a software in me all the brain is of my creator."

The creator must be very intelligent to invent such a thing.