Family History

She looked at him and furrowed her brows.

'Why does he have so many questions?'

"Because I wanted to"

He gave her a look. 'What kind of answer is that.'

"And why did you want to do that ?"

'I'm gonna back out' She pursed her lips.

"Because I studied psychology and wanted to know what people are thinking as it is easy to know their next step"

"Next step what do you mean?"

"Look if I know what you are thinking wouldn't it be easy to deal with you"

He still had a confused look.

"If I know what the president is going to do wouldn't it be good and I dont just analyse people but also situation like what will happen if we do this...Yaa something like that "


"So what work do you have here?"

"Didn't I tell you I'm here to check on some people and give report"

"What people?"

"That's confidential.. I can't tell you"

"Why cant you tell me what if its something dangerous you'll need someone to protect you"

"So you think they will send me here if its dangerous?" she asked and thought of that day when she was asked to come here and gave a meaningful smile.


"Leondra this is your next project...its very dangerous and no one except you can do this so we have appointed you for this project....This time the risk is lethal so you better be alert and stay safe"




Ruo Bei who was listening to them and acting as if he was working.

'Why did her words felt odd as if they had some kind of different meaning.'

When he turned to look at her she had no suspicions expression.

"Okay Joon now stop I can't bear your questions anymore so let me at peace" saying she leaned back closed her eyes.

Soon they arrived at Luna Garden.

It was the property bought by both father Lu and Natasha's father.

They built their houses with everyone's suggestion, designs and liking.

Actually it was Natasha mother who designed everything according to everyone's preferences.

Well genes are passed to daughter as well.

They named it Luna Garden as recommended by Natasha mother because it represented her.

They would always remember her if the name of this place is mentioned.

Luna means half moon which means CRESCENT.

Crescent was the family emblem of Saxena family.

Saxena was surname of Natasha's mother Hela meaning Goddess of the underworld.

Saxena family was in underworld. From years and time Saxenas are the king of underworld.

The whole black market kneels in from of them.

But no one knows who they really are. No one know their faces. As there is a special mask worn by the king and special bracelets for the other family members.

They are known as Crescents.

Members have a special tatoo of a crescent on their bodies with a bit of upgradration.

But no one could see that tatoo in normal lights. Only in neon lights can you see them.

There were many businesses they had in the field of investments.

But Hela and later Natasha brought it to what it is now. Now they are almost in every field throughout the world.

Rhi was the surname of Natasha's father Rhi Re Yan meaning Galaxy or Gates of heaven. The emblem of the Rhi family was Phoenix.

The Rhi family was one of the five families who were not to be offended. It was an aristocratic family. Everyone had thought that the Rhi family was gone years ago.

Everyone believed it so now there were just four families that ruled the country.

Ning Xi (Natasha) was the only person left after the death of Re Yan. Rhi family business was everywhere. But no one knew about it except Father Lu.

To be precise all the family members were killed by someone unknown. So to keep a low profile Re Yan went to India where he met Hela and changed his name from Rhi Re Yan to Reyan Saxena. And that's the reason Natasha has the surname Saxena and not Rhi.

Saxena Investors was the name of the company owned by Saxenas. But later after Natasha was born they named it Hayat Enterprises. And the same goes for Reyan he changed his company name to Liv Enterprises. Both Hayat and Liv means life. They all used to call Natasha, Jaan which means life. Even though they had a son before her. They still doted on her more. She was their life.

Well other than investments Saxenas were in other fields too. The Saxena family was involved in Hospitals and medicine, Research and Development, Clothing, Jewellery, Casinos as well as Beauty products. Their businesses were famous in the whole world.

The Rhi family business was everywhere. They were involved in Housing, Construction, Hotels and Restaurants as well as Information Technology (Softwares and security).

The five families that ruled the country were.

1. Lu Family

Emblem: Fire

Meaning: Destruction and Rebirth

2. Rhi family

Emblem: Phoenix

Meaning: Rebirth, Immortality

3. Lee family

Emblem: Swan

Meaning: Grace, Beauty, Love

4. Kang family

Emblem: Sun

Meaning: Glory, Vision

5. Song family

Emblem: Dragon

Meaning: Strength, Power

But no one except the families itself knew about their emblems.