Lucy and Mini..

"You know? How come? Even Mom and dad don't understand what he says except me"

Feed up of his questions and constant distraction she got irritated.

Sensing her irritation Ruo Bei glared at his brother and turned to her.

"Its time for your medicine and dressing"


"Now" he said in a authoritive way and directly picked her up from the mess and started walking.

Due to sudden loss of gravity she shouted and directly placed her hands around his neck

"Ahh ...what... what are you doing?"

He ignored her and went to the sofa and placed her on it.

Then he put his hands out Joon understood and placed the first aid kit in his hands.

He took the first aid and started changing her dressing.

When his hands touched her waist she shivered.

They were cold. His fingerswere long with perfectly manicured nails. His hands were so...beautiful?

No no stop what are you thinking?

She looked at his serious face and smiled.

"Its just a dressing why do you look so serious"

After the dressing he gave her a glass of water and medicine.

"Can't I stop eating this now look I'm fine."

"Just say that you don't like to eat them as they taste bitter." Joon reprimanded.

"What's wrong in that they are just too bitter. How can anyone eat them!" She pouted.

"Be good..there is dessert." Ruo Bei.

Hearing the word desert she quickly ate the medicine and put her hands out for the dessert.

Looking at her acting like a child he smiled and patted her head doting.

Both Joon and Natasha felt like they were struck by a lightning and looked at him with wide eyes and jaws dropped to the ground and under.

Did he just smile? Joon thought.

Ohh my god he looks so handsome when he smiles....ahh my heart.

Her heart started thumping like hell. She directly clutched her heart tightly.

Ruo Bei looked at her worriedly.

Wasn't she just fine a moment ago what happened now?

"Are you alright?" he asked with worried expression.

"You you..." She still couldn't speak and just pointed at him saying 'you'

After calming herself she looked at him with awestruck eyes.

"You look soo preety" Hearing that he stunned.

Pretty? Someone actually called him pretty.

"Can you do that again...please please please...I want see it look so damn handsome."

He was dumbfounded. What did he do?

Joon who had now calmed himself down ran to him and held his face.

"What are you doing?" Ruo Bei glared and pushed him away.

"Brother did you just smile or is it my eyes showing me visuals."

Only then did he understand the meaning of their reactions.

I smiled? I actually smiled. How come I don't know about it?

"I'm calling dad and mom and tell them about it" Joon said in an exited voice. He ran out of the house.

Ruo Bei just took the dessert and placed it in her hands. She was still looking at him.

Her stare was too intense.

To change the topic he asked.

"What is this?"

"Ohh it's my Mini"

"I mean he is a robot I just made and now I'm assembling it"


"Are you not busy?" She asked while eating her dessert


At that moment Joon came in after the call.

"Sure if you want to" She had no doubt that he can arrange it. So she agreed. Anyway it would be faster.

"Lucy show the manual"

"Okay" A female voice came in and the manual was also shown in projection.

"Where did that beautiful voice come from and where did this come from?" Joon asked pointing at the projection.

There was neither projector nor a person so where did the voice and this projection come from?

"Ohh I forgot to introduce you.. The voice that you heard is Lucy... and lucy this is Ruo Bei and Joon"

"Nice to meet you Ruo Bei and Joon"

"Nice to meet you too ..Lucy" even though confused Joon still greeted.

Ruo Bei nodded.

"Lucy is invisible you cannot see her. You can just hear her. She is connected to the whole house. She can lock or open the door or access the cameras and even get me the information I want. She is connected to every electronic gadget in here."

"And the one we are making is Mini. He helps in cooking, cleaning and arranging things. Ohh right he is also a doctor. He scans a person's body and states the disease, its cause and medication for it.

It also helps in dressing and doing everything that a doctor does"

"Isn't it wonderful" She said with a proud expression.

Hearing that both the brothers were shocked.

Joon jaw dropped to the ground again.

Ruo Bei looked at her with shock.

First KIT then Lucy and Mini. Her inventions were mind blowing. She really does wonders. How many more surprise does she have?

"Where...where did you get it from?" Joon didn't know about her inventions as well as KIT.

"Home" she rolled her eyes.

"But where did buy that from? I dont think it's in the market"

"Yes it isn't. I made it."


"What are you looking at help me assemble it"

Hearing her Ruo Bei sat down and started assembling the parts. She just sat there relaxed eating her dessert.

If he was there she didn't have to do anything.

Even Joon started helping but he was very bad at it and messed up.

"Stop stop your torturing my poor baby"

"Go and make some food it's time for dinner."

He went to the kitchen and started working.

Natasha went to help Ruo Bei.

He was working with a serious face. He had already changed to his casual clothes and now was wearing a grey t-shirt and black track pants.

She looked at him. His side profile was not to be neglected. He had the aura of a king but now he looked soft.