Knowtow 10 times...

"Hmm....stay safe"

"You too..bye"

"Don't forget to eat and sleep on time and..."

"Go now" she pushed him in the car.

She went in after the car was out of her sight. She went to the music room to continue her work. It was already dinner time when she stopped. After dinner she again continued her work. Ruo Bei had already messaged her about his safe landing.

A week passed by. Her routine was the same. She continued her work till evening and went to club to meet the people there after work. Now most of the people had started liking her well except for Kyo Seok and his lackey. His hatred for her was worsening each day but since he didn't do anything to her so she let it off.

One day when she went there she saw someone and stopped in her tracks. 'He's here' Noticing eyes on him he turned to look. He froze.

Yun soo came to her side and pulled her to the group. They started chatting. He was having a match with Kyo Seok and glancing at her from time to time. He looked distracted. Kyo Seok had fought with him many times so he immediately noticed his behaviour. He was so angry at her that he wanted to tear her into pieces. But he couldn't do anything right now and just glared at her.

After the match they both went to their places to take some rest. He still kept glancing at her. Kyo Seok had been watching him from the beginning. Natasha and her group went to the garden for a walk. They were sitting on a bench and talking.

"Xixi what's wrong.. you not in here today." Yun Soo asked

"Ohh aaa nothing"

"What are you guys gonna do in the holidays?" Dong Woo asked

"I've nothing to do so I'm going to my hometown to meet my grandparents." Aeram replied

"I'm not going anywhere I'm just gonna stay at home and sleep and eat" Yun soo said

"Me...I'm already on a holiday" Natasha replied while shrugging her shoulders.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to meet my brother....he's busy and we haven't seen each other for a while now" Dong Woo answered.

"Its time to go home...let's go" They all stood up and started walking to the club but were stopped by Kyo Seok.

"You slut...who do you think you are... you didn't even join the club and are just fooling around here.."

"Enough Kyo Seok what the hell are you doing...we have tolerated enough" Dong Woo shouted.

"Kyo Seok what are you doing?" one of the teachers scolded.

"I didn't join because I don't need to" Natasha said while looking at him.

"Haa" he gave a mocking laugh

"I've tolerated you enough now stop it or else you'll dig your own grave" She said calmly with arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Hahaha I'll dig my own I'll dig your grave now"

"Then let's bet who'll dig whose grave..okay" she glanced at everyone..with exited face.

"Xixi" Yun Soo pulled her hand.

"Come on do you dare..."

"Okay and if I win you will tell everyone that you are a slut"

"And if I win you will have to knowtow and apologise to me 10 times."


"But what do we bet on"

"Ofcourse we are in the club we'll obviously fight..or you don't dare to" When everyone heard that they looked at him with disgrace.

"Kyo Seok what are you doing.... how can you be soo are the second strongest player in the club... she is still not recovered from her injuries...and you want to fight her"

"What now she is scared to accept it and run like a loser"


"We'll have three rounds and.." he was stopped by her.

"No need just one round is enough"

"Okay then let's start." They both went to the middle and everyone else moved back. Natasha looked at her friends they looked worried so she just gave them a reassuring smile.

"Start" the instructor didn't say anything about it as he had other thoughts...some needed to be taught a lesson. He already knew who Natasha was.

Natasha looked calm and just there lazily. Looking at her behaviour he got more angry and dashed to her. Everyone's breathing had stopped as they looked at the scene. There was someone there too who was looking at the scene from aside. It was Seo Jun. He had gone for wash up. When he came out he heard them talk. His heart was beating hard as he looked at Kyo Seok running towards her with his fist. He ran towards them but was very far away.

Just as Kyo Seok was about to punch her.. he was sent flying the next second. Everything happened so fast that no one understood what happened. They looked at Kyo Seok who was lying on the floor then turned to Natasha who lazily stood there.

What just happened?? Even Seo Jun was dumbstruck and stood still where he was. He had almost reached there but then he saw her kick and stopped. Natasha turned to looked at the person who jumped in out of nowhere and was tranced.

At that moment everyone was looking at her and no one saw that Kyo Seok was up. He rushed towards her again. Natasha was in trance so she didn't notice him coming. But Seo Jun did as he was standing in front of her.

"Noona" he shouted and pulled her behind himself and kicked Kyo Seok. Everyone came back to reality.

"Noona are you okay?" he asked and checked her whole. Just when everyone was back from shock they got another.

'What did he call her? Noona... and wait he talked....he can talk?... he can have expressions too.'

One of them voice their thoughts.

"Am I hallucinating?... haa is it just me or everyone is seeing what I'm seeing?" he looked at everyone and saw them nod in affirmation.