Birth of Satan...

She had done wrong to them...all of them. Looking at her sad face Ruo Bei hung up his call and sat beside her. He too wanted an answer, he too had the same questions but not on the account of making her look like this. She was looking down and biting her lips.

"Enough" he glared at Seo Jun and side hugged her. She looked up at him. His eyes had the same emotion. 'Hurt, disappointment and worry'. When she saw them she knew that his feelings were not different than Seo Jun it was just that he didn't want to show them to her.

"Enough" he glared at Seo Jun and side hugged her. She looked up at him. His eyes had the same emotion. 'Hurt, disappointment and worry'. When she saw them she knew that his feelings were not different than Seo Jun it was just that he didn't want to show them to her.

"I'm sorry" Her eyes started to well. She kept fidgeting with her fingers, looking down and biting her lips. Looking at her everyone's heart ached. They didn't want her to be sad. Ruo Bei kept glaring at Seo Jun. She was sad because of him. He didn't know how to comfort her. There was silence for a while.

"I'm sorry....I know I was wrong...I...I should have not just disappeared like that...I should have atleast called you...but.." her voice was cracking

"But I couldn't after that day I.. I had no one there....I was alone...I didn't know what to do...Ruo Bei went to America...I wanted to come and stay here and I was going to do that...but Big brother would have been left alone to fight..he couldn't come here during the inheritance problem...even if the will was made, there were still some who wanted to get everything...and the reason....they are still underage and couldn't fight..they will collapse in no time." her voice became hoarse but she didn't cry. She did her best to not cry. Joon went beside her a pulled her in his embrace. He caressed her back and hair to comfort her. She started crying loudly and held on to his shirt. His t-shirt was crumpled by her tight grip. He hugged her tight and said a few words to comfort her.

"Its okay...its okay...we are here now with are not alone" then he too glared at Seo Jun. But Seo Jun was in another world. He didn't understand what she meant.

"What..what do you mean? Why were you alone?..What inheritance?" Seo Jun asked.

Even Ruo Bei had the same question. Joon was still trying to comfort her but when he heard Seo Jun he froze.

'Right... what inheritance?'

She was still sobbing but answered.

"After the vacations when I went home my parents died in a car accident. Only me and brother were left. Then later when I was 12 brother died too. So I took over everything....there needed some change so I made it." while she was saying this her eyes had a sinister glint. She thought of that time when her brother died.

When her brother died they did the same thing. They tried to throw her out of the family, they tried to kill her, they tried to kidnap her and rape her... she was just 12...just 12.

At the age of 12 she didn't cry or mourn over her brother's death or their disgusting plans. She fought them alone....she took over everything from those scumbags. They needed to be taught a lesson. So she taught them one.. no one lived for another day....everyone died that day. Flood of blood spread everywhere. That day was the Birth of Satan.....The Queen of the Underworld was born.

She became what she is now because of them. They are to blame to destroy her childhood, her happiness, her playfulness. She is not like what she shows others. She camouflage herself to look like the Natasha of their childhood. But that Natasha had died years ago...the new one was just trying her best to disguise like her.

After hearing her Seo Jun didn't know what to do...he didn't know anything and just went on blaming her. What had he done? No one knew what happened to her at that time.

When her parents died no one told them anything about it. When Ruo Bei came back from America after his studies he asked his father about her. When he went to America he tried but couldn't reach her.

After six years when he came back he kept asking about her and searching for her.

He wanted to see her meet her but he didn't know where she was. She was gone..she just disappeared from the earth's surface. He blamed his father for that. He knew about her but still didn't tell him. He didn't even bring her home. If he had told him before she would have been here with them now. How would she have lived up till now.

He kept blaming his father to this date. He kept searching for her but couldn't find her anywhere in this whole world. He did whatever he could to search for her. And that's that reason he joined find her. But of no use. Everyone thought that she died. But he didn't. He believed that she was alive.

One day they all had a fight. His paternal and maternal grandfather..his uncle...they were trying to convince him to let go of her, she was dead. He was not ready to inherit the business and kept roaming everywhere to search for her. That day his father took his side. He told everyone that she was alive.. but he didn't know where she was right now..... but she was definitely alive. Only then he inherited the business.

When she arrived... when he first saw her that day he forgot about everything.