Shameless her...

"And why are you saying you don't need need them..every man needs a woman how long are you going to use that hand of yours...don't you think it would feel better than your hand" To which he got a kick in return.


They heard a clang sound. When they turned to look they saw a beautiful girl standing outside the kitchen and looking at them with a complicated expression. Her face had turned red.

Back when Ruo Bei came down to open the door she came just after him and went to the kitchen. Then she heard a man's voice and wanted to see who it was. So she came out of the kitchen while drinking her water. When she heard that man's words she froze on the spot and the glass in her hands fell down.

When they both turned to look at her she blushed and didn't know what to do. She went back a few steps then again came forward....she did it a few times. Her brain was paralyzed for a moment.

'How can a person say such things...and that too to that block of ice.'

Ruo Bei glared at his friend for his remarks. Then he frowned. His friend was looking at her like a deserter who just found water. His eyes wide, jaw dropped.

At that moment the door of the house opened again and Joon and Seo Jun entered. They saw Do Yoon looking at Natasha with a puppy gaze. And Natasha was looking flustered and her face was red. Seo Jun didn't think of anything, just walked to Natasha and stood in front of her with a protective stance and glared at Do Yoon.

But Do Yoon reacted. He turned to Ruo Bei and then again to Natasha. A silly grin plastered on his face.

"Ohh so you were really hiding a found your women....why didn't you tell me...well it's good won't need to use your hands anymore...ahhh now I got it why you woke up so..." he couldn't complete his sentence as he was already kicked out of the house.

" your choosing a women before your friends.....wait only I know about this exclusive will others react when they get to know about it....ohh my god...they will be soo shocked to hear that Brother Ruo Bei has finally found a girl....ahh I want to see their faces when they get to know about this." while jumping happily he walked off.

Inside the house the atmosphere was quiet awkward at that time. Everyone looked at each other. Ruo Bei's ears had turned red and he didn't know how to face her so he kept looking everywhere but her. Joon and Seo Jun looked at him and blinked multiple times.

Suddenly they heard a melodious laugh. It came from Natasha. She almost rolled on the ground. She really couldn't control herself. Everyone looked at her. They all had confused gazes.

'Why was she suddenly laughing?'

After calming down she looked at Ruo Bei

"Is he really your friend?...I mean you actually have friends other than us...but your choices are a bit....changed "



"Business partner"

"Ohh really.... do all your business partners come to your house leisurely and" she walked towards him and whispered the last part "talk about your women and that" she glanced down there.

Looking at her watching his little brother he was flustered...his ears and neck had turned apple red and he didn't bother looking in her eyes. Looking at his reaction Natasha was amused.

'He's blushing...he's actually blushing...oh my god he looks sooo cute...ahh I'm really gonna die of my heart beating abnormally'

She liked his reaction and wanted to tease him more.

" do look fit." she again looked at him down there "Do you exercise everyday?" she had a flirtatious smile on her face.

He couldn't control himself anymore and strode off to his room. While on the way he heard a loud laughter. He knew whom it came from but he didn't look back and walked off.... he had a small sly smile on his lips. 'You'll know soon'

Looking at him running away Natasha laughed.

'This block of ice.. I never knew he could be this cute'

Joon and Seo Jun had a constipated expression. Even though they didn't hear what she said, looking at Ruo Bei's red face they were shaken to the core.

"Noona....wh-what did you say to him"

"None of your business" then she turned to Seo Jun. "Can you cook?" he nodded.

"Good then make breakfast for us...I'll be back soon." saying she walked out of the house.

She arrived at her villa. Took a shower quickly and got she wanted to go somewhere. Thinking of that a smile crept on her face.

She walked to the villa at the side. Ruo Bei had already taken a shower and came down. He opened the door for her.

When she entered a sweet aroma swirled into her nose. She followed the smell and went to the dining table. The table was filled with dishes.

Bowls of rice were already served. A small bowl of stew and a few side dishes. There was a dish of steamed eggs and a pickled cucumber.

Without waiting for anything she directly sat on her seat and looked at the dishes on the table with bright sparkle in her eyes.

"Who made them?" she asked without moving her eyes from the table.

"Me" entered Seo Jun from the kitchen.

" are really a cook aren't you...did you take cooking classes...are you working as a you have any you want to come to me...I'll even pay hefty" she looked at him.

"You haven't even taken a bite yet.. how can you be soo sure that its good"