Black tongue..

"How am I supposed to complete it in two days. I need more time" she exclaimed.

"We have already delayed if we delay more it will not be good for the company."

"Whose? Ours or theirs?" she asked with a confused face.

"Of course ours" the person from the other side shouted.

"Don't worry nothing will happen...just tell them we need more time."

"We have already done that before and they gave us one more week. Now you want to ask for more?"

"Just tell them I can't think of anything good. If they want a good product they have to wait they can't force me. If they don't want good one I have many others in stock they can choose from them. Don't you know how to talk in business I taught you so much how can you still not learn. You were with me for years you didn't pick any of my good qualities."

"Forgetting things even after being told twice and not fulfilling the given word is not a good quality."

"Hmph you just learnt how to taunt others" she rolled her eyes giving a pout. She didn't know that everyone was looking at her and she looked too cute when she did that.

Joon pressed his hand on his chest "Ahh what was that....sugar coated...she's soo cute" even Ruo Bei and Seo Jun were looking at her.

"Alright I'll talk to them and do the given work a little bit faster." she hung up.

"What the....I just dont understand who works for whom." saying she slumped on the sofa with a thud.

"Ahh soo much work to do for a poor little girl like me." Sensing gaze on her she looked up. Everyone was looking at her.

"Umm...I "

"Do you need help?" Ruo Bei asked looking at her worried.

"I seriously want help but you can't help me even if you want to....sigh..."

"But Noona didn't you say you work for government as an analyst. So how....I mean we didn't want to hear your conversation but whatever you just said on the phone felt a bit different?" Joon asked

"You had to open that mouth of yours didn't you?" she muttered.

"I don't just have one job. I have many. By many I mean many. No more questions I'm leaving" saying she got up and started walking out. But stopped midway.

"Ohh yeah I forgot....mind calling me for dinner?" Hearing that they shook their head.

"We'll call you when its ready" Seo Jun replied.

"Good" she went out.

Everyone was looking at her back which was walking further away.

"What does she means by many jobs? Does she work at too many places? Why is she working at so many places? She doesn't have money? Is she poor? Then won't she be exhausted working so much. She should have just asked for help. We can help her. She doesn't need to work so much. She's just in her early twenties....SIGH" Joon ranted.

After returning home she directly went to the music room and started her work. Working for few hours the sun was down.

'Ding dong'

'Ding dong'

"Hmm dinner time....ohh I'm tired. Hmm this will be completed in a day. Wow I'm so smart....hahha"

She stretched her body

'Ding dong'

"Ohh coming coming...Lucy open the door." she went down and saw Ruo Bei standing at the door.

"Dinner's ready"

"Yes let's go" she entangled her arm on his and they started walking.

"Why didn't you just come in. I told you before that you can just open the door and come in there's no lock for you on the door no need to ring the bell."

"You ate a women. I should respect your privacy." he looked at her.

"Well thanks but even though you are man don't expect me to give you your privacy as I'm still gonna jump from my balcony to yours" she giggled.

"I can give you the key to my house just don't jump alright?" he was still looking at her. She looked at him and smiled.

"Ahh we have reached. Let's go I'm hungry" she ran off.

"You always run away when you can't lie don't you. So were you running away because you...." he murmured to himself but stopped midway he didn't want to think of it.

Everyone settled on the table and started eating.

"Eat this meatballs you will like it. Ohh and how about your work? " Seo Jun asked.

"Ohh I'm almost done. No not almost technically half done. I'll still need some time to complete it but I think it will be done before time...I guess....if nothing comes up" just as she said that her phone rang.

"I think I have a black tongue" she sighed and checked her phone. It was Choi Hyo Seok. She knew if he called it must be he wanted something or he got something.

"Hello" she said without even picking up the phone.

" free?" she raised her eyebrow.

"You sound different. You never ask something like that what is it?"

"No it's just that last time you asked me to wait before saying anything so I just asked about it first"

She laughed "Seriously come on now spit it out."

"I know I am just your handler and I shouldn't mix up two missions was thing that you did before in the hospital the last time when you did some experiments on the blood and body with that machine of your..."

"mmm hmm"

"Where did you get it?"

"Excuse me.." She got up and walked a bit away from them so they can't hear her.

"You want that machine?"

"Yes we need it?"


"That...I'm sorry I can't talk about it"

"I didn't buy it anywhere so you can't get it. And I'm sorry but I can't help you if you don't tell me the reason why you need it as I'm the only one who knows how to use it" she stated her point.