Mongolia Tour....

The box was not that big. They took the box and left the place.

Again driving for a few hours they reached a town nearby. Everyone was tired so they decided to rest for a while and then continue the further journey.

After resting for a few hours, they all looked fresh and ready for their journey. It was still a four and half hours ride to airport. Liam was waiting for them at the airport. He knew that they would take a while to reach so he booked a room in a hotel and rested there.

Inside the flight no one talked, everyone went to their respective places to rest after eating. Now it was again more than nine hours flight.

When everyone was sleeping the pilot made announcements. Weather was not looking good in South Korea. There was heavy rain and lightning. As it was not suitable to fly they had to land on the nearby airport.

They landed in Mongolia. As Mongolia was ahead of Russia by five hours, it was already ten in the morning.

After reaching Mongolia they had all the time in their hands, so they decided to visit a few places and do some sightseeing.

Mongolia is famous for its nature, animals, fishes. They booked a car and went to Munjushir Monastery, at Bogd Khan mountain. The monastery was beautiful surrounded by forest of Siberian larch with a backdrop of natural granite cliffs eroded into tors of huge rounded boulders. It felt very calm and relaxing.

Then they visited to one of the biggest freshwater lake in Mongol Altai mountains, Tolbo Lake surrounded by rocky mountain. They took a few photos and enjoyed the scenery.

In the evening they got a call from the pilot that the weather has cleared and flights have started. So they returned. But still the rain took their whole day. Again it was a three hour fight to home.

Sitting on the bed in her room while waiting for arrival, Natasha was thinking about something. In fact she was thinking about someone. Just like everytime she got a mission and left without telling anyone. She thought thats what she did everytime so it would be fine this time too.

A knock was heard on the door. Ivan came in.

"Miss" he called her as he didn't get any response from her.

"Huh... What?"

"I came to tell you that we'll be landing soon."


"Miss, is something wrong?"

"Hmm I think so, I don't know. I feel like I'm forgetting something very important. I just can't stop thinking of it."

Of course she forgot something. She forgot to tell someone that she was going out for a few days. She forgot that there was someone who didn't know where she went and was searching for her like a madman. He had turned the whole country upside down. Just her small mistake resulted in an almost massacre.


In Lu corporations.

A man was standing in front of a large french window. His back looked lonely and gloomy. There was a cigarette in his hands as well as more than a few butts on the ground. The whole room was filled with smoke.

"Did you find her?" his body was emitting a bloodthirsty aura and his voice was cold as frozen ice.

His assistant was trembling from head to toe. They had been searching for their young miss day and night but there was no trace of her. She just disappeared in thin air.

"Yo-young ma..master, we searched everywhere, we even checked the CCTV footage of the roads where she went but we couldn't find her. It's like she just disappeared from the face of eart.." he was stopped by a cold glare.

"What's your use then. You can't find a single person."

"Young master, our men as well as our men from underworld are searching. But.."

"Get out"

He looked at his master's lonely back and left silently. All their men in country were looking for her. It was just like before when they were searching for her all these years but couldn't find a trace of her.

Now she has disappeared again.

'Young miss, please come back. Look at how master has become. He hasn't eaten for two days and is just smoking and drinking. He was searching for you all these years now you were back he looked so happy.

Even though he didn't smile the aura around him was merry go round. Now you are gone again. What will happen to master?'

He couldn't see his master like this. He had no choice but to call father Lu. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed his Master's number.

"Master...." he told him everything.

"Alright I'm coming."

After a few hours father Lu arrived at the company. When he entered the office he wasn't that shocked seeing everything. He just sighed looking at his son's appearance.

Ruo Bei was leaning on his chair with his eyes closed. He had dark eye circles, messy hair, his clothes were wrinkled. He looked so unkempt.

"She won't like that face of yours once she comes back. You look haggard." Father Lu said while walking toward his son.

Ruo Bei opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at him. "Where is she?"

"I don't know." he shook his head. He really wanted to know too. While he was on his way here he had already called Choi Hyo Seok but that fellow didn't know anything either.

"But I do know that this time she's not going unless her work is done. She said that she'll be here for six months. There's still lot of time. She's just gone out for some work. She'll be back soon."

"Why didn't she tell me?" he complained.

"If she told you that she is going somewhere for a few days what would you have done? You would have sent your men to tail her."

"That's for her safety." he assured.

"No that's for keeping a track on her and making sure that she doesn't disappear again." Father Lu interjected.