Anxious to divert the topic...

"Alright now let's go and wait at the other villa for them to wake up." They walked to their villa. After sitting for a while, Mother Lu asked Father Lu about the whereabouts of their other son.

"Where is Joon? Didn't we talk to him a while ago in the car?"

"I don't know either. Given his personality he should have not let them be together alone right now."

"What do you mean? My son is sensible. He knows what he should and shouldn't do."


"Stop laughing." Father Lu got a smack on his head.

"Come let's go and rest for a while. You must be tired due to travelling and training your brain. We'll have dinner together with them later." saying he pulled his wife to their room.

After Ruo Bei woke up he found her sleeping leaning backwards with laptop on one side. Even though reluctant, he got up and picked up the laptop and placed it on the table. Then he made her sleep comfortably and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

When he came out she was still sleeping. He sat next to her and kept observing her. His eyes and hand moved at the same time from her smooth and silky hair, to her thick and long lashes. Then from her small pointed nose to her chubby rosy cheeks. He couldn't help but pinch them a little. Lastly they landed on her lips. Her luscious lips were the most eye catching right now. They had a natural red which were as seductive as her eyes when open. He suddenly remembered something and got up.

After a while he went downstairs, where he was informed that his parents were here. He went to his villa to meet them.

Father Lu was sitting in the living room and watching TV while mother Lu was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. When father Lu saw him coming he gave him a knowing look.

Ruo Bei sat down and sighed. His father's expression was that of asking for a beating. But as a youngster he couldn't do anything. His father and mother saw him and have misunderstood. But he doesn't care. That's good at one point as they would not be busy finding partners now.

It was already 6 o clock by the time Natasha woke up. When she opened her eyes she didn't find anyone by her side. Her laptop was placed on the side table and she was laying on the bed.

She walked towards the bathroom to freshen up. Walking downstairs she got to know from MINI that both Father and Mother Lu and here and waiting at the villa next door. She went there as soon as she heard of it.

When she entered she saw mother Lu in the kitchen making delicious food and father Lu and Ruo Bei sitting on the sofa watching news.

She walked towards Mother Lu in the kitchen directly and asked if she needed any help. But Mother Lu pushed her out mercilessly.

Helpless to his wife's actions Father Lu called Natasha out to sit with them. She walked towards them and sat down on the sofa. Scene shown on the television was international news.

Moments later mother Lu camr out of the kitchen and tasked everyone to sit on the dining table to have dinner. They sat on the dining table and started eating.

After a long silence mother Lu couldn't tolerate anymore and asked.

"Xixi, where were you all this while? Where did you go? We were all so worried about you. You didn't even tell anyone that your going out. We thought that something happened to you. I thought you got kidnapped. But your Zio comforted me. He said that its impossible to kidnap you."

'Cough cough cough'

Natasha started coughing intensely. She chocked on her food hearing Mother Lu's say that.

"Ohh my god, what happened? Are you alright? You should eat slowly why are you in such a hurry!!"

She was about to get up and get a glass of water for her but someone was faster than her. Her son was already patting her baby girl's back and giving her a glass of water.

After coughing her heart's content she calmed down and drank some water.

"You Okay?"

"Hmm, thanks."

Even though he knew the reason for her to choke suddenly he kept mum. They continued their dinner. As the topic was toned down by her choke no one talked anymore.

After dinner they sat in the living room. Even Joon was back. She knew that the topic was going to resume. But she wasn't nervous she knew what to say. Just as she was thinking about it, mother Lu spoke.

"Xixi, you didn't say anything. Where did you go?"

"I went out of the country. I had some work."

"Ohh, but then why didn't you tell anyone before leaving? We were soo worried about you. Ruo Bei searched for you everywhere."

Natasha glanced at Ruo Bei and pursed her lips. She knew about it. The moment she saw his face she knew what he went through to search for her because she saw it before...she saw it how he searched for her few years back.

"I know I'm sorry. I was in a hurry and had no time to tell anyone. But I wrote a letter but MINI didn't give it." she sighed when she thought about the reason of him for not giving the letter.


"Is it that small robot in your house? Did you really build it?"

"Yes its name is MINI and I built it."

"Wow your a genius!! You are just like the way you were when you were small." Natasha smiled.

"But what work was it that you had to go so urgently without even having time to tell anyone?"

"Soo Soo¹ why are you asking so many questions are you filling up for Joon. Hey my youngest son, why are you so quiet today? Did you wake up from the other side of the bed?"

¹ Soo Soo - Mother Lu's nickname

(Kim Soo Ki)