Junie Cazorla

After I finished talking to my mother I went out and near the door I saw the others and my brother, they had bandages on their bodies because of the injuries they suffered.

"Are you OK?"

I ask them.

"It's okay ,it's okay"

It was Jamie who answered me.

"How's Alexa. "

"She is resting. She is a bit shaken by what happened."

I noticed that Jamie was very concerned about my sister's health and when I reassured him he had a little sigh of relief. I am not too surprised by his reaction.

"I wanted to thank you for helping me to secure my sister."

' No problem, she is also our friend so it is normal that we help her."

Mu Chen replied.

I was going to say something again when I saw someone come towards me. I recognized it immediately. It was Jamal, my assistant, an 18 year old man. He was one of the orphans we took care of. And he is the leader of my personal team.

I apologize to my friends and went to meet him.

'Jamal you found what I asked for?"

"Yes I found it, here are the files with the personal details of the kidnappers."

I took the file and started reading what was in it. It was just a small gang group that took on this mission. It is not the first crazy that they did this. But what surprised me most was that not long ago they joined another gang. They are in child trafficking, drugs, ect.

'Master what should we do?"

He waved me a discreet hand. Which means eliminating them.

"No, we are not prepared, send this file to the person responsible for the case I want them to have the maximum but ensures that the traces do not lead to the instigator. I'll settle this myself. I gave him the file and returned to my friends. I saw that they were very curious but they didn't ask me for anything. Brother you found who it was. Yes tomorrow I will settle that. I said nothing more.

The next day when I arrived at school I left looking for the person in this class. When I arrived everyone was looking at me. I saw the confusion on their faces since it is the first time I have set foot here. When I saw the person I was looking for I went straight to her.

"Miss Cazorla could we talk for a moment?" First surprise then excitement are the emotions I read on her face. Without even waiting for her answer I was already heading towards the end of the class.

I am a princess. At my place nothing is denied me. I know that when I grow up I will be a great beauty. I am also intelligent. So why can't I be friends with the boy I like. Despite all my efforts, I never got his attention.

Rich, intelligent, beautiful like a Greek god, no... even more than them and comes from a very rich family. A boy like him must have a daughter like me next to him. I also remember that my family kept telling me to be friends with him. I wanted to be friends with his sister so I could get closer to him. But this idiot never gave me the opportunity to be close to her. This is where I scaffold a plan. I waited a very long time for that. The plan was simple. I know that the two Delatour brothers love their sister very much.

So I will have her kidnapped and then after a few days when they cannot find her, I will take the opportunity to be close to them and provide them with support. I will even pretend to help them. Then I'll make sure to pass for the person who found her. She will be grateful to me and will want to be my friend. So I will take the opportunity to infiltrate the family and be close to them. It was something very simple. So I wonder why it turned into a nightmare. He comes to my class and look for me I was truly happy but when I arrive at a spot behind the school I was a little nervous. But suddenly he grab my neck tightly and look at me in the eye he didn't say anything but I know why he is doing this to me.

I was afraid for my life when Alexander held me by the neck and choked me. I thought that day he would really kill me. His eyes didn't have an ounce of emotions. They were freezing, cold. But after he saw that I was going to pass out he abruptly released me and sent me crashing against a wall. It was very painful but I did not make a sound since I understood that my plan go wrong.

"If I ever saw your face again I will make you desapear."

From moment I never went back to school. When I go home I just make an excuse and didn't go back anymore. But I always wondered if it was wrong to love Alexander. I will do everything in my power to let him see me one day.