
Inside, Jean brought them the CEO who got up and promptly and shook Alex hand with a smile. I just refuse to shake hand with him. He was a little awkward.

"Do not mind my brother he is like that"

"Ohh okay. Welcome.

He said as he indicated for us to sit at the sofa.

"How may I help you?"

I was polite and didn't refer to the fact that they had arrived late. I had been waiting for them since 8.30am. Truth be told, I was rather annoyed at the fact that they had been late yet never bothered to inform them beforehand. So I had to wait in my office like a fool while Jean updated me. Still I maintained professionalism and was polite.

I took a long look at Ethan in front of me and could see no guilt in his eyes. There was a slight annoyance, as to be expected from someone who had been waiting nothing more.

"Please get our guests some refreshments Jean"

Etan said.

The moment she walked out, I looked at him seriously and said simply:

"You have a serious problem."

He didn't falter and just answered,

"Yes, I know."

This guy was the real deal. Despite the fact that he obviously didn't think we was here to actually do something, he was still courteous and not putting on airs. He genuinely cared for the company.

When I see the look on my brother face I decided to make a traduction for him.

" CEO Ethan my brother wasn't talking about the company problem but about you.

Alex said clearly.

He frowned at that.

"Please check your email,"

I said curtly.


He got up and went to his computer at the table. He open his email. There was one new email, from Alex that had the subject heading Jean Charles.

With shaking hands, he clicked on the email. There was no content, just the attachment. He opened it.

Suddenly, his computer screen was filled with documents opening rapidly. It went by too fast for him to see what the contents truly were as the documents were opening on top of each other. Suddenly, the whole thing stopped and the first document he saw properly made his eyes pop out.

It was the financial statements and accounts for the year. The same statements that he just got from the Accounts department. There were several things highlighted and Ethan took the file he had on the table and compared them. The figures were different.

Right after that, seemingly as if it knew I had made the comparison, another file opened up on top of that document. This time, it was a video. Two frames were there, the videos obviously from a security camera. Two videos, side-by-side and Charles noted the date and time. It was today, 8am. The left frame showed the reception desk and the right frame showed Jean at her desk.

He clicked 'play' and both videos ran, side-by-side simultaneously. The timing on both was exactly the same. Everything was fast forwarded, so he watched a video of 1.5 hours in merely 3 minutes.

"As my brother said, you have a problem.

Alex said as Ethan sat there, shocked. To see the person he trusted do things that he never dreamed of made his head spin. It was shocking to discover that they had not been late yet she had told him they had not arrived yet despite checking at the reception desk.

Then, he saw the receptionist making a call while the other frame showed Jean at her desk, ignoring a phone call.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened.

"We may be only 15, but we are not nobody. We are Delatour heirs.

I said

"That means, we have been groomed and trained to take over the company since we was 10 years-old. Also, as the third biggest shareholder, I have real power to affect things."

"Now, shall we start again?"

Alex said. I see that he was really pissed.

Ethan sighed deeply, looked at his computer and laughed at himself. He had been working his ass off for the past year, trying to turn this company around and yet not even realising the snake in the grass.

"Ok I am in"

Ethan replied.