End of Gao Sa

There are people who condemn what they have done and think that it is true since all the restauration which were made in the different businesses which they acquired cost a lot of money and it was done very quickly .

We can say that the company is in the middle of a slump.

"Let me see how you are going to get out of this."

Two days have already passed since the overwhelming incident, there is still no response. On the 3rd day a video went viral on the internet. It was a video of Gao Lin the son of Gao Sa. In this video he was accompanied by another person and beat a girl. Then there was another in which he bought and took drugs. When this video was felt. The Gao family was eating. They still didn't know what was going on. Until Gao Lan's assistant arrived and whispered something in his ear. He turned to his son and told him:

"Gao Sa are you responsible for the scandal with H international.?"

"Yes it's me, so what, it's just a newcomer we can take back what should have been ours."


Gao Lan was already in his 70s. It's been 4 years now that I passed the business to Gao Sa until now he did a good job. But his biggest flaw is his arrogance and that's what caused his downfall today.

"I think you should see what you got into I have nothing to tell you now I warned you but, you chose the road alone I can't do anything for you now I'm old all I want is to end my days in peace."

"Dad what are you talking about."?

Without saying anything I went away. Nothing interests me anymore. My son ended a company which at 30 years old I hope that the person who will appropriate it will make good use of it.

When Gao San picked up his phone and looked at what was going on, his first reaction was astonishment and then fury. He looked at his son and gave him a venomous look.

"Didn't I tell you to be discreet."

"Yes, I'm sure I was."

"So what is this."

He threw his phone at him so he could watch the videos.

" No I assure you that I was discreet I don't know how it could have happened."

While they were chatting two officers were walking towards their house.

"Idid not know that city S was already so overwhelmed by the drug market."

" Me too said the other."

" This already makes 3 cases and more, people that we would never suspect."

"Areal estate company is the best way to hide this kind of thing."

"What a hassle"

He shook his head and knocked on the door. A few moments later, they brought Gao Li back who was screaming.

"No, no dad save me, this drug does not belong to me. Mother save me I don't want to go to jail."

"CEO Gao The situation is really bad. All social networks have already heard the news and are discussing it you really need to come back to the company."

"Ok, I'm coming."

When I got there it was chaos. Very quickly I scheduled a meeting with the shareholders to try to stabilize the situation. But what is funny is that nobody came. There are 5 of them but only one has appeared and this is a new face. When I saw it I immediately understood what was going on. I knew that I was no longer in control. The door of the conference room opened his assistant and two policemen appeared.

"Mr Gao, you are under arrest for your wife's murder. Please come with us."

Here is yet another blown. I took two steps and found myself sitting in a chair.

A simple decision and here is what happened to me. My company is gone, my money, my life everything I fought for, it's all over. Another piece of news that makes the headlines. The journalists were already there and posed a bunch of Questions. Let us pass, make way. I lowered my head and did not answer any of their questions. My arrogance is no longer in this kind situation. How ironic if I had known I would not have been so brave. But what surprised the most was the fact that they didn't know about my wife. I thought I had left no trace. This morning it was my son but now it is my turn.


H internatinal 59th floor.

Jamal entered Alexander's office.

"Boss, it's done."

"So let's proceed."

After what happened the others who had ideas think differently now. They warn everyone in their family to avoid antagonizing this business. It would be best to work with them. They are afraid Because everyone has secrets that they do not want the world to know and endanger their family and their status in society. Who doesn't like money? Who doesn't like living in luxury?

Another month passed and the situation stabilized, with this incident now they have a solid foothold in city S the others will now think twice before attacking them again.

It seemed like a while the days passed very quickly and the conpany continues to work very well. During these days we received a lot of projects. We have shown our efficiency and our new way of making things, our reputation has been established to be fair with everyone but very cruel with our enemy.

Classes are going to be over soon and I will have to go home. But first there is something that interests me.

"Jamal, they accepted the appointment."

" No."

" Ok. I will use another way"