
"I think I know why even at this age he already has his own business here even if he is already the future successor of Delatour Corp. I wonder if Carl is aware of your activities."

I was a litte astonished that he knew my grandfather but I kept my face always expressionless.

"I didn't know that the General knew my grandfather."

"Hmmmff. Very well we will see after having given me the information and seen your technology."


I said. without further ado I was on my feet.

"I think we said everything. No need to take me home."

In an instant I was already outside.

When Alexander left Jang Li and general Harper were each in their thoughts.

"What do you think of him general?"

" As arrogant as his ancestors, but I know that with someone like him in the area we can get many things done here. As he is so intelligent we will be able to give him more responsibility."

Jang Li was a little confused.

"Like what?"

"Well these gangs who make the law here, we can let him take care of it. I'm getting old and there are some things I can't do anymore."

They stayed a long time discussing the responsibilities they could pass to Alexander. He doesn't know these two have come up with a plan for him. Two days after this meeting, Alexander was in his office looking at information about the different gangs. To his surprise, there are many rules among them, namely that they prohibit trafficking in drugs and humans. But there is a problem. At the beginning there were five gangs now there are only 4 that nobody knows where the 5th is. It was this faction that put order among them if someone crossed the limits, the rules imposed, there will be consequences. Now that he is not there things have changed and everyone does what he wants.

From what I understand their leader is dead but no one knows who murdered him. So now things have become chaotic. There are two factions fighting. Those who follow their former leader and those who betrayed him. And yes it is the nyn of them who murdered their leader. I had several thoughts in my head.

"Such strength will be very useful to me. With the new technologies that I plan to develop I do not want them to fall into the wrong hands having eyes here is not a bad idea either."

I was already working on a plan. A moment later Jamal warns me that the General is already there. Once again I headed for the 31st floor. When I got there, Jamal and the assistant of the general and Jang li were all there. I greet them and then I suggest to my team to proceed with what they have already been developed. So in the next few hours, several technologies were tested. From what I saw from their faces, they were very satisfied. Then we took the elevator and went straight into my office to continue the negotiations.

"So, what do you think.?"

"Good, good, we are satisfied with what you showed us. This is the kind of thing that we need to function. We will establish a contract with you."


I signal to Jamal who passed them a document. They analyzed it then without saying anything else signed it.

"You have not changed anything in the contract?"

" That suits us, the price you offer us is resonable and then, we trust you."

" Very good. I have what you asked me."

I gave them in turn another file concerning the information they wanted.

"Ok I will bring this with me and when I decide to act I will signal you."

We shook hands and then they left. A week had already passed since their visit I still had not decided what I was going to do with the information I had. So I decided to put it aside for the moment. In 15 days there will be an election to know who will be the new leader. From there I will decide what to do.

"Master the general invites you to his home."


I immediately got up from my chair and then headed for the car that was already waiting for me. When I arrived, there was only him who was there. Without further ado he started.

"From what I see these small groups must be eliminated first and then we will tackle the head."

I understood what he wanted to tell me.

"But if we do that it could alert him"

" I know, that's why we're going to do it at the same time. From what the information you have given us, says every Friday, there is an inspection going on. I believe that we must eliminate them all together at the same time."

" I see, otherwise we will alert this person. Ok when do you plan to act.?"

I have already prepared the plans we can act as soon as we have received the orders that we have placed for our equipment."

"Ok you will get them soon."

I got up then said

"General please excuse me if you have nothing more to say I will leave."

"Ok ok go ahead."

I made a little bow then left.

Jamal was already waiting for me. I got in the car then said

"Jamal I have a mission for team Alpha and put me in contact with Fan Liu."

"Master you finally decided."

" Hmm."

Fan liu was one of the loyal guys in this gang.

"After my discussion with the general I thought of something and then I decided to take these people. Most of them are not that bad. They are not saints but compared to some people, they are more honest."