
For the past few years I have used 3 of these bars to smuggle drugs. You can say that I have a lot of money now. But if they disappear they will be mine entirely. For now I will let them live a little, once the others vote for me I can eliminate them.

I was there, having this kind of thought when suddenly, I can't here anything anymore. Then I heard someone call me.

"Benson, right?"

" Who is it?"

I say.

"Red, someone asked me to collect your ashes."

When I heard this I was not really afraid I could not see the person but I know that he was alone and I there were several of my subordinates in the room.

" Really, could find out who sent you and why?"

" No need to know who sent me, but I think you know why I am here. Someone wants revenge for the accident you committed three years ago.'

When he said that I felt that my heart wanted to leave my chest. There are not many people who know what is going on that day and I have already eliminated the evidence and the people who can lead to me. I personally took care of this.

" I Must say,

He continued

" That it was not easy to find evidence against you, you have done a very well cleaning after you."

Hearing him say that, I saw someone enter the room. Immediately I recognized this person, even if now he walks with crutches.

" Tomas?"

He was one of my men and he help me in the assassination of the leader, but after that I caused an accident which suddenly had to kill him.

"Surprised to see me bastard, look in what state I am because of you."

I was still not going to be accused.

"Tom my God what happened to you? I never saw you again, yet I made my men look everywhere for you."

No one in the room spoke everyone was watching the drama unfolding.

"Really. You worked out the murder your brother and then eliminated those who helped you."

When he said that, there were several reactions.

" Everyone knows it was an accident."

"Ah yes. Anyway, it doesn't interest me anymore I was only told to come here just to see how you will be dead since I am unable to take revenge myself."

"So it's the you that wants to kill me.?"

"Not at all, it seems to me that you entered someone's territory."

I started to think, to wonder who I offended. But I have none in mind. A mocking smile appeared on my face.

"You think killing me is so easy, in your dreams."

" Oh, but it's really very easy for me to do something like that, you've been in my line of fire for 10 minutes already."

I still heard that same voice.

"Why don't you show yourself."

So far I am still not convinced that something can happen to me. I hadn't finished saying that when I heard several cries. During a brief moment it was chao. When everything was back to normal, there were only seven people in the room including myself. Everyone had disappeared. No, I took a look where they were standing. There was only ash, dust. My feet began to tremble.

"So still not convinced?"

I could not answer I was so scared What was that. The only thing I thought of was running away but my legs refused to obey me.

"Who are you."

Some time passed I thought and that they were not going to answer then I heard this same voice.

"We are ASH."

It was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

"I hope this answer suits you. He charge me of telling you that if it suits you, he is waiting for you in the same place to talk about it."

I was there and completely paralyzed. It was the first time, I saw anything like that. They are completely obliterated. This thing is like a small version of a nuclear weapon. It ruin everything in its path. Cold sweat was running down my back. I wanted to ask him a few questions, but I couldn't find my voice. At the end of the day, we were already alone.


said Ali,

"I think we have to leave."

It is by hearing his voice that we awoke from our stupor.

"I don't think i understand what just happened"

Says Phil.

"Me neither, I say."

We did not linger any longer. A meeting that should elect a new leader has ended in bloodshed. But no what am I saying. There was not a drop of blood. I would say preferably in ash.

H international.

I was reading some papers when I got the message from Red.

Everything was ok.

Now I have to go to the other phase of my plan. I'll have to talk to the general. Jamal entered my office.

Boss, I have everything you asked for."

Jamal shook his head. I'm really sorry for the people my boss decided to target. The guy called Benson wanted to buy 2% of the bar's shares but he didn't even bother to read what he was signing. Now all the money he had, they're on the name of one of my boss's businesses. All that interested him at the time was the fact that he had the same authority as the others. What a fool, if he was not dead I am sure that this news would have killed him.