
I agree! I think She must have a sexual relationship with the owner of Fenyu Entertainment or Marcel. Otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten the chance!"

"You people are crazy."

"I have decided not to follow her from now on! I'm so disappointed."

"Mind your language! She is not a slut!"

"None of your business! I think that she is a slut!"

"How dare you say that!"

Internet users were arguing fiercely on the Internet. Because The Concubine was still a popular topic.

When I see this things on the net, others probably didn't know the real reason, but I knew it clearly.

"I am curious to see who the hater that kept attacking her on the Internet was."

I said

"I bet that the person had to be, either the man that Marcel had annoyed, or Ethania enemy in the entertainment industry."

Answer Jamal

"No matter who it was, we could easily find out with your help. "


After all he was the general manager of Fenyu Entertainment.

She was one of our artists in the filming. A sex scandal involving a director and one of our artists. I don't even have to finish reading the article to understand what this means. I suppose someone is trying to tarnish the reputation of this artist to try to block the release of the film.

"Jamal I think you can handle this kind of thing."

"Yes, but what action should I take."

" Well total destruction I don't want to see this person appear in this industry anymore. Take this opportunity to warn others who will try to do like this person."

"OK I understand."

The comments on the net ignited about this scandal. The tour must have been interrupted for a while. I received a call from Marcel asking me what he should do.

"Give me until tomorrow morning to settle this case I already warned the PR department and they will have all the necessary evidence. Tonight you just have to rest."

" OK thanks a lot. You're welcome."

K entertainment.

Two people were talking in an office.

"But you told me you had to withdraw your investment, so can you tell me what's going on. How is it that they ended up with production?"

"Well I assure you that we did it."

" If I hadn't created this scandal you can imagine what would happen?"

"According to my information it is a small company which financed their project. So they can't do anything against us. We are one of the best agencies so you don't have to worry. Anyway Isabel at this moment you are the artist that everyone wants."

" I know, take care of these people anyway. They dared not choose me in their film who does he think he is?."

Isabel is everyone's darling, in front of the camera she is like a lotus but what we do not know is the means she uses to obtain her resources. A young and beautiful 25 year old girl and she knows how to use these two assets. Her career has been magnificent so far and she has won many awards. But today because of her selfishness, she has put herself in beautiful sheets without knowing it.

Its end will be truly miserable.

" Jamal, says to the others that I pay them widely enough so that they no longer come to annoy me with this kind of problem. They have enough technicians with them."

"Yes I already warned them and passes the order that you gave me."

30th floor, H International, Kenny's office.

Kenny was a brilliant 28 year old man Alexander met him and gave him a chance. He was already in this kind of position but the company he worked for because of bad management went bankrupt. He was there with his assistant and was studying what strategy they were going to use to solve this problem.

"Mr James the president sent a message. He said total destruction. And don't enoy him with this kind of thing."

He shook his head and said

" I suppose he was going to use this incident to warn the others. And the poor girl will be used for that."

Assistant Tanie was recruited by him. It is not the first time that they work together since she already joined him in her first job and she knows very well how things work in this kind of industry.

It's the jungle.


She says in a sympathetic tone.

Indeed, although Ethania was being criticised now, more and more people got to know her name. Once her name was cleared, she would be famous within a short time. All they needed to do now was to clear her name.

Since I allowed the post to go viral on the Internet, I was confident that I could handle it well.

In the same time he receive a message from a technician.

Lucius: Boss, this Miss gossip is very interesting. I've sent you an email. Go check it now!

Lucius is a hacker sent by the boss for us. This kind of thing happen often so he sent him for our use.

I immediately opened the email.

Miss gossip turned out to be an actress named Isabel Lan who worked for K Entertainment. And there were many amorous pictures in her computer. Without a doubt, it was hee who posted the article on the Internet.

I instantly figured out that she didn't get along with Ethanis so, she deliberately attacked her once she got the chance to be the leading actress in Marcel new film.

" Sent the evidence to the PR department and told them to post it on the official Weibo account. Tell them to wait until tomorrow."

I didn't worry that it would cause a sensation, because I was confident to solve it in the end.

When Tanie saw those amorous pictures, she was very flushed.

Afterwards, she acted.