
It's have been one month since the school began. We were at the same place in the cafeteria with Alex and the other. We were discussing about our vacation. Alexa was with Anabel they had gotten food for us. They were all our favourites : sausages, eggs, with pancakes.

"Oh man, Alexa,"

Gushed Alex, digging in,

"You're the best!!"

Alexa watched him eat with gusto. A while later, she felt her phone vibrate and took out her phone from her pocket. Placing her thumbprint on it, she frowned slightly before showing me the screen. I nodded, and finished up the last piece of pancake.

" Brother she will take advantage of this incident, I am sure."

Say Alexa in my mind.

"And your brother will be here waiting for her."

This was Alex voice.

Just as we headed out the cafeteria doors, the place became noisier than usual. There were multiple sounds of notifications going all over the place, and people were busy looking at their hand phones. Soon, heads were turning and looking about, some even pointing towards the door while saying something.

"What's going on?"

Finn wondered out loud.

Anabel eyes were also glued to her phone, her hand on her mouth. Everyone looked at her, and her hands started trembling as she said in a shaking and excited voice

"The school forum exploded."

"Exploded? What do you mean?"

Alex asked, even though she already knew the answer. She took the phone from Anabel, then her fingers were seen going up and down the screen. She pursed her lips.

"Alexander isn't going to like this."

*It's started*

Alex said to me.

*And what horrible photoshop skills. Still, it is convincing enough, I suppose*

Answer Alexa.

My icy laughter echoed in their mind as I answered.

*Bring it on. This is going to be fun*

Jamie took the phone, and Mu Chen leaned over to look as Jamie scrolled down the post. There was a post, with some pictures of a guy and girl together, in rather ... compromising positions. It wasn't too explicit as they were still fully clothed, but it was obvious that the couple were engaged in some rather passionate moments.

There were captions such as secret love affair. #Not so innocent#.


Mu Chen grumbled

" The principal is not here. He is at a convention. So the vice principal is in charge and everyone know that she doesn't like us. So I suppose she isn't going to like this."

Although the pictures didn't have the faces of the couple shown clearly, there was no doubt in their minds who the guy was. If there had only been one picture, it may have been difficult but with Six ... One had the guy in his School uniform on, one showed his side profile that indicated a sharp jawline and distinctive hairstyle, one had him in basketball uniform, one had his face partially covered by the girl's back but his icy blue eyes was seen clearly and the last one had him walking with his head turned but his Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch was clearly seen on the wrist.

It was Alexander.

Why everyone think it's was him, simple.

The hairstyle. Alexander hairstyle is different from his brother. It's something about our taste. So even if we are alike. But our taste in many thing is different.

The girl was unrecognisable, but she had quite a distinctive bag with her in each picture. Thus, it meant it was the same girl. The bag was very familiar, too. It took some time for people to figure it out, but some were already suspected something.

Sara, in the meantime, had been in the cafeteria when all the hoo-ha started. She waited for nearly 15 minutes before trying to 'sneak' away. At first, people didn't bother paying her any attention but when they saw her hunching forward and trying to hide a bag under her arm ... they stopped and looked closer. It was THE BAG!

Sara 'hurriedly' ran away in 'fear'.

Back in the classroom, I was busy scrolling through the forum on my phone. I appeared unfazed as the comments became more and more outrages. Some called him a pervert, a wolf in disguise. You name it, he got it.

Yet, there were some who vehemently defended him, saying that it was normal. Some were also lamenting at him being taken.

One thing was for sure, though. Not a single post was kind towards the girl. Apparently, she had 'stolen' the prince that was public property. He was supposed to be enjoyed by all at a distance and not be monopolized by only one. I stopped at the latest post that came up. This was the one that he had been waiting for.

The post that 'identified' the mysterious girl.

Sara Williams.

No need to guess who was the genius poster that identified her.

"It's Anabel"

Alexa confirmed, reporting to me what ASH had dug out.

The poster, Gossip Queen aka Anabel, had posted a picture of Sara with that bag, leaving the cafeteria and how she was trying to hide it from everyone. As a result, when Sara entered her classroom, she found people's eyes staring at her. On the outside, it looked like she was scared and nervous but on the inside, she was smirking and reveling in the attention. Even if the attention wasn't exactly positive. She walked in slowly, giving furtive glances towards me. I saw it all. How can't I?