Badass mother

"So you are telling me, that these five blurry pictures of a couple is my son and this girl? That somehow, despite the fact that the faces have not been captured, it is undeniably him? On what basis did you come to this conclusion? Even the poster himself did not name Xander. So basically, you've concluded that these images are pictures of my son, based entirely on accusations of the people posting."

She leaned forward and asked seriously,

"Tell me, Vice principal Collins. Are you blind, or just demented?" 

When my mother released her last sentence I really wanted to laugh out loud. That's why I'm afraid of her. I assure you that you will not win in a verbal discussion with her. The room was silent and Collins mouth opened and shut like a fish.

"How dare you!"

She finally spluttered after gathering her wits, and I put up a hand to silence her.

And said,

"I dare. Why shouldn't I dare? Unlike you, I have ample evidence to suggest that you're most likely demented,"

I began, as I then put up my forefinger,

"One. You have already concluded that the person in the pictures is my son even though the face was never shown."

"Two. The post was made at 7:00 am, became viral in one hour, and without even finding out the truth of the matter, you called me at 8:30am stating that Xander had committed an unpardonable crime."

"Three. He is the victim here, as the one who was defamed. Yet instead of defending him, you are prosecuting him."

"Four. The pictures clearly indicated events happened prior to entering this school.

"Five. It is quite clear that the school forum was used to spread malicious rumours, but instead of taking it down immediately to lessen the impact, you left it up.

"And finally. This post have attracted the attention of the media. Since you failed to take down the post in time, the School name is being brought down to the mud. Not because of the said person in the post, but by your own lack of good sense and mismanagement."

"So tell me, do your actions not point to the fact that you're a fool? Oh wait. No. That's wrong, my mistake. It should be retarded."

"Boom, my mother take the ball take a step backward and mark. Three point shoot."

When I said that everyone, looked at me including my mother. But unlike the others, she had a small smile on her lips.


I said. But everyone can see that I was not that so sorry.

She could not retort at that. Her mind was in a mess. It was true. She had been so incensed that, before she could gather more information, she had immediately called up Alexander parents. She hadn't called Sara parents. She was a victim. I refused to believe that he wasn't the one in the picture, but I had nothing in my hands right now to refute and argue with Mrs Delatour.

In the end, I have to retreated. There was no point continuing the fight. There is not enough evidence. I will gather them and then shoot that smug look off their faces. I was in the same class and same school as this woman who today has become Mrs Delatour. This title must have belonged to me. I got to know Gabriel before her, we were friends. But as soon as she appeared, he only thought of her. My family wasn't as good as her but so what. What does she have and I don't have. I am as beautiful and brilliant as she is. But he had to choose her. I can't destroy her now, so I'm going to drag the future heir in the mud. I will take advantage of the principal's absence since he is their friend to put my plan into action.

With that thought in mind, I stood up, straightened my clothes.

"The matters you have stated are being dealt with as we speak,"

I lied, keeping a straight face and mentally checking the list that needed to be done.

"I did not want to delay the matter and have things get worse. Believe me, I will get to the bottom of this and the culprits will be punished. Expulsion at the very least."

I got up, and look down at her and said,

"I can't believe you would waste my time over something as unsubstantiated like this. I hope there will not be a next time."

My mother didn't even take the trouble to be reposed because she was headed for the door. Without further ado I followed her and Sara too.Throughout the entire thing, she was squirming in her seat and could do nothing but simply look aggrieved. As they all walked out of Collins office, Atalea turned to Sara and said.

"If you ever do something like that again i assure you that i will make sure to destroy you miserably."

I was truly surprised and, even I felt a cold sweat on my back when my mother spoke. It has always been said that I spoke in a voice of extreme coldness but I assure you that I saw the antartic in the voice of my mother. But, what still surprised me the most is that Sara has always kept the same expression of pity.

"Madam I don't know what you are talking about I am also a victim in this story."