Valentine's day

Everyone who had prepared their gifts were looking at them with excitement - and also, a little bit of nervousness. Fear, even.

Jamie held a box tenderly in his hands, and placed it into a small paper bag. He hadn't wrapped it up as he felt the paper bag was better.

He could not wait to see her reaction.

Would she like it? Would she accept it? She had say that, so long as the guy was nice, she would not hesitate to try going out with him, right?

What if she doesn't like it?

Worse. What if she doesn't want to try dating as she just wants to remain friends?

Worst. What if she doesn't like me at all and was only being a nice girl?

"What a drag"



Alexa and Anabel had their chocolate coated nuts placed in small boxes that they had made themselves.

All in all, I was happy with the outcome. They decided on roasted cashew nuts as it tasted the best amongst the testers the other day.

This would be the first time that would be distributing friendship chocolate and I was rather excited about it.

But what excites me even more is the gift that Jamie decided to give me. I do not know what it is because Alexander did not want to tell me anything more despite the fact that I used all the threats I kept in my arsenal.



Perhaps I was the only one whose nervousness wasn't really attributed to the distribution of the chocolate.

I like Alex but I know that, the only thing that was in my path was myself. That, and the fact that I was sure he felt nothing for me. He was fond, but it never went beyond that.

Why should I confess if it would only result in being rejected?


"Do I have to get up?"

I mumbled under the blanket

"I want to stay in bed until this day is over."

"Yes "

Mu Chen was saying, hovering over my bed and trying vainly to pull the blanket off me

"You cannot do that! First, you're the President who has to oversee everything today! Secondly,"

He carried on as he kept on tugging on the blanket,

"Most likely half of the school wants to give you gifts today."

" Your arguments suck and aren't compelling at all."

For some insane reason, I was really reluctant to face the day.

But I couldn't help it.

When the thought of all those girls just coming up at me, non-stop, trying to have my attention. To have to listen to God-knows how many confessions, I shuddered.

"Is he refusing to go?"

Came the all to familiar voice of Alex in the room.

Mu chen, who was at the doorway, stepped aside and gestured towards my bed with both hands

"What do you think?"

Alex couldn't help but laugh out loud at the bundle on the bed. The normally cool, self-assured and fearless Leader was reduced to .... this.

"It is not that I am afraid. But I don't know, there is something inside me that refuses to face this day where everyone drips in love"

I show them an expression of disgust and say.

"Even my stoïc father became a love struck during this day".

When they heard me say that they all laughed.

I finished preparing then I went out to check that everything is fine. It was the moment that everyone had been looking forward to ever since it was announced. I have arranged the event so that classes can continue as usual.

It certainly was much easier to give the gifts during the designated times. Classes were also not disrupted, so the teachers were in a much better mood - and in turn, homework wasn't given for the day so that they could enjoy the event without worry.



Everyone was helping in the distribution of friendship gifts and chocolate when Just before time was up, I whispered to Alexa,

"Let's leave early. The crowd has already thinned down, so there's no need for so many people here."


She said with a smile.

"Come on, there's a place I want to show you,"

I said.


She replied with another cute smile.

I grabbed my backpack and Alexa followed me.

I brought her to a spot that was away from prying eyes, but still out in the open. After what had happened I don't want her to misunderstanding me.

"This is the place you wanted to show me?"

She asked curiously, looking around.

"What was so special about this place?"

"Er, nothing I just want to be with you only for a moment,"

I admitted.

"What for?

I reached behind me and took out the paper bag that had the gift in it from my backpack, and handed it to her and said,

"Happy Valentine's Day. This is for you. I hope you like it."

Because of my brother, I already knew that he wanted to offer me something, but that's what comes after I didn't expect it.

"I like you,"

"I.. I..."

"No, listen to me. I know you don't want to this for the moment but all I ask, is to give me a chance. To give us a chance."

I take some time. but I saw she still didn't say anything so I continue.

" I want us to grow up together. I knows very well that you do not have any affection for me now, but I swear to you that I will make all my effort to be part of your heart. All I ask of you in return is to give us a chance."