Grace toughs(2)

This is my real passion. After Phoenix, no one can really compete with us. My half-Cynthia tries by all means to block my way in your senses. If she knew I didn't care, I would love to see her face. I wonder why she hates me like this. After all my father still has ideas about me, and if he knows I'm a billionaire, he'll use whatever means necessary to get me. Ah rich families and their intricacies, what a hassle. I heaved a big sigh.

"What is going on?"

Towel in hand, hair dripping, Adam entered the room, saw a chair near the fireplace. He frowned at my dreamy air.

"What happened between this man and you?"

Amazed by his almost severe tone, I shook my head.

" But ... nothing. His fate worries me that's all. Even though I know he is very intelligent after all, there was a time when he helped us."

" Listen Grace, it's true, whatever you say but you better take care of your business. Besides, your situation is no better than him. In addition, you know nothing about this person."

" Adam .... "

"Okay, he's your benefactor, and then, he's a businessman, he's an opportunist, if he hadn't seen your mother's potential he wouldn't have done anything."

" Well imagine that, I am one too and yet I did not act like that."

" Well,your business will flow soon in this case."

"It would have already been the case since time. Now it is on the same level as H International and Delatour industry. She's a giant in City B."

" Very well, I'm wrong and you're right, I shut up."

" Sigh, don't worry I won't risk falling in love with him if that's what worries you. Anyway, he doesn't live too far from here, if you ever walk past his house, you could say hello."

Adam rolled his eyes.

"You start again with your dripping goodness."

" What? Maybe one day you might want to do a long walk in this direction."

" And then what else, climb a mountain, descend to the bottom of a ravine, all that to visit one of your proteges who has a vague soul. I repeat my advice to you once again, do not cling to him."

Taken aback by his intonation very serious , I stared straight into the eyes. And it supports my look without flinching.


dI ask quietly.

"Because I have a feeling that he can make you unhappy. You just met him and you're already in love."

" In love, it's ridiculous. I hardly know him. I only think ..."

Adam ruffled my hair.

" I know. Your big heart cannot bear that someone around you is unhappy. A little loneliness never hurt anyone. He may need it now. Wasn't it you who made a point of moving me to settle here after this incident."

I smile at him tenderly.

" The two situations are not comparable. You hated your life before. You wanted to put a little distance between you and your friends who were a little too mundane, too rich and also between you and your family. Your decision was a strategic withdrawal."

After my little tirade, I stared at my cousin with a defiant look or shone a secret jubilation. Adam watched me for a moment and, turning his head back, left a joyful burst of laughter. I made a face at him. Why was he laughing? To mock? There is really nothing.

"I can perfectly imagine the picture,"

Finally said Adam, when he regained his composure.

"You know the battle between David and Goliath, whose conqueror was not what we thought. Everyone knows what happened to the giant."

" He received a blow on the head ... This is what will happen to you if you do not stop your inappropriate innuendos."

"Take out the cards,"

Adam ordered, brewing two large cups of black coffee.

" You owe me a revenge, since it was you who won the last time."

Later when Adam was deeply asleep, I thought back to what he had said, to the concern that he was having on the idea that I could become attached to Alexander. There is no risk that I engage with him.

Although ... no, it's impossible. I tried to fall asleep but without success. Outside, a nice huhula. Her cry sounded sad and lonely in the night. I would love to know what Alexander is doing right now. It was my last thought before I finally fell asleep.


In the capital, somewhere in a villa.

"Do you know where he went to take his rest?"

A man in the 30s was asking the question. His name was Phil Delatour, Gabriel's brother. He was talking to another man about the same age. He was dressed in black.

"Not yet, but after this accident it will take an longer time to recover. This is the first time this has happened to me. It must be said that your target is very difficult to eliminate."

"Ah yes, why do you think I have called on to you."

"Well, I'm the best."

He got up,

" I have to go back to the headquarters, there will be a meeting soon, while waiting I will take the opportunity to check where he is hiding. At the end of the month you will have your results, and prepare the other half of the money. As soon as I finish, I'll let you know."