Airplane Wings

Someday you'll fly with airplane's wings

Airplane wings will take you far

Away from the past that gave you scars

Freefall from the sky if you die

But pull that parachute if you want to survive

Struggling road with your car

You wonder if you will still go far

Oh, wait! Your car's not for race

A lot of gasoline problems you need to face

If I were you, just ride a bike; pace

Gear problems, of course, is on your way

But you can run both; Not fast but with grace

Oh! Don't forget the passengers

It won't be a fun ride even with strangers

Someone will say "Lets's go, stroll!"

And someone will "Enjoy being left behind as I roll"

Someday you'll travel far with its wheels and wings

With polaroid memories, you will bring

Gonna look outside the window as you say

"Thank you for everything!"

Captured many polaroid smiley faces

Its wings await! A bad or good flying

Beautiful views or stinky places

You deserve a safe happy flight

With sun, moon and stars and its light

Wish you happy trip as its wings continue flying

Now skies you've reached

And driver's license you wished

Airplane wings you will ride,

May also have a delayed flight

Skies await! So it's worth the wait

Don't let it crash down

But let it land you on a better ground